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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Beorning Carving - Tac Heal Rating versus Incoming Healing Rating?


    Sorry for the re-post, but I played the log-in log-out game and am now able to post this question where it's appropriate.

    My question: I noticed today that Beorning carvings can ID with either Tactical Healing Rating or Incoming Healing Rating. No other class has two options like this and it would be an additional random element in IDing that might render ~half of all LIs useless (for me, I group with my husband who uses red line and I heal in yellow, so I want the Tac Heal Rating while he wants Incoming Heal).

    Does anyone know if this is a bug or WAI, and if WAI, will there be any way to 'select' which one you get?

    I appreciate any input. Thanks!
    The Hulking Pounder wounds Fisbo with Smash for 20,279 points of Common damage.
    Fisbo says, ''We may need assistance!''

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    From my experience carvings up to level 59 have incoming healing rating. After that they always had tactical healing rating.
    Unfortunately I haven't found any carvings for a long time so I can't double check.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Fratonia View Post
    From my experience carvings up to level 59 have incoming healing rating. After that they always had tactical healing rating.
    Unfortunately I haven't found any carvings for a long time so I can't double check.
    Hopefully that is true - although my first carving that I got after doing the Walls of Moria had tac healing rating. I guess time will tell, since we're only level 53.
    The Hulking Pounder wounds Fisbo with Smash for 20,279 points of Common damage.
    Fisbo says, ''We may need assistance!''

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I was curious about this, too, and bartered 4 lvl 53 Beorning's Carvings in 21th Hall. All of them had +212 Incoming Healing Rating.

    Not much later I got 2 lvl 53 Carvings dropped from mobs. Both of them had +0.9 Tactical Healing Rating.


    In fact I'm still curious ... Can anyone tell me about Carvings later on? Is there still the chance to get inc.healing or tact.healing on a lvl 100 carving?
    Or is it just one of them?

    Alt-o-holic on two Worlds:
    Usually playing on Gwaihir and enjoying Landroval.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    The barter items in Moria all have incoming healing. May be remains of the "we copy from the burglar class when we create the beorning". It isn't the first thing Turbine had to fix which had "burglar" written all over it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I tradded for 3 lvl 61's in Ost galadh, and all were +244 incoming healing rating (IHR) at start. this was after my first dropped from a lvl 65 with +12 Tactical healing.
    seems to through out Fratonia's theory that it's IHR below lvl 59, Tactical above, but seems to be there's a trend that drops from mobs can get Tactical, whereas i've only seen IHR on one's i've bartered for in moria and mirkwood.
    which do you think is better? i'm in the red line, and coming from a my main, a champ, i'm used to incoming healing on champ runes. from what i know incoming healing rating amplifies all heals, where as tactical only affects heals from tactical skills, but what has greater effect? my current lvl59 carving is max +1416 IHR, whereas my new lvl 65 has max +18m Tactical. currently my carving has both hearten heal strength and healing potency so i get really good results with hearten, which greatly increases my overall survivability.

    but i'd reallt like to know, how do for example those levels of healing ratings compare? (1416 IHR vs 18 Tactical)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    I was also curious about this, so I asked a level 100 Beorning on my server after i bartered for a few LIs and he said he has seen higher level carvings drop with either, but the incoming is not very common. It is only the bartered ones which don't give you an option. I am not sure if that is a bug or 'feature;.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    It's pretty simple guys,

    If you are a red / blue spec Beorning, you slot a carving with incoming healing.

    If you are a yellow spec Beorning, you slot a tactical healing rating carving.
    LvL 100s: Beorning, Burglar, Captain, Champ, Guardian, Hunter, Lore-Master, Minstrel, Rune-Keeper
    LvL 85: Warden, Minstrel
    All my forum posts are my opinions and may not even be that. Also On Twitter: @leixicon

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Is there a level 100 beorning carving with income healing rating?

    Quote Originally Posted by Leixy View Post
    It's pretty simple guys,

    If you are a red / blue spec Beorning, you slot a carving with incoming healing.

    If you are a yellow spec Beorning, you slot a tactical healing rating carving.
    Do level 100 carvings have income healing rating or just tactical?

    If so can a 1st age level 100 carving with income healing be crafted? How to get income instead of tactical?



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