is a PvE progression-oriented kinship on Arkenstone
We are looking forward to the upcoming raid, Anvil of Winterstith.
Who we want: dedicated players who can
commit to progression raiding.
Our goal is to aim for server/world first(s) in the new raid, and are looking to recruit like-minded players with similar ambitions.
Captain (Red/Tank)
*All exceptional players are encouraged to contact us regardless of current needs. Our members are very flexible with many alt classes/specs.*
Extensive experience on your class and thorough knowledge of class mechanics.
Headset with working microphone and Discord. (Communication is very important to us; inability to speak will be a problem.)
Previous experience in T2C Progression raiding OR high-level raiding experience in other games. (NiM Swtor, M/H WoW, etc.)
Capable of affording enough time as needed for raid progression (Bullroarer/Live). Remember, you must share the same goal the other members do: server/world first in new content.
Solid connection/PC ($50,000 super computer w/ 1GB/s connection not required. Just don't be crashing during every pull and resetting your router in between every boss).
Our raid team is a mix of players from other successful raiding kinships in the past, most of whom possess Original Challenger titles in Ost Dunhoth, Tower of Orthanc, or Throne of the Dread Terror.
Majority of our members are from Europe. We are most active during the evening in the EU, which is morning/noon in the US.
Currently we raid at 12PM eastern (5PM UK). Time of raiding subject to change. Please keep in mind if you can't adapt or schedule enough time to commit, you won't meet our requirements. Sufficient notice will be given before-hand regarding time changes. Usually 1 week.
If you are interested in joining Limit or have any questions, you can speak to any of our Officers in game: