Êl sila erin lu e-govaned vin!
The Army of One thread{General} will be either locked/merged. I will stop in order to avoid spam. Ithil one will used only from now only.
I am back with new instances:
Legendary Ost Elendil
Beoring Friend was a supervisor only. {Glinghant}
Ost-Elendil ~
Great Barrow: Sambrog
Helchgam Solo Noldo Legendary Victory
As always, Without the use of the Essence{Nadhin} Gear. I never opened a lootbox either. Crafted Jewels/Raid/Crafted armour combination. Instance drop weapons/shield. You can see my exact build and virtues in Army of One thread.
Vanya Sulie,Randir.
Last edited by Vanyaerunanethiel; Dec 20 2018 at 03:47 AM.
The First Substantial compilation has been released. 74 Videos since Mid November approximately. The Playlist will be updated. I do have one more video when Limb was level 30+ within Fields of Fornost.
Enjoy ~
Legendary Noldo Ithil Edition Complete:
There are still dozens of videos yet to be uploaded,some of them are incomplete. My Hard Drive is almost always full. It would take weeks to re-organise and re-check every single video or Image. Hopefully I will be able to finish it until February 2019.
May thy path Ever Be Star-Lit Mellon.
You have been playing for: 3 weeks 1 day 14 hours 31 minutes 57 seconds / December 21,2018, 6:33 AM {GMT+1}
Defeated Thorog.
High Queen of the Noldor{Spirit of Fire} Vs Dragon of the North.
Thorog Down,Solo. After entire morning. I had to use everything I had on disposal. Unfortunately D3Dgear bugged out but I managed to take multiple screenshoots during Legendary clash. The only way to re-load the game. Twas not an option.
Legendary Dragon Wing Solo,everything including Drummers/Drugoth and Mighty Thorog.
Game-master can confirm it was a solo kill. Nobody was there. She was alone vs Darkness. No essence gear as usual. It was around 15:00 PM {My time}
Build below.
I was lucky. I have a video before recorded when I died and I managed to get him to around 34,000 Morale. I used Store Morale potions,bubble shield,damage buff,finesse scroll,Disperse Shadow and Rejuvination potions.
Me happy to finally the Ancient Nemesis of Eldar is no more.
Keep an eye for an eye{Shadow debuff}
I saved Cataclysmic shout for adds and slew them asap,sometimes one or two spirits will attempt to heal. My deaths before always came from Thorog launching me at sides and the damage you receive from passing spirits is huge even with high tactical mitigations,matters no more. The Ultimate Triumph.
Full Rift set for Thill of Danger CD works wonders.
Never give up. Use everything on disposal. Fight until there is nothing left.
Repeat 15 times if needed. I will take a break for approximately one month , Thank your kindly everyone. May thy path ever be Star-Lit
Vanya Sulie
Last edited by Vanyaerunanethiel; Dec 24 2018 at 09:50 AM.
Me taking a break? Unthinkable.
The Rift of Nûrz Ghâshu Legendary Zurm/Zogtark/Shadow Eater Destroyed Solo Noldo
The Barz Remastered will be included ,Much more smoother and faster as well.
Zurm &Adds under 10 minutes ~ {No Essence Gear}
Zogtark&Adds Around 7-8 Minutes. Twas a close one ~
Shadow-Eater/Stone-Bitter ~
No Tome of Defence/No Extra Hope/No Athelas/No Store potions/No Essence Armour ~ Solo Noldo.
The Archaic bug still exists. Shadow Eater goes in Anti-Exploit mode if I move few meters away. It should be fixed and several other Thaurlach bugs. Plus the use of Crossbow as my Primary Cosmetic melee weapon. It is odd to see your character slaying foes with a ranged weapon in melee mode Weapon indeed.
The gear setup used for Shadow Eater&Stone Bitter ~
I will never open any Loot-box nor use Essences, Ever. And nobody will convince me to use essences.
Any Blade,Any Jewel,Ranged weapon,cloak or tools ,Hope tokens or Battle lore, All of them crafted by "Myself" My Luminous Ladies are either Master or Grand-Masters in their profession. Sometimes you have to do absolutely everything by yourself but it works me, My Spirit burns as flame.
For Limbairedhiel was driven by the fire of her own heart only, working ever swiftly and alone; and she asked the aid and sought the counsel of none that dwelt in Aman, great or small, save only and for a little while of Alatriel the wise, her friend.
Last edited by Vanyaerunanethiel; Dec 25 2018 at 12:47 AM.
