We reach today the Rise of Isengard update. The Raid i liked most, the Tower of Orthanc.
The Advancement are much too fast, less as 3 month and i do not believe that we will stay long enough for my taste (forever) at 75.
In Germany we have some weeks with temperatures over 38°C = 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Not the core time for PC Gaming :-)
So i would like to ask you for a transfer option to a Common Server, when we reach Level 85.
I know that there will be no way back, and that i think was a good idea to prevent the exploids people already did.
When we reach Level 85 there will be a long time we have to wait for the next good raid (Thron). So i would like to advance on the common server and join my Kins and Mates here again.
Even if the transfer option is not already planed, so i would like if you think about it.
Thanks in advance.