I'd like to address to Vastin or whoever is in charge of stats/gear.
First off, I am in favor of OHR being the main attribute for our heals. But these changes you've implemented since U25 have been made, as always, looking as the higher segment of item levels. And they have hurt all the healing classes in the LS.
I main a Mini. Before the U25, I had ToO gear, Draig's cloak, combined with rep&crafted teal pieces. On Blue line, my OHR was capped, my crit was capped, both my mits were capped and I was at 22k morale.
I logged yesterday for our weekly ToO t2 run and what do I see? My OHR was down to 55% (WITH THE +10% from Resonance!!). Ofc nothing else was capped except my mits (those remained ok).
So, I go over my available gear to try to make some changes & recover my OHR... only to find that there aren't many pieces with OHR as a stat. I had a teal mathom gear box laying around in my vault, only the helm there offered OHR. I took it anyway. Had to downgrade my jewellery to some old Mirk pieces and I remember replacing my CR shoulderguards with the Draigoch ones (that happened to have OHR too).
I still didn't manage to go back to 80% (again, with the buff from Resonance I remained at 70%)... having sacrificed my crit cap and shy of 3k morale to get it.
So, if you're gonna make these stat changes on our character builds, why are you doing it without revamping our gear? It's so, so very discouraging.
And I know Beorns and Cappies have suffered even more from this. I'm just detailing my own case here. No one in our kin was very happy.