Last edited by James_25; Jun 14 2019 at 06:19 AM. Reason: trying to kill the thread. since can't find a way to delete it
There is indeed clearly a strong reason for such an action and implementation and it is I am sure deliberately done. Take for instance:
First age Symbols, Symbols of the Elder King which "should" be acquired already at 65 for around 170 Medalions each but they are greyed out and I am satisfied for such decision. Players seek the most powerful items and highest quality Legendaries without putting at least minimal effort and contribution.
If you desire first age weapon you will have to participate in raid and obtain the symbol ,but of course player-base have become to demandy and used for simplistic approach. Set bonus gear and first age weapons is almost everything . The Armour and your weapons are essential.
Long ago in the Elder days the proper way to finish Tier II raid and win the armour token or first age symbol/rare piece of jewellery. Also to note we can already craft level 65 2nd age weapons , more than a generous offer because once more the only to get these in 2010 for example was by doing Sammanth Gul Tier II provided once has Artisan standing with his/her guild and Supreme master in weaponsmith crafting proficiency. The drop rate was rare and everyone would roll for it, surely they not bound the symbols but they did cost a massive fortune back then and generally speaking it was a pain to get your hands on first age weapon unless you were a part of determined and dedicated raiding kinship. To be even more accurate there we no first age weapons at original Siege of Mirkwood launch. Elder King symbols were added with In their absence update {2011} and twas a start. I was also against the ability to craft 1st age weapon as well, since it does not make sense,few left in Middle-earth would had such a knowledge , However it did happened.
They already gave you lot, majority of souls have forgotten or do not know the old LOTRO. It was much slower and we we severally limited in comparison.
They did a wise move of restricting particular items ,otherwise you would have seen half of "raiders" running with a first age weapon within day. It makes no sense and never did to posses such an artefact such an ease.
As always May the Valar grant thee swift passage
Best Regards
Limbaireidhiel,High Queen of the Noldor
Last edited by Vanyaerunanethiel; Jun 13 2019 at 09:16 PM.
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