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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Rimenuir View Post
    . . . people get bored of the same stuff. The population constantly drops when the raids have been farmed to no end. Towards the end of 65, there were less than 200 players on the server; at the launch of Isen, there were over 400.
    Mirage is - or close to - running cap instances on Day 1 of a new releases while many have yet to get one level. Pace has defeated the point of the legendary servers for the many of us. Yes, there is pop boom when new content is released, due imo to an influx of those with capped players on the regular servers who come to get titles and/or re-experience the good ol days and never intended to stay. Following the pop booms tho has been a continuously declining population of stayers many of whom have worked out that if they want to enjoy content on level they are better off doing it on a regular server in a stone of tortoise kin on the regular servers as Cipher said and left to do this. It may also be noteworthy many of those who visit for cap content stated they don't plan to continue to do this once Rohan comes so the true population won't be known until some weeks after Rohan releases.

  2. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by LotroVidz View Post
    The LS has lost 80% of its population because this is just a fake version of old lotro. And no, there is like 5% of ls population who has cleared everything in t2c. If it was worth doing t2c like back in the day soa-ROI had tons of content.
    Even if it was a 95% no changes Lotro Classic, it would still suffer the same issues that WoW Classic does. Players would get to 50 and kill Thorog and Thaurlach within the week just like how players levelled to 60 and kill Onyxia and Ragnaros within the week. The difference is that WoW Classic has numerous raids and other content to release, while Lotro doesn't. And the content for Lotro gets smaller and smaller as you move from expansion to expansion.

  3. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteWolf21x View Post
    Even if it was a 95% no changes Lotro Classic, it would still suffer the same issues that WoW Classic does. Players would get to 50 and kill Thorog and Thaurlach within the week just like how players levelled to 60 and kill Onyxia and Ragnaros within the week. The difference is that WoW Classic has numerous raids and other content to release, while Lotro doesn't. And the content for Lotro gets smaller and smaller as you move from expansion to expansion.
    lotro content feels smaller and everything is much faster because levelling difference and experience now greatly differs from 2007 original release compared to now. You could not kill Thorog or Thaurlach back then within a week because entire game was a whole level of something else, Helegrod was released bit later, Rift came in fall of 2007..there were numerous changes

    you simply could not rush back then , world would beat you down. to compare classic lotro to modern is comparing mouse to elephant literally and then of course people get bored, the whole idea of legendary servers for me was pointless as i wrote in my thread.. everything is same as other and you are not playing same old game, classic for lotro i imagine would be nigh impossible requires old data and vanilla patched..

    also naturally when game launched everyone was new and game felt gigantic, there was a learning curve,nobody knew the world, the entire progression overall was incredibly slower just to add few examples, you could not get mount before 35, there was no in game shop and and you actually travel to each instance , also landscape was far far more deadllier and classes weaker, limited.

    and pulling mobs was a careful work which requires planning,patience and some skill, it was case for majority of older MMO'S later on they all went same road ruined by nerfs and in game store. nowadays is so fast and every class other 1-2 shooting enemies and clearing entire groups .. sigh

  4. #29
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    p.s. also im surprised what people expected to get bored doing same stuff and then complain ? they knew well these legendary servers has same content as other regular servers, i mean what is the point, maybe they expected Legendary servers will bring something unique on their own but i suppose that didn't happen..

  5. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteWolf21x View Post
    Even if it was a 95% no changes Lotro Classic, it would still suffer the same issues that WoW Classic does. Players would get to 50 and kill Thorog and Thaurlach within the week just like how players levelled to 60 and kill Onyxia and Ragnaros within the week. The difference is that WoW Classic has numerous raids and other content to release, while Lotro doesn't. And the content for Lotro gets smaller and smaller as you move from expansion to expansion.
    I would seriously doubt they would be able to clear thorog within a week. The game was completely different back then, did you play vanilla ? And also everything wasnt about clearing the raid like it currently is on LS. There was no p2w items from store, and crafting wasnt as OP as it is now so people actually needed to do instances to even be able to step into the raids. That in it self took a very long time. Also there was more mechanics to the group play since you couldn't just spam skills since power could be an issue. Also the CJs where also a factor to succeed. And a very important thing, less AOE, right now you can pull so much trash and just aoe it down, no cc needed.

    Right now the only challenging thing on the LS is TOO t2c, everything else is super easy and no where near the difficulty it was back then, also everything has lost its relevance due to powerful reputation items and crafted items that are more powerful than t2 drops.

    A true vanilla would defenetly be a completely different game, much more slow paced and tactical. Also, PVMP would be a huge thing on a true vanilla server. Let's say they have a backup of a 2010 version of the game they could release content from SOA all the way to ROI and it would be years of content.

    Or simply a SOA server would most likely be able to survive on it's own.
    Last edited by LotroVidz; Nov 04 2019 at 04:33 AM.

