Hey Folks! Sam here from Volsunga Gaming.
If you are interested in watching my content where I provide guides, review content & changes, upload solo's of 6mans/raids (most recently my hunter solo'ing the rift to thrang) or see some of my more controversial comedic video's (the links to my channel are in my signature)
This thread is an in-depth listing of all itemization buffs of the level 65 loot. Screenshots showing all of the different sets & crafted items in order to show you what is coming up. I have spent all morning gathering the screenshots and discussing the item changes with friends and viewers of my channel. And the beneath comment will pretty much sum up my views on the stat changes.
Firstly I would like to state, these stats were changed with update 24, so are likely the final product. Which is a shame, as many of the items (mainly crafted) are awful. Many are significantly worse than the level 60 items we already own.
I would also like to thank Aerilia for having told me that the itemization had received a statistics change.
(If anybody can tell me how to actually embed the images onto the forum so these are not just links, it would be much appreciated. I tried the [img] [/img] and it did not work.) Thanks in advance.
Personally, I find it highly disappointing that the heavy sets are tank sets with no option for damage from them (though this is trivial considering all of the crafted loot is terrible). I think the Dev's need to re-look at the numbers on these sets and crafted items as these items are worse statistically than the Moria sets& crafted items. The only reason to upgrade sets is purely for the set bonuses. Only Loremaster, Captain, Minstrel have stand out sets that is great. Hunters BG set is okay'ish set bonus. It depends how good the critical defence debuff is.
This solely depends on if the level 65 classic loot is being re-added back into the 65 cap. Or, is Barad Guluran & Ost Dunhoth purely giving bounties and the terrible generic loot that is the ''greater 'insert name' earring of 'insert name'" that we have all come to hate.
Im sure people would like to see the classic loot in the raids. Or at least on a vendor that requires an in-raid currency to barter.
I think that the statistics on the armour/jewellery both raid & crafted need to receive a further buff as the stats are lower than that at 60.
Blood of Loki
Watch me Solo Instances/Raids
Youtube.com/bloodofloki - Twitch.tv/blood_of_loki
I really hope the classic loot gets added back again and just overall keeping the old expansions as pure as possible. I love getting some amazing unique loot not the usual generalized "greater earring" etc.
I really hope the classic loot gets added back again and just overall keeping the old expansions as pure as possible. I love getting some amazing unique loot not the usual generalized "greater earring" etc.
While I loved Moria & the loot system and stats most items had, the lack of RNG generic personal loot made it feel so refreshing and worth the grind.
So far mirkwood has shown the devs have a ginormous disconnect with playing the game when relating stats to gear pieces. The fact all Guardian raid sets have either horrible stats or horrible tier sets or both makes me want to cry. I've spoken to several different experienced players who like to theory craft builds and so far none of them think Mirkwood is going to have any positive results. Most are betting on the festival lash/bell & some odds & ends from Enedwaith rep.
Mirkwood / Ened was such a good expansion back in the day, it's clearly been ruined here due to lazy developing oversights. One can only hope they patch this as quick as they patched the "exploits" in Moria.
While I loved Moria & the loot system and stats most items had, the lack of RNG generic personal loot made it feel so refreshing and worth the grind.
So far mirkwood has shown the devs have a ginormous disconnect with playing the game when relating stats to gear pieces. The fact all Guardian raid sets have either horrible stats or horrible tier sets or both makes me want to cry. I've spoken to several different experienced players who like to theory craft builds and so far none of them think Mirkwood is going to have any positive results. Most are betting on the festival lash/bell & some odds & ends from Enedwaith rep.
Mirkwood / Ened was such a good expansion back in the day, it's clearly been ruined here due to lazy developing oversights. One can only hope they patch this as quick as they patched the "exploits" in Moria.
Again the accusations and negativity based strictly on loot view. There were no exploits in Moria to my knowledge, Watcher barely did any damage in first weeks and they have significantly amp-up the morale. Exploiting is the most stupid decision and surely will get one banned, but I will not go into details regarding such subject, nor you can escape it or talk about who eventually got punished on forums, its not allowed.