Return to The Rift of Nûrz Ghâshu Legendary Barz Remastered Solo Noldo ~
The Total fight lasted less than 11 minutes. The Recording started after troll keeper was vanquished.
Vanya Sulie,Randir.
One of the Fail Attempts at Dragon Thorog, Several hours later I went more aggressive and I was lucky I have not entangled with any of the Blue passing spirits. {See Pictures Above} You need a bit of luck. The Clashes are not based on your skill entirely, Tiny bit of RNG blessing is needed. You cannot counter Lag,Freeze or Abysmally low FPS Drop. Not a single fight is 100% Luck/Skill based Speaking of the skill of MMO genre is another subject. If we are about to compare skills in let us say Dark souls No damage runs or Epic LOTRO soloing process the difference is vast and nearly incomparable,Anyway ~
I managed to get him to 34,000 Morale,nevertheless I could not rest until he was dead..
I made two mistakes: The first one was the use of shield and sword, I had to switch to Two-Handed weapon since start and I should have dispatched the spirits faster, All of it was corrected in my successful run soon afterwards.
The Key is to go aggressive and hope you do not get kicked. No matter where you position yourself and no matter how hard you try to stay from edges you will be eventually kicked and if you land on edge in same moment as spirit is possibly game over Plus there is a lag on low HP as well. Details matter, Every single detail is important and you must think off everything.
There are three-Four reasons I will not accept Essence gear at level 50-100: The reasons are following:
1) The Essence gear was introduced in Summer of 2014 {Western Gondor} Having essence gear in Shadows of Angmar content is absurd and unreal.
2) The Essence gear will furthermore amp-up my character beyond Vala level of power with Full mitigations,High Critical Defence , super high HP and even formidable mastery rating which will make content walk in the park.
3) The Essence gear requires insane amount of grind in possibly same zone grinding thousands of foes all day long or alternatively hoping for some incredibly low RNG world drop chance or some soul willing you to trade/sell and 98% of players who obtained the essence gear will either use or sell it, if you want to buy it be prepare to burn hundreds of gold.
4) I will not subject myself to luck drops spending countless of hours, slaying and going up and down. It makes one dull.
Even if I had right now full Teal essence gear I would not use it all.
Bonus: I never was a fan of Essence gear and I believe it was a mistake, but it's a long tale or what if, would be ultimately waste of time.
Thank you for understanding.
Last edited by Vanyaerunanethiel; Dec 25 2018 at 01:57 AM.
For the Ithil community - this is the person that was talked about in world chat tonight who has been kicking people out of his raids that beat him on rolls to steal their gear.
It is not recommended that anyone try to do a pick up raid with him. I do hope the victims file tickets.
Would you kindly not post this on Arkenstone world chat? Thanks.
And keep making more alts to bypass ignores.
"Not all those who wander are lost....some are so stubborn that they always think they're going in the right direction."
"The 4th age is the store age" - Hetweith
Hey OP if you want to get over your 6 youtube subscriber hump, spamming this thread to the servers won't actually do it.
Here is what will do it:
1) reputation - you have an extremely poor in-game reputation right now. fix it. LOTRO in general does not generate many views on youtube or twitch but even of those your videos are way at the bottom of viewership. The massive part of this is your poor in-game reputation.
2) nonsensical and lore-breaking rp - your Rp and in-game obsession with high elf females borders on weaboo. This is turning more viewers away.
3) keyboard turning and ability clicking - take the time to learn how to play these games with hotkeys. if your hands can't reach many keys in a way you find comfortable, a simple 6 or 7 button mouse and the ctrl, alt, shift modifier keys will do it. yes, this is an actual thing that can affect viewership. Many viewers will see you dancing left and right for no actual reason or effect on the game-play, see you clicking every single ability and immediately bail. Your viewers have to actually watch the video for a certain amount of time before youtube will register it as a "view". it's ok to click a few abilities, but not everything. and your dancing left and right on boss fights that don't require re positioning just looks extremely silly - you can't dance around and avoid auto attacks even though so many people try. actually watch your own videos, you still take the damage.
4) quality over quantity - both you and Dalibor upload too often. yes, that is actually a thing for youtube. limit yourself to one video per day and make sure that video is of actual quality and something others would want to see. the LOTRO community is generally older, millennial catch phrases or click bait thumbnails won't have the impact they would with other games. This really boils down to you not knowing your potential audience and how you have pushed many of them away with your antics in game.
Last edited by Teyaha; Jan 04 2019 at 12:12 PM.