  6. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ringil View Post
    p.s. also im surprised what people expected to get bored doing same stuff and then complain ? they knew well these legendary servers has same content as other regular servers, i mean what is the point, maybe they expected Legendary servers will bring something unique on their own but i suppose that didn't happen..
    The only unique things that make the legendary servers interesting is a different end-game. That is, everyone is 50, 60, 65 or 75 at the current level and will do all the raids and instances on-level. In the regular servers, people just fast-forward as fast as they can through all these zones to get to 120, and skip all the level-locked content such as Moria and Isengard instances.... and those are actually quite nice to run on-level.

    I found it refreshing to hit a "new level cap" and have everyone on the server be in the new zones at the same time.

    The only thing I wished would happen is that they released content differently.... not all level 75 content all at once, but have a gap between releasing Isengard and Great river, so level increases every 6 months, content changes every 3 months. I would love it if they released Rohan in spring 2020, Wildermore in Fall 2020, Helms deep in spring 2021, Fangorn in Fall 2021, etc, etc....

    It draws it out a bit more, but does give the game new content every 3 months.
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  7. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by maartena View Post
    The only unique things that make the legendary servers interesting is a different end-game. That is, everyone is 50, 60, 65 or 75 at the current level and will do all the raids and instances on-level. In the regular servers, people just fast-forward as fast as they can through all these zones to get to 120, and skip all the level-locked content such as Moria and Isengard instances.... and those are actually quite nice to run on-level.

    I found it refreshing to hit a "new level cap" and have everyone on the server be in the new zones at the same time.

    The only thing I wished would happen is that they released content differently.... not all level 75 content all at once, but have a gap between releasing Isengard and Great river, so level increases every 6 months, content changes every 3 months. I would love it if they released Rohan in spring 2020, Wildermore in Fall 2020, Helms deep in spring 2021, Fangorn in Fall 2021, etc, etc....

    It draws it out a bit more, but does give the game new content every 3 months.
    there is no different end game, the server is not unique because you can do the same on other servers. you see its exact problem in attitude of players not server. people rush on legendary too and demand faster update, they rush on normal servers too.. changing legendary and capping up level haven't solved anything.

    if people want to skip some content they will do it regardless , imagine if you don't love isengard would you still play it even if its locked at 75 for months? does not make sense for me at all.

    6months is way way too long, that's barely any unique thing, legendary servers have absolutely nothing to offer for newcomers or old players , the only reason to create another server is to restore far older version classic that once used to be

  8. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by maartena View Post
    so level increases every 6 months, content changes every 3 months. I would love it if they released Rohan in spring 2020, Wildermore in Fall 2020, Helms deep in spring 2021, Fangorn in Fall 2021, etc, etc....

    It draws it out a bit more, but does give the game new content every 3 months.
    6 Month level increases would be murder to this server. The endgames from RoR to DA are trash and will see a large decrease in server population. There MIGHT be a come back for Throne. But I don't see how this server could survive on 6 months of "Epic" Battles

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  9. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ringil View Post
    you simply could not rush back then , world would beat you down. to compare classic lotro to modern is comparing mouse to elephant literally and then of course people get bored, the whole idea of legendary servers for me was pointless as i wrote in my thread.. everything is same as other and you are not playing same old game, classic for lotro i imagine would be nigh impossible requires old data and vanilla patched..
    and pulling mobs was a careful work which requires planning,patience and some skill, it was case for majority of older MMO'S later on they all went same road ruined by nerfs and in game store. nowadays is so fast and every class other 1-2 shooting enemies and clearing entire groups .. sigh
    Quote Originally Posted by LotroVidz View Post
    I would seriously doubt they would be able to clear thorog within a week. The game was completely different back then, did you play vanilla ? And also everything wasnt about clearing the raid like it currently is on LS. There was no p2w items from store, and crafting wasnt as OP as it is now so people actually needed to do instances to even be able to step into the raids. That in it self took a very long time. Also there was more mechanics to the group play since you couldn't just spam skills since power could be an issue. Also the CJs where also a factor to succeed. And a very important thing, less AOE, right now you can pull so much trash and just aoe it down, no cc needed.
    They said the exact same thing about WoW Classic though. "Need to take it slow." "Cant fight more than 1 enemy at a time." "Have to eat and drink after every other battle to regain health and mana." In reality however none of that mattered. You can move through the landscape with relative ease and progress rather quickly. The challenge that people thought was in Vanilla WoW was actually an illusion. And Lotro has this same illusion.

    And thinking about it now, I agree that Thorog wouldn't die in a week. Lotro doesn't have a hardcore raid scene like WoW does so I'm not sure how many kins would try to go for world first. So it would depend on the motivation. But the content would still be completed much faster than you think.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ringil View Post
    also naturally when game launched everyone was new and game felt gigantic, there was a learning curve,nobody knew the world, the entire progression overall was incredibly slower just to add few examples, you could not get mount before 35, there was no in game shop and and you actually travel to each instance , also landscape was far far more deadllier and classes weaker, limited.
    Exactly my point. We are nearing year 13. Everything there is to know about Lotro has been discovered. If a Lotro Classic was released, there would be nothing new. You can find class guides, you can find Best in Slot lists, you can find levelling paths, instance and raid guides. You name it, there is a guide out there, Combined the player knowledge with the drastic increase in overall player skill over the past 13 years and the game becomes much easier than it was, even though nothing changed.