The expansion in general cannot be ruined for the absence of mega-overpowered gear which clearly was the case with Mines of Moria and the absurd stats. You wish to "cry" because your character wont be a Vala no more? I am glad they have "so terrible" bonus as you stated. I for once want to feel less powerful and find a team to beat the tougher monster. Do not get to thrilled for Thrang, the drop rate will be incredibly low and almost everyone will run it ,ignored other Dol Guldur /In their Absence instances.
These experienced players are possibly frustrated because they wont be so powerful as before. Siege of Mirkwood was the second greatest expansion of all time, beaten by incomparable Moria only, Mordor comes for me at third place despite being released so far away in 2017 and late because I loved Mordor+Strongholds of the North Update 22 which was stunning and I have had an incredible time. But there were many remarkable updates and even weakest link which was Helm's deep have had major positive aspects.
You cannot say , the game won't have any positive results because there is no unbelievably potent gear. Almost nine years ago the characters and gear were feeble and we we more satisfied than today and so on.. {Writes a mini novel}
Players are used for simplistic approach , though I cannot blame everyone because they do not know the true LOTRO and once a gruelling and ardours journey compared to current breeze.
Best Regards,
Limbairiedhiel,High Queen of the Noldor
Last edited by Vanyaerunanethiel; Jun 14 2019 at 12:56 AM.
Again the accusations and negativity based strictly on loot view. There were no exploits in Moria to my knowledge, Watcher barely did any damage in first weeks and they have significantly amp-up the morale. Exploiting is the most stupid decision and surely will get one banned, but I will not go into details regarding such subject, nor you can escape it or talk about who eventually got punished on forums, its not allowed.
The expansion in general cannot be ruined for the absence of mega-overpowered gear which clearly was the case with Mines of Moria and the absurd stats. You wish to "cry" because your character wont be a Vala no more? I am glad they have "so terrible" bonus as you stated. I for once want to feel less powerful and find a team to beat the tougher monster. Do not get to thrilled for Thrang, the drop rate will be incredibly low and almost everyone will run it ,ignored other Dol Guldur /In their Absence instances.
These experienced players are possibly frustrated because they wont be so powerful as before. Siege of Mirkwood was the second greatest expansion of all time, beaten by incomparable Moria only, Mordor comes for me at third place despite being released so far away in 2017 and late because I loved Mordor+Strongholds of the North Update 22 which was stunning and I have had an incredible time. But there were many remarkable updates and even weakest link which was Helm's deep have had major positive aspects.
You cannot say , the game won't have any positive results because there is no unbelievably potent gear. Almost nine years ago the characters and gear were feeble and we we more satisfied than today and so on.. {Writes a mini novel}
Players are used for simplistic approach , though I cannot blame everyone because they do not know the true LOTRO and once a gruelling and ardours journey compared to current breeze.
Best Regards,
Limbairiedhiel,High Queen of the Noldor
I mean thats dandy & all but when you go from Moria having such a standard of itemization and then you release the next Expansion and Raid cluster together in one go but the gear is actually worse than the Moria stuff, the crafting gear is bugged for the most part, Heavy sets are so poorly matched for classes that Im pretty sure people won't be less strong than before because they'll just use the same gear. No one wants to be super powerful Vala but, the issue is T2 & T2C in raids especially are quite hard on legendary servers right now, the current gear quite literally just lowers everyones health and tries to increase mastery which most classes were already capped on whilst having more health in Moria, so why increase raid damage, mob defense, just to nerf player gear.
I get if this is the hill you want to die on here, but I dont think many will agree with your POV on your mini novel, the game is scaled properly now for raids and instances, the gear has not been finished. I don't think many who know what theyre talking about can really disagreew with that.
... but the gear is actually worse than the Moria stuff...
To be fair, I remember that being the case first time around, too. I was running a champ back then and most of my gear was still Moria stuff at L65, even through Enedwaith. There were complaints back then that because the small level increase the new gear was either barely better, or not actually good, with only a few pieces of interest. It sounds like they've managed to make it even worse this time, but it's still built on shaky foundations to start with.