There are 3000 - 4000 players waiting for the pvp so why wait ??
There are 3000 - 4000 players waiting for the pvp so why wait ??
I doubt it is even close to that. But regardless, it isn't happening in 2019, the plans for 2019 are pretty much set in stone.
Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.
They're incapable of doing so. PvP on live is laughably broken and unbalanced, and they know if they put the effort in to even get PvP up and running on the Limited Servers it will be just as broken, if not worse. They'd rather cater to a different minority of players that want to do festivals and buy store-only horses and cosmetics. After all, it's easy money for very little work to churn out skins, makes total sense from a business perspective.
Went to Bullroarer a few days ago to check the Level scaling with my Level 60 Char and my current equipment. Seriously, it's horrible. If they would simply open up the moors, freeps would see no light and QQ constantly, lol
Problem with pvp on Legendary servers would be finding ppl in right mind to go pay VIP for playing vastly underpowered creeps and be slaughtered for first 5-6 ranks.
They are capable obviously but its not happening now. They have said its not on the table for now and though
thats not saying much its still a response. You think they cater to a specific group or minority in the game? Thats
absolutely laughable. In short I cant think why with such a negative opinion on the way the game is managed, that
you even play it. Lotro was never intended to cater to pvp if you want to be real about it...its a fantasy mmo based
on Tolkiens legendarium, not guild wars.
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My guess with the PvP situation on legendary servers is that Freeps would be too overpowered for it to work successfully. Back in the day when level 60 WAS cap, and actually all the way to level 85 was cap, there was no trait system as there is now. With the current trait system, it is possible to create a freep character that is geared towards PvP more, and with 40 or so points to spend at level 60 (if you did all deeds), you would be able to create a character that has significantly more power than a level 60 creep using the current code.
They have to use the same code on regular servers as they do on legendary servers so they have only one code base to support. When/if they add the Ettenmoors to the code in a second, legendary level cap state, they would essentially have to run two versions of it in the code, one for current legendary level cap, one for current regular level cap. At THIS moment, if they were to just enable PvP without any changes, we would all just get level 120 PvP, and freeps will just get scaled up gear. In this scenario, a freep would likely be cannon fodder for level 120 creeps, as the scaling isn't all that great.....
My guess is that PvP will make more sense at the level 95 cap, when the trait tree was introduced, and the code hasn't changed drastically on PvP since then. They did a lot of re-tooling around the level 95 level and 100 level to re-balance PvP (there were a lot of complaints back then) and those code changes is essentially - give or take a few minor ones - the code that current level 120 pvp runs on.
The latests from Cordovan on the issues is: "when the legendary servers catch up to the regular servers", which may be well after level 95.
In any case, they have announced a number of MAJOR updates, starting with Update 24 and the 64-bit client, then the work continues on the new expansion that releases in the Fall, and they announced working on Rohan style housing, to come slightly after the opening of Rohan on the Legendary worlds. In short, the calendar and planning has pretty much been set till Q2 2020 or so, and it really doesn't look like PvP is part of it.
Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.
The population has dropped on the legendary server and why? it's not my job to know ...
SSG never sets foot in the moors .
I do not know if this has been addressed already, but why not make Ettenmoors a vanilla region where you are bound to use gear (armor & jewelry) only found there and not the gear you already carry. When you want to go to Ettenmoors, you'd get a starters kit of items (much as gift of the valar) and use those items to do further quests within the region to gain more and better gear. In that way the balance can be kept more secure between freeps & creeps I think. Virtues, skills and traits would ofcourse stay the same.
Just a thought ofcourse so don't shoot me
Kind regards,
Wasn't there some stat-wise change from 105 to 106 (Mordor ->)?
I tried with my hunter back then with the golden gear and stuff from North-Ithilien. Stats were ok'ish at most, but leveled up to 115 shortly after to be (more) competitive.
I have no guess WHEN it could be happen, if they plan to stick to the "normal" scaling system. And what shall we do when Rohan kicks in? I am afraid servers will be empty after 75 without Moors :-(