The Guardians of the Forsaken Woods (GFW) are recruiting! We are a rank 10 kinship on the Arkenstone Server, recently transferred from Meneldor. We are looking for players that are friendly, and that are level 1-100! We are an elf themed kin, but accept all races and classes. Our kin house is located in Sirith-e-Thil. We are a social kin and enjoy questing and grouping, and some of us enjoy PvP and play creep and freeps. our officers are Rimenuir, Silimaethuil, and Eribald. If you have any questions, contact us in game or contact myself on the forums.
Thank you
Rimenuir, r7 hunter, officer of Guardians of the Forsaken Woods
Fidough, r9 warg, Grunt of In Breeds