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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Worn Symbol of the Elder King / 1st Age Symbols where to get

    Hail Eru, that you offer us some ways to reach a Worn Symbol of the Elder King.

    As a Keeper of Mysteries, i will share this Knowledge with all.

    Ways at the moment to get them:

    Play Thorog
    Here is a small chance, i think about 5% that a Symbol can be in the Box.
    My own feeling is, that this becomes reduced, but i switched of my main to level my LM.
    As i joking in an other Thread, i will switch back to the Captain and we will see, if the Carrier of Light and Luck will let more appear.

    The best of Thorog is, that everbody get Marks and Medalions. So even a Run, where someone else or nothing important is dropping, everyone get a good value of universal currency.

    2nd Best is, the nearly everybody can join the Farmtrain.
    Ok, the many Runs show me, that the People do not have Edelharn Tokens (Hopetoken or as the Germans say "Muenze", what means Coin) with them. Also Fear Potion, or the ability to run out of the group is missing often. To stay with the Back (###) in the Elementals Way and not recognize that is the most common dead by the guys with the Bow.
    Pick Edelharn Tokens, Fear Potion and Awareness of the Eye in your buffbar (or your Pet and RK Stone!) and everything will be ok.
    If you are lower Level, then join the Beargroup.
    You have to play the 3 Helegrod Parts before. It is enough to play them at Level 50 to go to Thorog.

    [UPDATE 2019-10-01: Did around 10 runs with Hunter and non shine, Did same with the Luckbringer and it did not work tonight]
    [UPDATE 2019-10-08: I Did not organize the Raids, but was in some. They still drop. Everything is fine :-)]

    Barad Guldur
    The Lieutenant, the Last Boss drop one
    (not ever, but a good chance)
    We did it today and get one, yesterday we do not get one.

    [UPDATE 2019-10-08: We did some Runs, and it works well with 6 Man. But each get loot for themself and we had non in a Run and a Run with 2. Think its around a 50% chance that in a Raid one is dropping. No better chance, as the whole 11 Man Raid in T2 yesterday get non. The Cloakquest is still only for one group. Take Randoms with you, they should see the nice raid too.]

    Time needs around 1h for the whole Raid down to 30min with a well-rehearsed group. Many know Durchest, but the Tower is higher :-)

    Play The Tower of Orthanc T2
    This is the best Option.
    From my Point of View, the best Raid ever. I like it very much. (2nd is Ost Dunhoth, 3rd share DN and Thron)
    You have a Chance of getting a Worn Symbol of the Elder King in the Box per Boss.
    And a 2nd save from the CM Box.
    You have 4 Bosses + Saruman.
    Kalbak, the Lightning One is the easiest of the 4. Also with the CM Box.
    (That is not far away from Thorog and we farmed it in old time also with each char that reached 75.)
    Iorweth, the Acid One has a hard Way to reach, but is also good to do. Also with the CM Box.

    For both i advise to play them with 12.
    You will need the damage and that does not depend on 1st, or 2nd Age Weapon. That depends on using the skills your Charakter owns.
    Its doable with 10, but the Time is the Problem at least at Iorweth. Kalbak works with less player (no true Timer, only increased Damage).

    The Bad is, that you can play it only once per week.

    There are many myth and rumour around.

    Play Gamble.
    A Friend of mine get 2 from the Hobbit Presents.
    You have to use Mithril Coins to use the Slotmashine.
    They are atm in Shop with 20% Pricereducement. 250 Coins for 1600 Shoppoints.
    I do not advice to use that Gamblesystem, but it is an Option.
    He owns also 3 Crystals of Rememberance. And we did not spoke about Cram.
    Important!!! That Worn Symbol of the Elder King is BOUND to the Account !!!
    You have to be able to craft the Item you want by your own Chars.
    I do not use that Gamblesystem.
    I need/use my Mithrilcoins for Skilltrees and the Shoppoints for Markstones.

    I list that here, because it is very small chance, but there is one. And getting the information next week, would be to late (more expensive), if you want to use it.
    [UPDATE 2019-10-01: Asked the Friend how may games he gamble.... very many - he said he would not do it again - you have to use the golden "Present" for 8 Coins]

    And maybe someone found the many Stack of hundereds of Worn Symbol of the Elder King in the Vault, as so many people are telling about......
    (I would buy some, for a fair price - as i wrote in an other Thread - did no see any in AH for weeks)

    [UPDATE 2019-10-01: I join today Draigoch with nice Russian Guys, they did BG T1 and get Yesterday 2 Symbols a Friend of mine spoke with the other Russian Kinship and they get also one Symbol]
    [UPDATE 2019-10-03: BG drop Symbols]
    Last edited by Laubgaenger; Oct 08 2019 at 12:06 PM.



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