Follow me on Twitch,Created today.
The Army of One.
Vanya Sulie,Randir.
Udunion Solo with -3 Dread level. Barad Gularan full Clear once again.
Haudh Valandil challenge Solo complete Ithil edition.
The Army of One High Queen of the Noldor One vs All
Epic!? A modest word. Twas so intense! The Army of One in literal sense!
Fortress of Urugarth/Carn Dum/Barad Gularan compilation. Streamed on January 9th 2019 ~ Vanya Sulie, Randir
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKXWHldMTQ1X-kbZzE74X2g?view_as=subscriber ~ Fëanáro Curufinwë
For Limbairedhiel was driven by the fire of her own heart only, working ever swiftly and alone; and she asked the aid and sought the counsel of none that dwelt in Aman, great or small.save only and for a litle while of Alatriel the Wise her beloved friend.
Last edited by Vanyaerunanethiel; Jan 10 2019 at 04:20 AM.
High Queen vs Thorog Legendary Ithil Edition Solo Noldo
Second time she slew him. Now we have the complete edition indeed for mightiest of our foes has fallen.
Full Dragon Wing on level by High Queen of the Noldor without the use of Essence gear.
Vanya Sulie,Randir.
After the latest clash I decided to retire. I have been playing Lord of the Rings Online since the day one. Tis time to leave sword,shield and bow within the vault and rest. She will rule now from Cape of Belfalas. I will give you my Enormous Arkenstone&Ithil Guardian Solo Noldo Compilation of 2018/19
I was browsing through my YT history. I myself cannot believe how much I did In so little time.
I will not quit the game but It wont be intense as it was. I am done with soloing instances and nigh impossible pulls. My attention will turn to more peaceful features and games. You can expect videos ,but they will focus mostly on Epic book content,festival,housing,explo ration,deeds or eventually guides.
Ithil Edition November 2018 - January 2019 Limbairedhiel Lairien Luminous Lady of Gondolin. I will post the videos from oldest to newest ~
1) Bearer of Hope ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkZ-U2EcdXk
2) Rekindler of Light from Shadow ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHxPof9tZCA
3) Bogbereth Down ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcckCwhItXg&t=5s
4) Master of Maethad ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXTx6smiwxc
5) Shield Smasher ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zz8lxxWGWzo
6) Chieftain Udunhu ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeBMcp3OmiU
7) Completed Challenge Chieftain Gursh Legendary server ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsSmks68Bbo
8) Mordirith Duo Legendary Part I ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHEYIAlpgjA
9) Mordirith Duo Legendary server Part II ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkuRtQktE_k
10 ) Carn Dum Gatekeeper solo Legendary Server ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkLKB-aFruc
11) Thunder in the Mountains ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnkjUAVBfns
12) Hammered Down ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ip2_o7uL3TA
13) Gaunt Death-lord Destroyed ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8j1i80oHAY
14) Drake Matron Smasher ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpFkK42sYxU
15) Bane of the Titans ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Mb9XVRa7us
16) Wraith's End ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfCYpIj5Fto
17) End of the Iron Crown ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwTXqKU4xW8
18) Torahammas Smited ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LAef9IXwB8
19) The Juggernaut ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQal0SDEbBU
20) Hammered Down Part II ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpdQaHxJMaE
21) Facerolling within Himbar. ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZPejMY39gE
22) Terror down Legendary Kill Incredible duo Tier II ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWM1z4mU6eg
23) The Master of Imlad Balchorth ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AslsS7A-aM
24) Emissary of the White-hand Duo ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7hHC7MouaE
25) Durability level Silmaril ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffMXZNwzVEU
26) Limbairedhiel Lairien the Luminous Lady of Valinor Weapons and Armour Showcase ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXYOagOe_Gg ~
27) Strovaguns End ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1WhzntJVB4
28) The Shadow Eater 4 Man Brave Folk Vanquishing the Darkness ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgMMvRzXK1w
29) The Rift of NUrz Ghashu Narnubulat 4 man ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGtnif98L8c
30) The Flight of Drakes Legendary server Trio ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7MNQfK5MK8
31) The Rift of Nurz Ghashu Zogtark 4 man ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qhmj_eOuvg
32) Legendary Udunion Trio ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuRes5QH-9Y
33) The Bloodwing there and back again ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wDNeBmoA8c
34) The Destruction of Donnvail ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5CeYqzuwhI
35) Lord of the Western Marches ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciso4bIGcwI
36) Completed Saviour or Eriador Thorog Down Reclaimer of Mirdanant ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tINmAYFzotA
37) Brúllug Easy Mode ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EVvexF0EMA
