Forged By Fire, originally a Vilya raiding kinship has returned for the Legendary Server.
We are currently recruiting all classes and will be doing all content on level as the servers progress.
We will NOT be running farming or focusing at all on essence gear, but instead gearing with crafted and raid gear.
The Game is easy enough as it is!

If you'd like to learn more ask for an FBF officer.

Raid Times: 10 PM EST
Our primary focus is raiding but we are a close group and you can find a kin group to do about anything from deeds to questions on leveling and gear.
FBF enjoys on level content with kin mates well versed in their class or at least those with an open mind to learn fellowship skills.

We do not in any form condone or promote exploiting, we do enjoy challenging content that requires a diverse group.

See ya in game..