At the moment what is the best gear for a level 120 beorn. im looking for tanking/dps stuff.
The best gear is all healing stuff. Go for dps and tanky stuff if you want but you won't get into raids except maybe as an off-tank if they can't find a captain.
The best gear is all healing stuff. Go for dps and tanky stuff if you want but you won't get into raids except maybe as an off-tank if they can't find a captain.
This isn't true. Maybe on your server it's the meta, but Beornings can compete very well with Guardians as tanks at the moment. In fact, you are better off replacing a Guard with a Beorning than a Cappy, as a Cappy helps provide support in other ways that a Beorning can't compete with.
Both healing and tanking are viable roles in all content for Beornings.