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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Healing Setup Help

    Can someone give some advice, or screenshots, of gear/setup for 120 beorning healing?

    Additionally a suggested rotation would be helpful considering the recent changes.

    Is nature's bond worth it now we can get high mits?

    Any help appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    at least 40% mits, max outgoing healing (that is 70%+10% from yellow line), as much crit as possible (take +5% crit in red line), at least 120k morale unbuffed for t3.

    And some finesse, I have around 60k I think.

    As armor I use 4 pieces from Abyss and 2 pieces (light armor) with +5% outgoing healing. For rings I have the ones with outg. healing and finesse with essence slot, +15k tact. mit. on bracelets (without essence slots), necklace with outgoing healing, gold item from TG with tact. mastery and some might-crit earrings with essence slot. Do not use -10% attack speed armor bonus, it will slow down you instead of speed up. (Well, that was during the beta, I didn´t test it on live, so someone can correct me if I am wrong here).

    Nature´s bond is still the same, or even better because now you can heal yourself with Relentless Maul: thus you can use it to powerheal the target if needed, if you combine it with aoe heals (70% of healing on you goes to the target). Just be sure that you don´t need much healing in that period.

    For rotation- I don´t have an explicit one. Healing is reactive and I usually heal the group only if needed. Well, the tank needs to be constatly healed.

    Here are some tips:

    Stay in melee if you can and keep up +15% outg. healing buff (from slash). This way you can use also +15% outgoing dmg on cd (armour crash). Keep t3 hot from ER on your tank.

    If nothing bad happens, then this would be simple rotation: slash->Nature´s Mend ->(Hearten if of cd)-> bash -> encouraging roar -> slash ...

    What is more important than the rotation is the understanding of the fight and its mechanics. This means you use your healing skills in reactive way instead of simple use on cd. E.g., by Isvitha, if the kick is coming, you can use RB immediately after kick to heal the whole raid in air and before the players are scattererd around battlefield. You can time your debuff skills in the way that the big attacks are weaker (well, our debuffs are weak, but still better than nothing).
    Ich bin kein Deutscher, sorry für Grammatik.
    English isn't my native language, sorry for mistakes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Cheers for the in depth reply! Super helpful!

    Just some clarification questions if that's okay?

    Where are the outgoing healing jewellry? The wiki hasn't updated yet and I'm unsure on the new barter vendors as where to find it. I assume it'll be in the light will based boxes?

    I think I was going wrong aiming for the heavy mit cap and planning on ranged tank healing via sacrifice/nature's bond. It might be something I play around with when I've got ample embers and items. The 25% damage reduction from the 60% damage rediction, 70% healing redirection might not be a bad mechanic to play with at some point. Would be great if the 25% dr stacked with mits.

    Rotation wise I'm doing that mostly, although switching in the cleanse for the juicy up to 30% heal crit chance alongside a big heal.

    So from your reply, correct me if I'm wrong, the plan is to:
    1. Cap outgoing healing
    2. Cap crit chance
    3. Get 60k finesse

    For 1, should I focus on capping tact mit, or go for pure outgoing healing via essences?

    I'm already sorted via morale and finesse with my current gear, will just need to maintain it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Cap for mits on beo lies by 60% and it would take way too many essences to reach it. Therefore reaching just something about 40% is enough. Remember, you are the healer here, not a tank. Therefore, you shouldn´t take regularly dmg, only if it is unavoidable.

    I think I don´t have a single essence with outgoing healing slotted, yet I am on a cap. The jewelry, which I am using, is from raid and can be bartered immediately on right side when entering Skarhald. There are two barterers - one for jewelry, one for weapons. Jewelry with outgoing healing and tact. mit which I mentioned earlier is will based.

    Remember here that as beo you can´t get such jewelry in raid because you get only might based stuff. Still, you can trade for it with other players.

    To do melee vs range: There might be situation where you need to stay ranged, it is easier this way, but beo is stronger in melee - better wrath generating + some additional veru useful buffs.

    Cleansing +30% crit chance is of course nice, but there needs to be something to clean and in Abyss there is nothing. With exception of some trashmobs and even there you can remove max 1 stack (thus "just" +10% crit chance on the next heal).
    Ich bin kein Deutscher, sorry für Grammatik.
    English isn't my native language, sorry for mistakes.



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