You are cordially invited to join The Way of the Tortoise as we celebrate a few things this coming Saturday 16 November 2019.
We are celebrating the one year anniversary of Ithil, we are celebrating our one year Tortiversary, and we are celebrating entering into the Mines of Moria and raising our level passed 50!
On 16 November 2019 at 11:30AM Servertime, the Torts will be parading through Breetown starting at the West Gate, passing The Prancing Pony, and finishing at the South Gate. There will be fireworks along the way at all the fountains we pass.
Once we end the parade at the South Gate we will take a few minutes and then set out on the journey to Moria! We will walk from the South Gate to the Yellow Tree at which point we will break into a run all the way to Echad Dunnan to begin Volume II of the epic story and begin to explore Moria.
You do not have to be a Tortoise to join us, any and all are welcome for the parade and the run.
(This is not a recruitment event, but if you are interested in the Tortoises you can see the link in my signature)
Last edited by KaosReigns; Nov 11 2019 at 10:32 AM.