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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    MP Comment from returning player

    What the heck happened to monster play unbalanced overpowered ####!!!!!
    returning after 6 years and it was getting bad then but now all I see is overpowered Creep Gank squads with wargs creeping around farming new players that are trying to complete dailies and learn how to play in the moors. Yeah it's tough it is meant to be or it would be boring like the regular play. But I play anyway and I ask people when out of the moors what are the moors like and in return I get why to bother playing can't do anything but die or if you can go VIP and play a creep and purchase power from the STORE ... Creeps have no other concern about making the moors great again like advertised, creeps are just concerned with being phony tough... Too Bad because LOTRO PVP is simply amazing and the best way to spend a night when the play is balanced...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Yar View Post
    all I see is overpowered Creep Gank squads

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Go get yourself some raid gear then come back and you'll see just how unbalanced the game is towards freeps.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Go get yourself some raid gear then come back and you'll see just how unbalanced the game is towards freeps.

    I have decent gear but when being nailed by hits approaching the magnitude of an exploding star by 1 BA or warg, give me a break but not only that get hit by 4 or more sneaky wargs then locking the map down in all red ... The only way to play is hopefully finding a group just to get out of GV...

    Moors are simply unbalanced and until the creeps realize to make it fun is to balance the play... I am not saying give passes to every level 1 one but just spank them and move on teaching them on how to play so the moors will populate again.... wow great kill level 12 warg on a level 1 amazing job well done. :/ or is that what is intended lock the moors down for creeps to run around and take TA TR the OP's over and over and over... Make moors great again :/

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Yar View Post
    Go get yourself some raid gear then come back and you'll see just how unbalanced the game is towards freeps.

    I have decent gear but when being nailed by hits approaching the magnitude of an exploding star by 1 BA or warg, give me a break but not only that get hit by 4 or more sneaky wargs then locking the map down in all red ... The only way to play is hopefully finding a group just to get out of GV...

    Moors are simply unbalanced and until the creeps realize to make it fun is to balance the play... I am not saying give passes to every level 1 one but just spank them and move on teaching them on how to play so the moors will populate again.... wow great kill level 12 warg on a level 1 amazing job well done. :/ or is that what is intended lock the moors down for creeps to run around and take TA TR the OP's over and over and over... Make moors great again :/

    M8 you just need to GiT GuD.
    There is just no single Freep class that cant kill a Creep with ease....
    Get skill, get gear...
    LM = instant kill a creep / Burg = 2 skills need to kill a creep / Hunter = 3-4 Skills need to kill a creep..
    Other classes.... maybe need a few more skills but still have other the top self heal + insane dmg so you can kill a creep with.... guess what.... with ease.
    I say this as a Main freep player. Im literary bored of pvmp bc it needs 2+ creeps to kill a good freep.
    If you´re not good, GiT GuD.. there are enough pvp videos out there to learn from. Enough good players to ask for tips.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Cookymonster View Post
    M8 you just need to GiT GuD.
    There is just no single Freep class that cant kill a Creep with ease....
    Get skill, get gear...
    LM = instant kill a creep / Burg = 2 skills need to kill a creep / Hunter = 3-4 Skills need to kill a creep..
    Other classes.... maybe need a few more skills but still have other the top self heal + insane dmg so you can kill a creep with.... guess what.... with ease.
    I say this as a Main freep player. Im literary bored of pvmp bc it needs 2+ creeps to kill a good freep.
    If you´re not good, GiT GuD.. there are enough pvp videos out there to learn from. Enough good players to ask for tips.
    Hi no you are correct in your statement 100%
    All I am indicating to repopulate the server with fresh players ... and the state of matters now is it is dam near impossible to do so unless you find help no help you die no use why bother (what I get all the time from trying to convince)... I don't mind dying its part of the game but out of the players I bring in to the moors after trying to convince them I can get them to stay simply because of the Gank mentality that is ramped on creepside, and I meant Gank mentality 3 ranking spiders 2 wargs on 1 level 1 noob come on what does that prove... scare the #### out of them send them running teach them to keep their #### wired tight... Moors has degraded and all I am trying to point out is let's have the moors like it once was, not just 1 raid 1 night a week but all the time like it was... Get people out of the doldrums of Pel /6 pel pel pel anvil anvil anvil pel pel.. End game is the Moors or is that what one side is afraid of ... Oh Ps I see a lone creep newb farming and learn I just ride up until noticed and keep going... next time they will keep an eye out ... killing noobs is not a challenge it is #### play...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Yar View Post
    Hi no you are correct in your statement 100%
    All I am indicating to repopulate the server with fresh players ... and the state of matters now is it is dam near impossible to do so unless you find help no help you die no use why bother (what I get all the time from trying to convince)... I don't mind dying its part of the game but out of the players I bring in to the moors after trying to convince them I can get them to stay simply because of the Gank mentality that is ramped on creepside, and I meant Gank mentality 3 ranking spiders 2 wargs on 1 level 1 noob come on what does that prove... scare the #### out of them send them running teach them to keep their #### wired tight... Moors has degraded and all I am trying to point out is let's have the moors like it once was, not just 1 raid 1 night a week but all the time like it was... Get people out of the doldrums of Pel /6 pel pel pel anvil anvil anvil pel pel.. End game is the Moors or is that what one side is afraid of ... Oh Ps I see a lone creep newb farming and learn I just ride up until noticed and keep going... next time they will keep an eye out ... killing noobs is not a challenge it is #### play...
    the 'gank mentality' is DIRECTLY in response to this #### games' completely unbalanced pvp, a raid geared freep (if played even okish) will NEVER have any issue with even more then 2 people at once with burgs easily able to 1v3, 1v4, 1v5 and come out with the win. The moors is a pvp area with pve added in, the object of the game is to kill people. Not sure if you didn't know that little tidbit of info

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Yar View Post
    Hi no you are correct in your statement 100%
    All I am indicating to repopulate the server with fresh players ... and the state of matters now is it is dam near impossible to do so unless you find help no help you die no use why bother (what I get all the time from trying to convince)... I don't mind dying its part of the game but out of the players I bring in to the moors after trying to convince them I can get them to stay simply because of the Gank mentality that is ramped on creepside, and I meant Gank mentality 3 ranking spiders 2 wargs on 1 level 1 noob come on what does that prove... scare the #### out of them send them running teach them to keep their #### wired tight... Moors has degraded and all I am trying to point out is let's have the moors like it once was, not just 1 raid 1 night a week but all the time like it was... Get people out of the doldrums of Pel /6 pel pel pel anvil anvil anvil pel pel.. End game is the Moors or is that what one side is afraid of ... Oh Ps I see a lone creep newb farming and learn I just ride up until noticed and keep going... next time they will keep an eye out ... killing noobs is not a challenge it is #### play...
    Its PvP, kill or get killed.
    I kill everything that runs in my sight as a creep since freeps are good if good geared and have decent skill lvl. They have all their skills when they come in the moors and should have good gear / skill too.
    On freep i dont jump little once since they prbly cant defent themselfs since not all creeps are shopping them up. and even if they´re shopping themselfs up its just to get somewhat equal to MAYBE be able to kill a bad freep.
    Generell balance is 1good freep : 2 creeps.
    Just go and attack / kill everything you see its pvp nothing else. Rank doesent matter at all in this game. You easily can kill 1 rank 15 creep as r0 freep. just need an idea of your class, and therefore are more then enough videos on youtube.

  9. Aug 28 2019, 04:56 PM



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