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  1. #76
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Its a shame to see sucha productive thread and idea fall by the wayside..

    Its very true that VIP at endgame is essentially useless. I will try the legendary server but i cant imagine it holding my attention.

    On a side note: I have been opening hobbit presents as a VIP since they were implemented in 2013..i have never gotten any mithril coins or anything of the like. My one perfect crafting scroll finally came in use during NS. But this whole process is more tedious to me than anything as it just takes up space.

    I also noticed that the only dev response immediately jumped to the tightest reward that was barely mentioned..cosmetics for 1 month VIP..lol Red Panda is new here isnt he? I am one of the biggest advocates for in game cosmetics too. But, there is barely anything interesting anymore. I saw somebody post that they couldnt think of 12 cosmetics they might even want. Its tired and lazy, constantly recycled designs..each update only offering maybe 6+ new designs. It doesnt take long for an end game player to quickly accumulate nearly every possible combination of cosmetic gear. So..no, we dont want cosmetics.

    Anyway, its been a long time coming. Im sick of seeing the player base get constantly ignored. The feeling is stronger everyday that my VIP is worthless. sad panda

  2. #77
    SSG_RedPanda's Avatar
    SSG_RedPanda is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Team
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knight.Arkenstone View Post

    I was just wondering if any further progress has been made following this thread?

    I know hobbit presents have been adjusted slightly (different mathom hunters armour), but for the most part feel exactly the same.
    I'm aware that Legendary Server is due to be released, but this is not something that will interest every subscriber. A lot of us like to play the latest content.
    We are still working on the feedback from this thread. Thanks for following up!

  3. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by SSG_RedPanda View Post
    We are still working on the feedback from this thread. Thanks for following up!
    Give it time and do it well. Not everyone has even probably had the opportunity to see this thread and come with suggestions yet. I just noticed it and on my way out to go see my old mom whos fallen and broke her hip friday.

    Better to do it slowly and come out with a good subscription reward system than rush it out and no one will end up being really happy. Got to run now, I'll be back when opportunity gives some time to think and suggest.

  4. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by SSG_RedPanda View Post
    We are still working on the feedback from this thread. Thanks for following up!
    Great to hear!
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  5. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by SSG_RedPanda View Post
    We are still working on the feedback from this thread. Thanks for following up!
    Would be awesome to see VIP benefits updated, I think it is long overdue. I read a lot of great suggestions in this thread that are very appealing for re-subbing. So Ill leave it at that.

  6. #81
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    Oct 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by SSG_RedPanda View Post
    We are still working on the feedback from this thread. Thanks for following up!
    No blue reaction since May and you only respond now because you've been asked directly.

    ~6 months time and all you can provide is a pointless saving-face gesture of "We are still working on it"?

    SSG is a meme at this point, but rather intriguing how you managed to come up with and release a legendary server in weeks.

  7. #82
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    These are some of the things I'd like to find in my Hobbit Gifts:

    • Unlike some others I would love to find some Tools but they could be of different qualities.
    • Apart from Landscape Soldier Tokens, perhaps some Cosmetics for the Skirmish Soldiers could be fun.
    • Legendary Item Scrolls and enhancements, incl. Crystals appropriate to the level of the player.
    • Stone of the Tortois has been mentioned before.
    • Rare Recipe cases appropriate to the crafting skills and levels known by the character.
    • Crafting Shards appropriate to the crafting skills and levels known by the character.
    • Slayer Deed accelerators
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  8. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hyruule View Post
    No blue reaction since May and you only respond now because you've been asked directly.

    ~6 months time and all you can provide is a pointless saving-face gesture of "We are still working on it"?

    SSG is a meme at this point, but rather intriguing how you managed to come up with and release a legendary server in weeks.
    You might consider that you (or even we) are not privy to many long-held plans by SSG. It's been proven tough to temper expectations when they come out and say "long-term we'd like to do A, B and maybe even C." If they only get one of those, folks still feel cheated or "lied to" when in fact no commitment was made, only a sharing of some wishlist.

