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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Where is a good place to do some dps parse?

    On the legendary server i could not find any on-level dummies to practice.
    So far my only reference was parsing on the turtle raid.

    Any idea for level 60 parsing?

    Also i would be interested to know how much dps is average, good or excellent for a 60 burg.

    Thank you !
    Cereus - Burglar / Anor
    Onarius - Loremaster / Landroval
    Drexlorn, Zalken, Woaf - Warleader, Reaver, Warg / Landroval (Monsters)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    AoE parse
    Option 1: in DN trash pulls pre trolls.
    Option 2 : Halls of Crafting duo/trio

    ST parse
    Option 1: Istum (DN)

    Choices are for no combat drops and average armour rating. Never taken parse under 1min as no cd's have been factored in.

    Never parse on Turtle due to mits. Will always be a sub par parse to Ur actual output

    ST parse Ur looking at 8-10k (red) - (blue) got hammered, never trait blue
    AoE Idk, I deleted burg b4 testing it.
    Blood of Loki
    Watch me Solo Instances/Raids
    Youtube.com/bloodofloki - Twitch.tv/blood_of_loki

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eowene View Post

    Never parse on Turtle due to mits. Will always be a sub par parse to Ur actual output

    ST parse Ur looking at 8-10k (red) - (blue) got hammered, never trait blue

    AoE Idk, I deleted burg b4 testing it.
    I've been doing a fair bit of grouping and playing on Anor and have seen only 1 burg reach 10k sustained dps multiple times. Ive seen people claim they do 6k-10k dps which is way too wide a gap.

    Also OP, there are zero training dummies until level 75 iirc (besides bree ones)

    Mirage | Fathom | Situational Awareness | Reformed
    Arkenstone | Shadowfax | Treebeard

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Rimenuir View Post
    I've been doing a fair bit of grouping and playing on Anor and have seen only 1 burg reach 10k sustained dps multiple times. Ive seen people claim they do 6k-10k dps which is way too wide a gap.

    Also OP, there are zero training dummies until level 75 iirc (besides bree ones)

    8k is no cappy
    10k is w/cappy

    Tbh its easy to hit those numbers.
    Simply don't get conned by idiotic skills that both counter each other - provoke/feint
    Blood of Loki
    Watch me Solo Instances/Raids
    Youtube.com/bloodofloki - Twitch.tv/blood_of_loki

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Thank you Eowene. I really appreciate your feedback, you really know your stuff and i was really impressed by your brg vids.

    But i'll be honest, despite my desire to improve in the art of thw burglar i have very limited time (1hour a day play at best) so i'm very very slow... >.<

    I've just begun to do some turtle and soloed a bit of GS (Thardur) to get some moria gear. Juste starting the real grouping thing and finding how to progress. Alsi the gear is a real mess and it' a real pain to find where and what is good.

    Also, there's a lack of gearing/raiding/instances guide out there and even advanced burg guides are nowhere to be seen.

    Well, enough ranting!
    Cereus - Burglar / Anor
    Onarius - Loremaster / Landroval
    Drexlorn, Zalken, Woaf - Warleader, Reaver, Warg / Landroval (Monsters)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Drexlorn View Post
    Thank you Eowene. I really appreciate your feedback, you really know your stuff and i was really impressed by your brg vids.

    But i'll be honest, despite my desire to improve in the art of thw burglar i have very limited time (1hour a day play at best) so i'm very very slow... >.<

    I've just begun to do some turtle and soloed a bit of GS (Thardur) to get some moria gear. Juste starting the real grouping thing and finding how to progress. Alsi the gear is a real mess and it' a real pain to find where and what is good.

    Also, there's a lack of gearing/raiding/instances guide out there and even advanced burg guides are nowhere to be seen.

    Well, enough ranting!

    Feel free to add me on discored volsungagaming#7737 ^ im happy to help you with those 3 categories. though im probably not the person to ask for burg guides anymore, i deleted ramsay because i think ssg did a huge injustice to the burglar by removing 1 viable line and then while boosting the 2nd ones dmg hugely, making its line counter itself and make it feel clunky (red is still 100000% buffed), but provoke and feint attack both counter each other meaning your rotation always feels wrong. I dont like burg anymore because it just feels bad that they made it from 3 lines to 2. Gambler was fun, now its useless.

    i can help you with gearing and instance/raiding information though 100% just hit me up on discord ^ same for any1 else with the same questions.
    Happy to help people, and it makes it a more accessible area in order to communicate.
    Blood of Loki
    Watch me Solo Instances/Raids
    Youtube.com/bloodofloki - Twitch.tv/blood_of_loki



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