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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Raid Completitons

    Have any kins on either Anor or Ithil completed t2c Ost Dunhoth or Barad Guldur? Maybe we can make this thread a leaderboard for kins if not.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Welney View Post
    Have any kins on either Anor or Ithil completed t2c Ost Dunhoth or Barad Guldur? Maybe we can make this thread a leaderboard for kins if not.

    You are joking,right Mellon? Not even a 48 hours since the release and you do expect a group to fully finish Tier II challenge Barad Guldur or Ost-Dunhoth. There are mighty few exceptions of players who reached level 65 so soon ,but even that is an absurd rushing decision and the competition of raids have little to no value these days since our power is far too great and once upon a time in ages past, eons ago the raids were tougher,longer and required stronger team work and in general cooperation between two parties.

    If you wish to create a leaderboard so be it, but it will far less epic than before. Please do not take my response as an attack , I am writing with honestly. Ost Dunhoth Tier II challenge clear was not joke at 65 and twas a quite an achievement for dedicated kinship back in 2011 same for Barad Guldur in 2010, but these times have changed. It's not the same challenge anymore, far from it, but still better than Landscape destruction or Tier I instances

    I know well I speak off, there was even a solo champion thread and I have attempted to create a Guardian one in 2018 but players have lost the spark and passion as they once had. Generally speaking the competition and challenges were held in much greater esteem in old LOTRO, do not be blinded by Nostaliga and great desire to reach Server first title for it will little impact today, which does not mean its not impressive or worthy of respect , but in far less extent than before.

    Same applies to my thread as well, but I have more complex views and I am not competing with anyone nor I seek to prove anything , I already did it long time before.

    It is fine if you wish to create leaderboard but the group who will finish the full Tier II challenge raid in year 2019 cannot even compare to old school groups back in original days and time of the release.

    Best Regards,
    Limbariedihel High Queen of the Noldor

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    At least on Anor is a big flame on the player community side about kinships that exploids mirkwood before release.
    Some videos are posted in the forum already.

    I am deeply disappointed about that.
    Many player that stay in critic for exploiting, i meet before and had a lot of very smooth Runs in DN, good talks in Discord and TS, or even a lot of fun.
    From my point there were no need to do that. Many of them belong to the best skillusers on the server.

    I had no doubt, that the T2 will fall on the first day (with or without exploiting).
    Question was only who stats with what BG/OD.

    We did BG T2 in less as 45min in a Speedrun around level 100 or 105´.
    here i would had started :-)

    See atm BG 5/6 Lieutenant.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    We completed full BG T2 CM yesterday.
    We got no first age and no special Legendary Server title btw.

    Proof (Screenshot of Challenge Deeds): https://i.imgur.com/bgNK6Ro.jpg

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Awelina View Post
    We completed full BG T2 CM yesterday.
    We got no first age and no special Legendary Server title btw.

    Proof (Screenshot of Challenge Deeds): https://i.imgur.com/bgNK6Ro.jpg

    As I understand it, to get the title you also need to finish SG T2C, SH T2C, WP T2C, Dungeons T2C. This is for the Mirkwood title.

    ITA titles are the same, you need to finish the whole cluster in t2c.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    sooo is it still too early too complain about the morale pools in OD t2? are we still waiting for the fabled "good kins" to try it? cause it seems like there's no progress on that front.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by icefriend View Post
    sooo is it still too early too complain about the morale pools in OD t2? are we still waiting for the fabled "good kins" to try it? cause it seems like there's no progress on that front.
    Mirage is almost done with it.

    Mirage | Fathom | Situational Awareness | Reformed
    Arkenstone | Shadowfax | Treebeard

  8. Jun 26 2019, 11:31 PM

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by icefriend View Post
    sooo is it still too early too complain about the morale pools in OD t2? are we still waiting for the fabled "good kins" to try it? cause it seems like there's no progress on that front.
    The health-pools are absolutely appropriate and the content is beatable. For the first time there is actual endgame on the legendary server and the “fabled good kins” are currently either actively progressing through the raid (mirage) or building their roster and testing the raid (Immortal, a German raidgroup, BBR and potentially more).

