Unbroken has been on arkenstone for a few years and we've always been a raiding kin. Unfortunately, most of the leadership went on hiatus earlier this year. I don't know if they will be returning for new content or even a level increase. There's still a couple of us that play on a dailies basis, and a few that drop in occasionally. We just don't have enough people atm to complete instances. We have no requirements or applications and will accept anyone that wants to join but, we're looking for people with the skill and gearing to complete difficult content if called upon. We likely won't lead anvil raids, but there's items in other instances, like Throne, Thrang, Osgiliath and Seregost that interest us. We want a casual, non-toxic environment, focusing on helping people get they want from the game.
You can contact myself(Kowalah/Azuriael) or Fellwings in-game or post here.
We don't have any healers(Bear,Mini,Healing Rks) among the regulars and I'm mostly active in evenings, EST.