    Quote Originally Posted by LotroVidz View Post
    Or simply a SOA server would most likely be able to survive on it's own.
    I'm not saying it couldn't survive on its own. The amount of content in SoA is good enough (but could've/should've been more imo). Moria as well (but could've/should've been more.) But from Siege of Mirkwood onwards is where it starts to lack and the lack of content during these expansions is one of the reasons the game is in the position it is now.

  10. #35
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    Feb 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteWolf21x View Post
    They said the exact same thing about WoW Classic though. "Need to take it slow." "Cant fight more than 1 enemy at a time." "Have to eat and drink after every other battle to regain health and mana." In reality however none of that mattered. You can move through the landscape with relative ease and progress rather quickly. The challenge that people thought was in Vanilla WoW was actually an illusion. And Lotro has this same illusion.

    And thinking about it now, I agree that Thorog wouldn't die in a week. Lotro doesn't have a hardcore raid scene like WoW does so I'm not sure how many kins would try to go for world first. So it would depend on the motivation. But the content would still be completed much faster than you think.

    Exactly my point. We are nearing year 13. Everything there is to know about Lotro has been discovered. If a Lotro Classic was released, there would be nothing new. You can find class guides, you can find Best in Slot lists, you can find levelling paths, instance and raid guides. You name it, there is a guide out there, Combined the player knowledge with the drastic increase in overall player skill over the past 13 years and the game becomes much easier than it was, even though nothing changed.

    I'm not saying it couldn't survive on its own. The amount of content in SoA is good enough (but could've/should've been more imo). Moria as well (but could've/should've been more.) But from Siege of Mirkwood onwards is where it starts to lack and the lack of content during these expansions is one of the reasons the game is in the position it is now.
    I have just hit level 60 in wow classic, and the landscape is not "hard", but you need to pay attention. As a level 60 priest, and 35 warrior it's defenetly possible to die if you pull 2 on level mobs. 3 is vital. And yes you need to use drinks to regain after almost every fight, and I like it.

    Also, content was cleared rather fast by players who where ahead of the curve, and played constantly for days. But for the avarage player, it takes long to hit 60, and even longer to get BIS gear. Also the first phase in wow is easier due to the game is balanced around 1.12 game, back in the day it wasn't 1.12 for those instances and raids. Stats and gear was more powerful in 1.12 patch, so not until the later phases will we be able to see the balance as it truly was.

    Also, you have to remember that comparing SOA to Wow classic is not ideal, since classic came out in 2004 and lotro in 2007. I think SOA had way more complicated instances and group setups that classic does. In SOA we got the support roles, cc mechanics where more important, and power management along with the CJ's.

    SOA was a modern version of classic, not nearly as grindy. SOA would do well in todays MMO scene, and could defenetly compete with wow classic. SOA sold in millions back in the day, and topped the charts for months.

    People also forget how many new players there is, there are tons of new players who never played SOA and for them it will truly be a new experience. Imagine the fun to just experience everything how it was back then.

  11. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by LotroVidz View Post
    SOA was a modern version of classic, not nearly as grindy. SOA would do well in todays MMO scene, and could defenetly compete with wow classic. SOA sold in millions back in the day, and topped the charts for months.
    I disagree that it would do well in todays scene but we will just keep going in circles. So I will just agree to disagree.

    All I want is for Lotro to reach its full potential. And while I think SoA was a good attempt, I don't think it was even close to what Lotro could be.

  12. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteWolf21x View Post
    All I want is for Lotro to reach its full potential. And while I think SoA was a good attempt, I don't think it was even close to what Lotro could be.
    Probably, but SOA-ROI in it's original form would be superior to what we have today.

  13. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteWolf21x View Post
    I disagree that it would do well in todays scene but we will just keep going in circles. So I will just agree to disagree.

    All I want is for Lotro to reach its full potential. And while I think SoA was a good attempt, I don't think it was even close to what Lotro could be.
    you obviously never played vanilla, it was a peak already back then, anything post vanilla and maybe moria it went downhill slowly.

    lotro's full potential has ended a decade ago.

  14. #39
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    I know it wouldn't work from a player numbers stand-point, but I wish there was a way to have a Classic SoA server, a different Classic MoM server, etc., i.e., the game stands still in time for that server. I would play at least one character on each of the servers where that particular end-game was fun for me. I do realize most players would get bored without any game progression. I definitely agree that the updates are coming too quickly for the LS.

  15. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ringil View Post
    you obviously never played vanilla, it was a peak already back then, anything post vanilla and maybe moria it went downhill slowly.

    lotro's full potential has ended a decade ago.
    I'll fix this for you: LOTRO's full potential for concurrent server population ended a decade ago.

    As for when this changed, it was post-Moria, not post SoA. When Moria was launched, LOTRO servers were even more packed with players.

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