    I would bet the Legendary Server has been percolating for more than you imply.
    Firgrim of Landroval

    Formerly Rampage522...new name, same management.

  9. #84
    webrender's Avatar
    webrender is offline Wondering & only a little Lost
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    /signed. This would be great!
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  10. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firgrim View Post
    You might consider that you (or even we) are not privy to many long-held plans by SSG. It's been proven tough to temper expectations when they come out and say "long-term we'd like to do A, B and maybe even C." If they only get one of those, folks still feel cheated or "lied to" when in fact no commitment was made, only a sharing of some wishlist.

    I would bet the Legendary Server has been percolating for more than you imply.
    You mean temper as in "We will focus on class balance", part 2 hasn't even been announced yet, blue mini rework is somewhat botched - but they suddenly have the time + resources for a legendary server?

    No commitment sounds like SSG: U23 bugs still haven't been fixed almost 4 weeks into the new update, and now they have time + resources out of the blue for a whole new project?

    If you consider the current state of the game, the only blue response in here is an empty saving-face gesture, nothing more.

  11. #86
    maartena's Avatar
    maartena is offline The Wise
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    Since this thread is getting SSG eyes, i'll add some more things.... I already replied earlier, but here is an idea or two more....

    1) Reward VIP subscribers with a weekly loot box key. In order to make gearing a week bit easier, this would be an incredibly good incentive to have. Each week, say at the same time the weekly quests reset, VIP subscribers get 1 account bound Black Steel Key.

    2) Transfer discounts. If you have subscribed to VIP for at least 6 months continuously, you get a 50% discount on transfer tokens. Better yet, receive three free transfers per year after each full year of subscribing without interruptions.

    3) An exclusive VIP zone. This zone will have everything known to man that is needed in the game, including things not available to F2P: All crafting, All guilds, Vault, Auctioneer, Skirmish..... but then on top of that all task boards just like in the housing areas, all zone quartermasters to have one central location to trade in coins..... year-round festival NPC's so you can ALWAYS barter in your old festival coinage, even when the festival isn't running. Also an NPC to convert all old coinage you no longer need into marks and medallions. Additionally, the VIP zone will have a number of "portals" that will bring you to a number of locations without needing reputation for that zone, anything from 21st hall to Minas Tirith, to all 5 housing areas. Anyone remember the "Planes of Power" expansion in Everquest way in the day? It provided a central hub which everyone would gather. Obviously, EQ was always a subscription.... but for Lotro such a central zone could be a benefit.

    4) Exclusive VIP housing. A new housing zone.... where VIP players can buy a house. But only VIP players..... when your VIP lapses, your house will be "locked" until you resubscribe... (so that you don't have to redecorate when you don't subscribe on an auto-renewal). This can be done through the same writs for premium housing, but maybe slightly cheaper. Suggestion for a housing zone with be the woods of Lothlorien (tree houses, anyone?) or maybe Rohan.
    Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
    Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.

  12. #87
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    Jun 2011
    The first thing I would think about in terms of VIP benefits is what VIP should be.
    IMO VIP should be "all you need to play, with all convenience that is needed, everything above that is luxury or to compensate for your laziness". With the addition of the stipend to allow a small amount of luxury goods.

    In reality it is

    • all you need to play for half of the time (expansions excluded)
    • a convenience level that has been changed to full grind or store and is on the same level as doing this F2P
    • a stipend that is a drop in the ocean in comparison to what the store suggests people should buy for regular play
    • freep PvMP in a part of the game that is randomly rebalanced and not really developed (or even wanted by all players)
    • a few goodies that people may or may not require (landscape mail) that are not covered by one-time VIP

    In this list, not having expansions is IMO the most critical item. It means the most basic need of *playing* is not satisfied during expansion times.
    A subscription that does not satisfy the most basic need is meaningless. At that time dropping the sub, buying content and going premium is definitely the better deal.