38) Sulluith Ultra Rare Nemesis Within Nan Gurth Solo ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gfj1SLffN3Q
39) Limby Bane of the Balchorth How to deal with the Dead Indeed ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52V8opgPNoM
40) Time stands still at the Iron Hill With Limby vs Mightiest of the Giants ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2udGvrIRjA
41) The Fighter of Shadow Demonstration by Limbairedhiel Nolofinwiel Legendary ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqmijkqRp2g
42) Ultra Easy Mode ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Lkj8J4LqCU
43) Your mighty blow defeated the Bruigon Solo ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj1zoD03xTU
44) The Rift of Nûrz Ghâshu Guardian High Queen vs Terror Alone Part I ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPbvjbTCfD0
45) The Rift of Nûrz Ghâshu Guardian High Queen vs Terror Alone Part II ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGkjjUMAfUY
46) Your mighty blow defeated Barz Solo Legendary High Queen of the Noldor ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YT59sxZuBTA
47) Limby vs Terror of Gurthlin Part I ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omApmIDj-dU
48) Limby vs Terror of Gurthlin Part II~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obHzXg96JpQ
49) Ferndur Duo~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyTQj5KqbyE
50) Helegrod Spider Wing Solo Pull Fighter of Shadow High Queen ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=094FQ3ecKoM
51) Limby versus Ancient foes of the Eldar Helegrod Drake Wing solo Pull~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJG8UTH183M
52) Limby versus Ancient foes of the Eldar Helegrod Drake Wing solo Pull II ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JAjxKmctZ0
53) Limby Bane of Titans Helegrod Giant Wing Pull Part I~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Meshra6Y1eE
54) Limbairedhiel High Queen of the Noldor Greatest of all time 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAf0aVEpYvo
55) Strovagun Tier II Legendary ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWzpW-nhY78
56) Limbairedhiel Lairien the Army of One ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOrMz2E9ckc
57) Limbairedhiel Lairien the Army of One The End of Terror~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr9Th5cc5WI
58) Legendary Angmar Mordirith High Queen vs False King~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDwzfbMy5Ik
59) Storvâgûn has been defeated Legendary Solo ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpaDepF_ZAA
60) Legendary Ferndur plus adds Solo Noldo ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYCCiCDd_bM
61) Helegrod Dragon Wing Solo Part I dealing with the Drummers ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfEPzNiw8U4
62) Helegrod Dragon Wing Solo Part I dealing with the Drummers Part II ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o_Kup3Ok5s
63) Helegrod Dragon Wing Solo Part III Drugoth the Death Monger Solo Noldo ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Z3puhZK2bw
64) Helegrod Dragon Wing Solo Part IV Dragon Thorog Attempt ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDMYPtvBN2M
65) Legendary Dragon Thorog Duo Ithil Edition~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ROjckP_PJY
66) Legendary Ost Elendil Solo Noldo Full clear ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8-5uAJ3RgM
67) Completed Challenge Sambrog Solo Noldo Legendary ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5VNNNB1ZsY&t=1s
68) Helchgam Solo Noldo Legendary Victory ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hty3gUWQOeA&t=1s
69) Legendary Housing the Ithil Edition Part I ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVTI7PGp1tI
70) Legendary Housing the Ithil Edition Part II ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fe2u8VVL-R0
71) Legendary Noldo Great Barrow Maze Blazed Though~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcXMbvhJYow&t=1s
72) The Rift of Nûrz Ghâshu Legendary Zurm Destroyed Solo Noldo ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XpPdRVBNyo&t=1s
73) The Rift of Nûrz Ghâshu Legendary Zogtark Destroyed Solo Noldo ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hVZFiLgF2g&t=1s
74) The Rift of Nûrz Ghâshu Legendary Shadow Eater Destroyed Solo Noldo ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvTaHvIbdT0&t=1s
75) Legendary Thorog Noldo Solo Attempt II ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcq8_CShGWU&t=1s
76) Legendary Thrang Ithil Edition Quad~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jk5ktkQaGNs&t=1s
77) Legendary Rift of Nurz Ghashu Thaurlach Quad Ithil Edition ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQhs3N3JxDI&t=1s
78) The End of Terror Remastered ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIYcxSpQ20Q
79) The Greater Empire of Limbairedhiel ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oFUc6vw7ek
80) The Army of One High Queen of the Noldor One vs All ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbyDcR9DWbs&t=3885s
81) High Queen vs Thorog Legendary Ithil Edition Solo Noldo ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcWcFWBymzI&t=1243s
Arkenstone Edition ~ May 2018 - September 2018 Radiance Amidst the Gloom A Guardian's Solo Compilation Compendium
The complete Edition. Primary channel ,Every server, Additional Guardian videos ~
{Check Signature as well}
P.S. 500-1000 Videos Deleted/Never uploaded.
