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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Quality of Life Changes to beorning

    Hello, since the beorning Dev has been incredible lately i would like to make a thread about quality of life changes to the class (not trait tree discussion or buffs/nerfs) just plain small changes that can help the new and old beorns alike.

    So below will be my suggestions but be sure to share yours and coment what you think

    1st- make just one button to change between bear and men as if it was a toogle- reason: saves one keyslot and makes it easier to change forms and since there is already a shared cooldown between the 2 current skills nothing would change.

    2nd - instead of making it so that quickslot bar 1 changes with slot 2 why not make it so that when changing between bear and man you change the entire quickslot bar (like when you get into a warstead or click the little arrow on the corner of the action bar) - reason: that way we can have a less cluttered action bar since for example bear only skills would not need to be displayed while in man and vice versa (just like the current option this could be optional in the settings)

    3rd - make it so that you can interact with objects while in the +40% spd buff form - reason - altough what we wanted was an alternative to riding skill(see next suggestion) what we currently have is a spd similar to hunters and wardens and therefore there is no sense in us being the only ones that have to toggle it off to interact with things.

    4rd - make an alternative to riding for beorns that requires the riding skill and gives +62% spd buff but has the same induction as mount and toogles off when combat is initiated- reason - riding skill requirement makes it so that you cant just skip riding skill and save LP, the induction makes it so that it isnt better then a mount and the toogle off with combat makes it slightly worst then mounts since you dont get to keep it

    thats all, what do you think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by joaothehunter View Post

    1st- make just one button to change between bear and men as if it was a toogle- reason: saves one keyslot and makes it easier to change forms and since there is already a shared cooldown between the 2 current skills nothing would change.

    what do you think?

    At first, this was my inclination as well. But, I found that the only real hotkey I needed for skin change was "Man form." The bear form one I never use, because I, also, hot keyed Thrash. The whole point of the "stances" was to give you a more seamless transition (and a hit when you skinchange). What's very helpful is if you have a few extra buttons to hot key on your mouse/trackball. The only time I would ever use the bear form key would be prior to combat (and most of the time I don't even bother). You're going to start just about every fight in bear form now. Saving a keyslot is a valid issue, but bears don't have the full onslaught of keys such as warden or LM. Finding room for all those is not a picnic. Bears, not so bad at all.

    Of course, everyone has their own style, and set up. But, that's my position based on my play style.

    2nd - instead of making it so that quickslot bar 1 changes with slot 2 why not make it so that when changing between bear and man you change the entire quickslot bar (like when you get into a warstead or click the little arrow on the corner of the action bar) - reason: that way we can have a less cluttered action bar since for example bear only skills would not need to be displayed while in man and vice versa (just like the current option this could be optional in the settings)
    Again, I don't think the bear console is all that cluttered. And, while this isn't directly related to your comments, it is indirectly. There is an option in the Options bar, Quickslots that allows you to change the bar swap. The box is located at Beorning Shapeshift Bar Swap.
    Last edited by Casmond; Jan 05 2019 at 01:56 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by joaothehunter View Post
    Hello, since the beorning Dev has been incredible lately i would like to make a thread about quality of life changes to the class (not trait tree discussion or buffs/nerfs) just plain small changes that can help the new and old beorns alike.

    So below will be my suggestions but be sure to share yours and coment what you think

    1st- make just one button to change between bear and men as if it was a toogle- reason: saves one keyslot and makes it easier to change forms and since there is already a shared cooldown between the 2 current skills nothing would change.

    2nd - instead of making it so that quickslot bar 1 changes with slot 2 why not make it so that when changing between bear and man you change the entire quickslot bar (like when you get into a warstead or click the little arrow on the corner of the action bar) - reason: that way we can have a less cluttered action bar since for example bear only skills would not need to be displayed while in man and vice versa (just like the current option this could be optional in the settings)

    3rd - make it so that you can interact with objects while in the +40% spd buff form - reason - altough what we wanted was an alternative to riding skill(see next suggestion) what we currently have is a spd similar to hunters and wardens and therefore there is no sense in us being the only ones that have to toggle it off to interact with things.

    4rd - make an alternative to riding for beorns that requires the riding skill and gives +62% spd buff but has the same induction as mount and toogles off when combat is initiated- reason - riding skill requirement makes it so that you cant just skip riding skill and save LP, the induction makes it so that it isnt better then a mount and the toogle off with combat makes it slightly worst then mounts since you dont get to keep it

    thats all, what do you think?
    1. If this means Shape-Change goes back to being as smooth as it used to be (going bear->man at least), then I'm for it. Right now, it feels very clunky to change forms.
    2. I don't know if this is possible without creating lag. I don't know if you've tried before, but when you switch your quickslots between different presets, you get a big lagspike, sometimes up to 3-4 seconds in my experience. I'd prefer this doesn't happen.
    3. This is nice. I'd go one step further, and say let us interact with objects regardless of our form/stance.
    4. Agreed. If Wanderlust did this, I'd be fine with it. Alternatively, they can just make it so that Wanderlust is affected by the Apprentice/Journeyman Riding Traits. That way it would promote in-store purchases (and rather expensive ones at that), and still give us a way to replace mounts entirely on a Beorning.

    I'd also add a few other things:
    • Slash and Thrash share a cooldown. Not very often, but sometimes I find this to be a hindrance to my rotation. I know this is a bit nit-picky, but I figure it's worth mentioning.
    • Mark of Grimbeorn cannot be cast on targets that are behind you. It'd be nice if it was omnidirectional, like most other marks are (LM Air-Lore, Cappy Marks, etc). Also, an increase from 20m would be great, as often I find 20m can feel like a bit of a leash.
    • Rending Blow/Armour Crush are a Fast skill, not Immediate skill like most interrupts. Vicious Claws was made immediate, but it'd be nice if these were as well.
    • Trait for Vigilant Roar is very cluttered. Not a big issue at all, but I'm sure it can be confusing for new Beornings who don't know about recent changes and such.

    Thats all I can think of off the top of my head.

  4. Jan 06 2019, 06:12 PM



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