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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Why beornings do not get finesse from fate (or will)?

    Simple as the title says: Why beornings don't get finesse with fate (or even will) as all the other classes do?

    Anyone can answer that? I have bugged it in game, but still nothing.

    Maybe someone has an answer. Maybe even a blue name......

    I am still dreaming it seems......

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Last update SSG gave Beornings .5 finesse for every 1 fate. Solved.
    Irin r8 Hunter // Arngar r8 Burg // Akthuri r15 LM // Vishus r5 Captain // Curad r11 Mini < RETIRED // ACTIVE > Ursamajor Beorn // Babayaga LM // Kleptomania Burg // (Anor)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Yes. Still I don't understand why they do not get 1 finesse for every 1 fate, as ever other class, but anyway.... Maybe SSG thinks that with 1 finesse per fate beornings will become op

    Anyway, yeah, solved. Cheers.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Why do they get 1 critical per Might when only Champs do?

    Why do they get twice the Tact mitigation from Fate as everyone else?

    Why do they get twice the Morale regen as everyone else from Fate?

    Every class has tradeoffs and different stat derivations, for the most part Beornings get better stat derivations than other classes so I wouldn’t worry too much about 0.5 Finesse from Fate. I mean unless you want Tact Mit nerfed down to get your 0.5 Finesse?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Moorsfighter View Post
    Why do they get 1 critical per Might when only Champs do?

    Why do they get twice the Tact mitigation from Fate as everyone else?

    Why do they get twice the Morale regen as everyone else from Fate?

    Every class has tradeoffs and different stat derivations, for the most part Beornings get better stat derivations than other classes so I wouldn’t worry too much about 0.5 Finesse from Fate. I mean unless you want Tact Mit nerfed down to get your 0.5 Finesse?
    Well, that is your point of view and your opinion. I have a totally diffrent one.

    You speak of different stat derivations and better ones for the beornings, I see things through the pov that beornings had none stat derivation from fate for 2 weeks (you say nothing about that, I understand why). You imply that beornings are in better state from other classes stat wise at least, I can keep reading the 2-3 years old posts here in this sub forum, that say otherwise. That say that beoring was, is and will be a neglected paid class, that player should struggle to keep in par with other classes.

    I am playing the bear since day 1 of that class, I have done everything that can be done on level, I totally feel the pain of the people that paid for that class and tried to do challenging stuff. Maybe you forget the past, maybe you see beornings in their current form, that are capable healers, decent tanks, zero dps while in the past they were totally zero in everything. I don't know, maybe it is just your opinion, and as this I respect that, but I have mine.

    Anyway, if my post and my bug report helped a bit in changing the fate (pun intended) of the class I love, I am fine. And I keep on with my opinions, same as you will.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Zahu View Post
    Well, that is your point of view and your opinion. I have a totally diffrent one.

    I am playing the bear since day 1 of that class, I have done everything that can be done on level, I totally feel the pain of the people that paid for that class and tried to do challenging stuff. Maybe you forget the past, maybe you see beornings in their current form, that are capable healers, decent tanks, zero dps while in the past they were totally zero in everything. I don't know, maybe it is just your opinion, and as this I respect that, but I have mine.
    Is bear that bad in red line? I decided to main beorning and will not change class now as newish player as I also spent decent amount of lotro points buying non account wide things on him and like idea of having all 3 roles on one class but dislike Captain.
    Planing on playing mostly as red and switch to blue when I feel like tanking group content. I am player that focuses on one character but has alts not to really play them rather have them as bank characters, crafting alts, etc. If it is that bad of dps and just mediocre tank that is a bummer a little.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Beornings had, has and will have many unsolved problems. Still it is my favourite class. If you want to do group content (instances) and especially challenging ones, atm beorning is for healing. As a tank, well, it can do some stuff, but I wouldn't see it as a main tank in future 6 man or raid. Ofc it can tank current 3 mans. So as a tank, it has limits. Red line (dps) in group content it is zero. On the other hand, red line when soloing is marvelous. I have soloed everything that can be soloed in game in red beorning, and it is refreshing to do so. It gets boring fast though. So, it all depends how you want to play. Overall, as I see it, beorning is a missed oportunity for lotro. It could be something extraordinary, but unfortunately it is not. Nevertheless, I still love that class. Those strange things......



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