Vanyaquenta Calaquende Series ~
121 Videos. The longest running uninterrupted,comprehensive,ma ssive,unyielding,epic Complete in entirety High Elf Champion/Single character levelling ,ever made.Not a single crash. Nothing is skipped. Natural progression. 99,8999% of the content was recorded.Full Volume I/II Shadows of Angmar/Mines of Moria/Siege of Mirkwood/Part of Rise of Isengard/Guides,Character progression/Commentary,Deeds and so on..
Not included : Other characters, Housing,Festival,Lore videos,Bullroarer Previews,Role-Playing. Monster play Saga {Deleted}
Last edited by Vanyaerunanethiel; Jan 22 2019 at 01:19 PM.
I decided to focus on my primary character Valainantiel. Limbairedhiel shall return to Ithil with the upcoming "add on/"expansion"- Hadhodrond {March} Added in brackets for they are only re-releasing and increasing level cap/adding older regions and obviously few extra titles,deeds or items exclusively created for the Legendary server.
The Army of One series {Stream} shall continue in less intense pace and my attention will turn to other tasks,Epic books,Stories,Landscape progression,Lore or let say for instance Deeds. I am doing everything by myself and tis impossible for me to play/focus simultaneously on Legendary/Regular server or gearing up,deeding,progressing generally speaking with multiple characters. In particular if one wishes to obtain powerful end game gear or run group content on a daily basis.craft,lead a kinship,level, and so on...
As for my Legendary Ithil experience I would love to say it was a nearly Perfect experience as an Near Perfect Sapphire from the The Rift of Nurz Ghâshu. Twas and t'will be certainly the incomparable Legendary experience nigh impossible to repeat in near future. I have been playing super intensively and actively since the day of the official Ithil Release and time has come to finally toss the bulky Rift armour,shield,blades and a bow aside.
Your "Secondary imaginary pixel" world is not an ideal place. Tis full of beauties, but horrors as well if we look from a different angle ,be that Social interaction,Game-play wise or even Technical issues. You have to stay firm,resilient, unshaken,stoic,firey&Unyieldin g even if all cards are against thee.
Sometimes your actions are misunderstood.I will not apologise to anyone nor I will keep digging into past.I actually want to thank youI already know in advance details will be pointless. I did what I had to do. Being leader is not a simple task,Far from it. It takes more than forming a group and greeting everyone with random smiles or kind words.As for other scenarios ,players have a malicious&vengenful habbit of lying,twisting and greatly exaggerating "things you might have done or what have happened" Tis an chaotic reaction a mix of stupidity,hate,envy or lack of comprehension and pure misconception. Speaking about myself indeed,perhaps I have had huge unrealstic expectations from certain individuals, I for instance {Real Life} I can be loyal to almost unbelievable sense ,but I expect almost the same in return. I am such type of person. I wanted to push players to give their 110% to be more creative,interested in lore,give their best in Raids or attempt something new. Often time comes you have to react fast and decisive which also requires overwhelming dose of honesty which is again too much for majority combined with The Heavy Role-playing and your unique way of writing. Odd is it not? My Critics were comically bad to put it simply often absurd and completely off Topic. Despite the odds against me I have succeeded in everything I wanted and "Far,Far Beyond the Island" Quouting Mirror Mirror on the Wall ,Blind Guardian
It matters not who you are or what you do,tis the same old song of players shunning away /ignoring and almost forgeting thousands of good deeds you've done and obsessively keep returning,mentioning to one "wrong or several unsatisfactory ones. Thankfully there are exceptions. If you seek to accomplish or set your mind at the task to achieve grand goals and difficult tasks you must embrace enormous risks as well and be prepared to withstand the flames which shall follow absolutely. I will not change nor you will ever understand the passion I have for the Lord of the Rings Online, honestly I never expected,even if you attempt to try you will not feel 5% of what I feel. I look at things more deeply and I am ready to take things to a level you wont even find in the Silmarillion of High Kings of Old,unless we speak about special being FëanároPity for I will never know if my fiery spirit "will melt/reduce" my body in nothing but a pile of ash. Twas a joke!
