Finally after so many years we will be able to use outfits in ettenmoors! We support you and wish you develop more pvmp.
Outfits change will bring closer our characters to the lore (if most use outfits properly xD).
Here is a list of changes for Freeps to consider adding in the near future :
1. Fix the lag by improving servers. For pvmp problem with lag comes from many creeps and freeps in same area (3 - 4 craids and 1-2 fraid usually on evernight, not even full most of times)
+one other way to force people split and not all the craids be together maybe disable the option of raid or even group , so people can only 3 man or 6man so they start roaming the map more and avoid huge lag fights.
2. After class reworks you said you will balance pvmp, consider adding freep gear again balanced to creep stats make 4 sets according to ranks with more stats and maybe set bonuses also (for example set for 1-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15 rank and disable pve gear in moors. Give a free rank 0 gear with silver and let rest gear be upgraded with15coms each to make it harder to get it.
3. Bring back legendary weapons with ranks for pvmp
4. Consider adding 5 more ranks. many people after 12 years reach rank 15 and stop. give them a reason to go back and fight once more by adding some titles new ranks maybe rating system again also.
5. Make rank rewards worth getting for example the rank clocks make them updated for next lvl expansion and also make them better than pve.
6. Make keeps worth. Make npcs harder
7. Return ec and oc to their old locations and make them again part of the main line of action.
8. Consider the pvmp aspect of the game a little more on socials and with gms making events or play with us. Pvmp is an aspect of the game which can provide you steady income from vips first and second from store items. (you can add more pvmp stuff in the store)
That's your final chance before a new lotro or you fail with pve content also and many people stop playing, do not ignore it nabs xD