    I would therefore suggest to add expansions to VIP in a limited way, as expansions sales to LTA seem to be a concern.
    One option would be to tie temporary expansion access to the 12 month sub, e.g. using an "expansion pass" that is offered as additional subscription (e.g. for LTA), but is included in the 12 month VIP package.
    This would also require to offer the special editions as addons, so VIPs can still top up their package.


    • potential loss of expansion sales to current VIPs (number unknown to us)
    • will probably kill permanent monthly subscriptions and make people change to the 12 month packages. This *could* have impact.
    • requires to release expansions regularly to keep people subscribing


    • VIP is all you need
    • the sub becomes a better deal in comparison to being premium with expansions

  13. #88
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    uhm yeah, I just opened my gold and standard silver not 5 minutes ago...and guess what....I got silver scraps from both....I mean silver scraps from silver gift is fine, but from gold?

  14. #89
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    The last four weeks of gold box presents:

    3 Max Morale and Power Scrolls
    1 Scroll of Finesse
    1 Silver Scraps
    5 shards

    Not really an inducement, if this is meant to keep people subscribing.

  15. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frace View Post
    The last four weeks of gold box presents:

    3 Max Morale and Power Scrolls
    1 Scroll of Finesse
    1 Silver Scraps
    5 shards

    Not really an inducement, if this is meant to keep people subscribing.
    I got 200 shards Thursday... on a lvl 119 character.

    Way upthread, I noted that any shard drops would have to be at least four digits, just to be worthwhile in comparison to shard costs for LI upgrades.
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  16. #91
    Echoweaver's Avatar
    Echoweaver is offline Meddler in the Affairs of Wizards
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    One thing that would cost SSG essentially nothing that would be a motivator for me to keep VIP would be unlimited rename tokens.

    Character names are a huge deal to me. I have a long history of naming characters and later feeling that the names are bad match for the way the character grew. I finally broke down and purchased rename tokens for all my LOTRO characters I feel have names that don't suit them. That's a lot of points.

    Rename tokens are pretty analogous to free cosmetics.

    I also sign for some lootbox keys. I am not a minimax player likely to purchase keys from the store, but bundling a few in as either gold Hobbit presents or some each month would add to the pro/con balance of keeping a VIP subscription.

    Thirdly, I'd love to see the XP bonus for characters swapped out for XP Supply items that I could shuffle to the characters I want to advance quicker vs. the ones I don't.
    Last edited by Echoweaver; Nov 09 2018 at 01:15 PM.
    Anor veteran on Landroval: Ardith and Wensleydale
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  17. #92
    Join Date
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    Something that would add value to VIP status would be making all barter items that are bound to self, be bound to account while VIP is active.

    I don't think that any new gifts given to VIPs should be available in the store or SSG ends up nerfing its own store income.

  18. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by NavarreBlood View Post
    Something that would add value to VIP status would be making all barter items that are bound to self, be bound to account while VIP is active.

    I don't think that any new gifts given to VIPs should be available in the store or SSG ends up nerfing its own store income.
    I like that idea.
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  19. #94
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    My suggestion is that subscribers earn 2X lotro points for deeds done.
    Been kicking around since 2008... Better days...:)

  20. #95
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    Star Trek Online used to give extra perks at Tiers that were based upon the number of days you were VIP up to 1000 days max. Lifetime got all the perks right away.
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  21. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by maartena View Post
    Since this thread is getting SSG eyes, i'll add some more things.... I already replied earlier, but here is an idea or two more....

    1) Reward VIP subscribers with a weekly loot box key. In order to make gearing a week bit easier, this would be an incredibly good incentive to have. Each week, say at the same time the weekly quests reset, VIP subscribers get 1 account bound Black Steel Key.

