That Max Morale and Power scroll scales incredibly bad.
Moria was a great expansion, I had a splendid time.
Leaving Moria (though you never really do) and emerging into Lothlorien was an incredibly visceral experience.
I remember first enetering Moria, I had a hobbit ministrel, and long story short: I got lost a bunch of times, confused about the LI weapons and what they do (I realized now that the weapon I got was really weak and the upgrades it got wasn't helpful in my playstyle), killed by a bunch of goblins and killed them back, killed my first raid boss (Filikul), and when I came out of that cave after finishing the story quest, it was like being born again with new experience which I used to jump off when I went to the top of the tree house in Lotheren.
Overalll fun times
Contrary to popular opinion, I found Moria quite thrilling to explore and learn how to navigate around. Guess it woke up the cartographer in me...
I fell into a well
I spent ages in Moria. Really enjoyed the architecture and design. Especially memorable was visiting the bridge of Khazad-Dhum and looking over the edge. It is such an iconic location in the book and to go there was something really special. And yes, emerging into Lothlorien after such a long time underground - priceless.
"Have you been to Moria yet? Tell us about your experience!"
It was dark, It was Scary, And the Dwarves were quite Hairy.
“It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end… because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it’s only a passing thing… this shadow. Even darkness must pass.”
I went into Moria when it first came out... It was amazing--just as I imagined it!
I was so busy enjoying the scenery, though, that I fell off a lot of cliffs.
It took my eyes some time to get used to the light in Lothlorien afterwards though.
My dwarf Jimi is excited to explore Moria on Anor in a few months!
Jimi Thornshield, Dwarf Guardian
Mithril League kinship on Anor.
Follow Jimi's adventures on Twitter! @JThornshield
Not a fan of Moria and don't plan on going back. Long, dark, and lots of confusing running around. Wait, how is it that much different? Oh, that's right, lots of falling.
I still don't know the correct way to travel through the Foundations of Stone.
I fallen and I can't get up.
Loved moria, prob best expac ever and loved how the instances/raids flowed with the exploration and leveling.
Not yet, but I'm hoping to get my herd of alts there soon. I like to keep them all in the same level range.
Have done Moria on multiple characters, some before the revamp and some after.
I remember being in love with the architecture and lighting when I first went in - there were a lot of people complaining about it being too dark and confusing, but I found it to be just right, if we remember the books even Gandalf had difficulty finding his way through Moria.
I do remember being somewhat disappointed when I took my first character through after the revamp and it was a whole lot brighter, the ambience of the glowing crystals was completely lost with the much brighter lighting, but now that I'm used to the changes I still find myself stopping to just appreciate the scale of the whole design and the marvellous detail that is there to be seen if you take the time to look.
The 21st Hall is still my go to destination for when I craft
However, because of what I learned in later play in the game, I sometimes find it sad when I am playing a lower level alt and running through it again.
Been to Moria pre-revamp. I think post-revamp Moria just flowed so much better, in terms of gameplay.
i hated it on that first playthrough, mostly because i kept getting lost. you learn to appreciate the great designs on later runs though.
I came to Moria because of Bingo Boffin, who unintentionally walked right into a hole and fell into a river. I feel like he missed his home, just like I did. Then, in Moria, the dwarf and I found him on the side of some lake, but the poor hobbit had no memory of the adventure whatsoever. Therefore, I helped him by recovering pieces of his story which had gotten lost. Then, we made it to the broken last bridge, which we passed by going around the wide valley. And then, we made it to the Dimrill Dale, but that's another story.
I was totally awestruck in the massive and immersive wonder that is Moria!
Moved from Nimrodel to Arkenstone!Do unto others as you would have others do unto you! Pew-Pew-Pew!
Kinship member of Arnor's Legacy
My first Moria excursion. I found it dark and spooky, and easy to fall off cliffs to my death. Altogether very appropriate to the books!
I managed to put off entering Moria until after it had gotten it's upgrade and had the goats added. As it was I made it about half-way through and then said to heck with it and stopped playing for a bit.
Ended up going VIP again so I jumped ahead to Lothlórien and Enedwaith and didn't go back to finish Moria until I was in my 70's. As amazing and neat as it was I don't count Moria as one of my fun experiences.
Of course. I know it like the back of my hand. Except for anywhere where it drops off suddenly.
What ever happened to the "Blind Leaper" title, anyway?