Vanya Sulie Mellyn, Nai i lissë Valaron tyë varyuva.
Legendary Noldo: Triumph Within the Deeps by Limbairedhiel High Queen of the Noldor,The Luminous Lady of Gondolin.
The Army of One Fire Under Mountain Mithirl Edition The Complete Saga ~
I have recorded the entire journey from level 50 {Volume II Prologue} From the House of Elrond {Valley of Imladris} Until Darkest depths of Khazad Dum and City of Lord and Lady. Everything. 50 hours+ Mines of Moria Game-play,From Full levelling,deeds,instances,Epic Books. 35 videos total.
The Latest Videos:
Complete edition, Follow the link ,Randir. My thy Path ever be Star Lit.
Thread yet to be updated. Inaccurate Video titles, Every single instance has been completed.
Without the use of
First Age weapons/Essence Gear. In general I was far from finished and I still am.
For now the Solo content included ~
Forgotten Treasury At level 55 Clear.
Grand Stair HM
Skumfil Left/Right Side Including Hwandrin Complete
Dark Delvings until Gurvand
Fil Gashan Challenge
The Sixteenth Hall Full run
Dâr Narbugud ~ Blagh & Rung /Zholuga
Landscape foes/Crafting instances,full pulls, Tis only the beginning and the warm up. A lot more to follow in the upcoming weeks. Additional instances and so on. We have to see what shall happen with Nornuan and the Vile Maw next week.
P.S. ~ Non Solo content. Every single Moria instance presented.Crafting/Epic Book/Session play/Fellowship/raid included.
Countless of fiends eradicated. Thousands of tales, Triumphs,Defeats,Sorrowful,Lam enting moments,Ultimately We have Vanquished the Great Evil and aided Naugrim in their quest to Restore the Great halls of Dwarrowdelf. Stay tuned and fear no Darkness,Vanya Sulie
Last edited by Vanyaerunanethiel; Mar 23 2019 at 01:10 AM.
An Update. Sixteenth Hall/Forges/Mirror halls Solo challenge was done last night by Limbairedhiel. Streamed live ~
Tis Nearly 5 hours long video.
You can watch the following instances:
~Grand Stair Challenge
~Fil Gashan Challenge
~Skumfil Right/left Side including Hwandrin {HM}
~Forgotten Treasury
~Nala Dum Default/Mirror Halls challenge
~Dark Delvings until Gurvand
~Forges of Khazad Dum challenge
~The Sixteenth Hall challenge
Several crafting instances. All of them were done in less than 4,5 hours. Solo with the aid of none. High Queen challenged the doom.
You have done Valiant Deeds for the Free folk of Moria, and have brought light to that place where Darkness reigns.![]()
Last edited by Vanyaerunanethiel; Mar 24 2019 at 02:01 AM.
Full Halls of Crafting Challenge Run Completed solo Run ~
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/401872762 HoC
4-5 Man Dar Narbugud Full Clear/Fornost Tier II Challenge Water Wing {5man} ~
For now I have cleared every Moria challenge run except Dark Delvings, Gurvand. Check my Stream or You-Tube channel ,Safe travels Mellyn.
Post Update ~
Saviour of Moria completed. Completed Saviour of Khazad Dum.
Having completed all of the deeds associated with the Dungeons of Moria, your name will now be sung by all the bards of Middle-earth.
Skumfil Challenge {Hwandrin}/Left Side, Solo run.
Foe's Morale was significantly amp-ed up at least doubled if not more. I know for example Nardur went from 72k - 177k. Brumbereth from 103,000 - 240,000. I am not entirely positive or accurate about numbers, but I am absolutely they have twice more at least.
Forges HM as well, Alone.
I am glad Moria instances are not walk in the park anymore, at least not a "mindless breeze" as before. Some of the bosses or challenges wont be possible to execute properly solo, I am glad at least, even now with the boost I was able to smite them down. One should not be able to solo full fellowship sized instance,but things changed over the years..
You may watch the Stream. Streamed live , last night around 20:00 GMT+1 EU.
Well done with the difficulty increase,Solid work. Far ,far away from The Elder days,but a step forward for sure. In particular for Filikul,Vile Maw and The Dâr Narbugud
! One can cannot simply walk in and laugh in the face of evil anymore, it will require at least decent amount of team work and caution.
Last edited by Vanyaerunanethiel; Mar 29 2019 at 05:21 AM.
Legendary Noldo: Helegrod Giant Wing Complete Solo Edition on level