This takes place at the Knights Rest Tavern 5 Longstreet Crickwent-Breeland.
Landroval Music Community
Pouncival-Rank 15 aroo-Leader of the Pouncing Pwny
We Pounce Because We Care
Thanks to an anonymous donor, the prize amounts have been doubled. And we are also adding a separate catagory for Solo to Duo acts. So the classes for bands are now Solo to Duo-Three to Six man, and Bands for members seven and up. First Prize for the winner in each class is 1000 gold, The prize for the winning novelty act is 600 Gold. Registrations now open, send an in game mail to Aedon on Landroval.
Last edited by Aedon; Sep 24 2019 at 12:13 AM.
Landroval Music Community
Pouncival-Rank 15 aroo-Leader of the Pouncing Pwny
We Pounce Because We Care
Due to sudden unforeseen circumstances, MEGT for tomorrow night is cancelled and being moved to Next Wednesday at the same time and place. So Wednesday, October 16th, at the Knights Rest Tavern on Landroval. Doors open at 8:00 pm est. (server time) The Big Band version will still be taking place in the announced date of October 17th. Please send all Questions to Aedon on Landroval. PS, we figure the infestation of werewargs and Borg will be cleared out by then. No cause for Alarm.. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Landroval Music Community
Pouncival-Rank 15 aroo-Leader of the Pouncing Pwny
We Pounce Because We Care