    If actual endgame content comes out of nowhere after 2 ruined expansions it does take time to build and equip a 12man roster and if you’re not actively involved in that process at least don’t spoil it for those who are. If T2C is not for you that is ok, there is still 99.999% of the content including OD T1.

    There is ZERO reason to complain about health-pools to answer your question directly.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Onyi View Post
    The health-pools are absolutely appropriate and the content is beatable. For the first time there is actual endgame on the legendary server and the “fabled good kins” are currently either actively progressing through the raid (mirage) or building their roster and testing the raid (Immortal, a German raidgroup, BBR and potentially more).

    If actual endgame content comes out of nowhere after 2 ruined expansions it does take time to build and equip a 12man roster and if you’re not actively involved in that process at least don’t spoil it for those who are. If T2C is not for you that is ok, there is still 99.999% of the content including OD T1.

    There is ZERO reason to complain about health-pools to answer your question directly.
    Back in 2011, the challenge in NCF T2 was possible to be completed with many different setups, not only with 3 fully geared DPS classes. For a fact, it takes longer now to kill about everything in these instances than it did back in 2011, and that doesn't work well with timer based encounters/challenges.

    Also, how many people can slog through a 6hour long raid without locks... You need to have people dedicated for many hours, without the possibility to continue the raid the next day for example. Gratz to SSG for killing off another part of the raiding community on these servers.

    One more thing, who would slog through these instances for the same rewards as on t1 btw.. xD

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    OD t2c

    Quote Originally Posted by Welney View Post
    Have any kins on either Anor or Ithil completed t2c Ost Dunhoth or Barad Guldur? Maybe we can make this thread a leaderboard for kins if not.
    Mirage has beaten Ivar t2c, Disease t2(no challenge yet), Poison t2c, and Gortheron t2c in that order with some close attempts at the gauntlet of Wound t2. Kind of a late reply, but we just managed to knock out the Gortheron t2c fight today.

  12. Jul 17 2019, 09:25 PM

  13. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

  14. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Can add Wound t2 and Fear t2c to the list of completed wings by Mirage today, which puts us at 6/6 tbosses killed on t2 and 4/6 killed on t2c. The dps requirement are extremely high for wound t2c, but it is 100% doable and we plan to attempt it more soon. Fear t2c however was the biggest let down of all of OD, even more than Frothmar t2c. The fire puddles were horrendously scaled. They hit for less than 1k each every 5 seconds on morale pools of 16k+. And The scariest mechanic of Durin's Bane, the big aoe hit for facing him when he does his voice line, was atrocious. It didnt hit anyone in our group for more than 2k, when it used to be almost a oneshot on squishies.
    Last edited by BlackBeret92; Jul 24 2019 at 10:47 PM.

  15. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Ost Dunhoth: Sticky Sap

    Thats 6/6 for Mirage

    Mirage | Fathom | Situational Awareness | Reformed
    Arkenstone | Shadowfax | Treebeard

  16. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Well, today with the nerf, Mirage was finally able to close out the last 2 challenges of OD. Obviously since it was a blanket nerf, so it affected different bosses more than others. Wound was actually very balanced now(looking back at our previous attempts made me wonder how we even got as close as we did. 2 mumaks dead and one at half hp when the timer ran out). Today, although it wasnt a "perfect run"(had a few deaths. nothing that would be considered a challenge fail in any other wing), we finished we 3 seconds left on the timer. Disease however got hit extremely hard by the nerf. My kin really didnt get the chance to try Disease t2c for more than an hour prenerf, because we were trying so hard to progress on Wound, but today we went in there(without ideal comp, which should be good news to the people complaining about it) and killed both trees with killing only 6 bog with about 10 seconds left in the phase, meaning we had over a minute left to kill the trees. We didnt try any other wings yet, but since they are more mechanic based fights I hope they wont be *too* affected. I understand SSG doesnt have a lot of manpower, but it would be nice if they listened to feedback regarding their scaling a bit more and could do a smaller nerf for the majority and take a look at certain bosses/fights a bit harder.

  17. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Also, the title from the Enedwaith cluster is "Legendary Challenger of the Gaunt-lords".



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