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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Expansion Timeframes


    Returning player since old LOTRO is what I loved. I'm rather concerned with the timeframe thus far in updates on these legendary servers. I was told they launched early November and, with it being mid-July, that means the servers advanced beyond two of the largest content cycles in-game within half a year. That's a rather ridiculous time frame if the entire point of these servers is to enjoy old content. There was no time to gear up in vanilla end game, nor Moria, and enjoy your hard-earned loot. There was no time to fully enjoy all the dungeons one you hit cap at 50. While I'm personally annoyed I didn't get the chance to enjoy vanilla, now my concern is how soon will we get the next zone, and the next, and the next...

    I'd like to enjoy the old stuff without feeling like I have to rush through it all, or at least run it once before the loot means nothing but a cosmetic.

    Anyone else feel the same?

  2. #2
    Echoweaver's Avatar
    Echoweaver is offline Meddler in the Affairs of Wizards
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Elfwarlord View Post

    Returning player since old LOTRO is what I loved. I'm rather concerned with the timeframe thus far in updates on these legendary servers. I was told they launched early November and, with it being mid-July, that means the servers advanced beyond two of the largest content cycles in-game within half a year. That's a rather ridiculous time frame if the entire point of these servers is to enjoy old content. There was no time to gear up in vanilla end game, nor Moria, and enjoy your hard-earned loot. There was no time to fully enjoy all the dungeons one you hit cap at 50. While I'm personally annoyed I didn't get the chance to enjoy vanilla, now my concern is how soon will we get the next zone, and the next, and the next...

    I'd like to enjoy the old stuff without feeling like I have to rush through it all, or at least run it once before the loot means nothing but a cosmetic.

    Anyone else feel the same?
    You don't have to rush through it all. There's a lot of population on the servers below level cap.
    Anor veteran on Landroval: Ardith and Wensleydale
    Learning to raid on Landroval https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...League-Kinship

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Elfwarlord View Post

    Returning player since old LOTRO is what I loved. I'm rather concerned with the timeframe thus far in updates on these legendary servers. I was told they launched early November and, with it being mid-July, that means the servers advanced beyond two of the largest content cycles in-game within half a year. That's a rather ridiculous time frame if the entire point of these servers is to enjoy old content. There was no time to gear up in vanilla end game, nor Moria, and enjoy your hard-earned loot. There was no time to fully enjoy all the dungeons one you hit cap at 50. While I'm personally annoyed I didn't get the chance to enjoy vanilla, now my concern is how soon will we get the next zone, and the next, and the next...

    I'd like to enjoy the old stuff without feeling like I have to rush through it all, or at least run it once before the loot means nothing but a cosmetic.

    Anyone else feel the same?
    Joined in late November. Been able to play 3 characters to the max pretty much (for sure my Cappy and Guard get solid end game gear, etc. given the # of raids we can run). Had no "rushed" feeling at all for SoA. Moria was pretty good too, though it was 3 months instead of the 4 we had for SoA. Remains to be seen on how long we get with Mirkwood, hoping at least 3 months myself.

    I feel the pace is good - any slower and you will lose any momentum that the Leg. Servers have left.



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