    I think this idea is a big winner. One key per some reasonable time interval would keep VIP's current on lockboxes and less tempted to filter them out completely. I know VIP's get 500 LP a month that we can buy a couple keys with if we want, but that flies in the face of loss avoidance. A key freely given will be used to open a loot box, thus allowing their contents to do their own advertising using Costco's best secret weapon - the free sample.
    Many things get all my nope.

  22. #97
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    Long thread. I haven't read all of it.

    Most discussion has been about Gold Hobbit Gifts. I agree that they've been an overall disappointment. It's not so much that there are a lot of #### rewards, but that, probably over 90% of the time, the once-a-week rewards are no different from the dailies. A couple years ago, my Gold presents on two VIP acounts over a four-week period were one Max Morale and seven Small Pile of Silver Scraps. (on those same four days, I also received Small Pile of Silver from most of the Silver presents).

    200MC sounds like it's a widely appreciated present. Thus, I think some 5- and 10-MC presents would be welcome candidates for replacing a few of the big disappointments on the Gold Gift wheel.

    Aside from Hobbit Gifts, though, there was a suggestion here that appealed to me: VIPs have a port to all the housing areas. In terms of the UI, I imagine that using the skill could bring up a panel similar to a Stable Master's Travel Destinations menu.

  23. #98
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    I've never gotten anything but junk from Hobbit Gift boxes, I know a few good items are in the lists, but I've never gotten one. I'm a founder who didn't buy a life time sub (kicks self), the reason this is important is I've been paying monthly for the better part of eleven years. I don't mind supporting SSG, but beyond that, when I go FTP there's almost no difference for me, other than Hobbit Gift Boxes. Over the course of a decade I've made enough points to buy/unlock, everything that can be.

    My point is this, the game has evolved, nearly every reward the hobbit gift boxes can give is worthless junk to me, and most players. The few items that could be of use never come up. New items need added, old ones removed, and the chances to get the few useful ones needs increased. The hobbit gift boxes need updated for them to remain a viable incentive for paying VIP subs. I haven't minded supporting SSG, but failure to update basic incentives like this makes be think SSG doesn't appreciate my continued support, and I should just go FTP.

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  24. #99
    cdq1958's Avatar
    cdq1958 is offline Hero Of the Small Folk 2013
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    Quote Originally Posted by eanamdar View Post
    I've never gotten anything but junk from Hobbit Gift boxes, I know a few good items are in the lists, but I've never gotten one. I'm a founder who didn't buy a life time sub (kicks self), the reason this is important is I've been paying monthly for the better part of eleven years. I don't mind supporting SSG, but beyond that, when I go FTP there's almost no difference for me, other than Hobbit Gift Boxes. Over the course of a decade I've made enough points to buy/unlock, everything that can be.

    My point is this, the game has evolved, nearly every reward the hobbit gift boxes can give is worthless junk to me, and most players. The few items that could be of use never come up. New items need added, old ones removed, and the chances to get the few useful ones needs increased. The hobbit gift boxes need updated for them to remain a viable incentive for paying VIP subs. I haven't minded supporting SSG, but failure to update basic incentives like this makes be think SSG doesn't appreciate my continued support, and I should just go FTP.
    Hmm, my experience is different. None of it that I get is 'junk'. It is all useful, to varying degrees. I have 'hit the jackpot', too; a fair number of times. ;P
    "No sadder words of tongue or pen are the words: 'Might have been'." -- John Greenleaf Whittier
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    Indeed, in a world and life full of change, the only constant is human nature (A is A, after all :P).
    We old vets need to keep in mind those who come after us.

  25. #100
    Can we eliminate shards from the presents completely? Shards seems to be about the only thing I get anymore and they aren't worth anything.

    I feel like the current set up is something like this....

    Shards 40% Chance
    Gold 30% Chance
    Mathom armor 20% chance
    Everything else 10% chance (mostly filled with worthless run speed boosts and potions)

    Are we close to getting these revamped?


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