Weathertop is on the events calendar. Nekkid group storming the castle FTW! Shooting for US daytime today or tomorrow as folks are available. Anyone willing to fight nekkid is welcome to join us. Level 20- 24 max. No jewelry, no armour, just plenty of um...spunk!
...when in doubt...twirl...
Crickhollow: Wisa/Weesa, Elvisa/Elvysa and many other Elv's, Reaboj, Sunberry, Altheah, Ooma's and some others. Landroval: Sunnberry, Raynbel, Starberry, Burraberry, Sugarree, Magnolia, and a bunch of others too. Anor: Elviska, Wisa, Elvisa, and more. Laurelin: Sunberry, Wisaberry, Elvisa Gwaihir: Sunberry. Belegaer: Sunberry.
Sirannon: Sunberry. Treebeard: Wisa,Moonberry, Sunberry, Wisaberry, Elvisa and more. Brandywine: Raynberry
Weathertop is on the events calendar. Nekkid group storming the castle FTW! Shooting for US daytime today or tomorrow as folks are available. Anyone willing to fight nekkid is welcome to join us. Level 20- 24 max. No jewelry, no armour, just plenty of um...spunk!
Haha yes I think a dwarf beorning is a new class - baby bear
I should be able to fight later on today or tomorrow - could maybe do either day 11pm UK BST (I think that’s 6pm eastern and 3pm west coast, if my calculations are correct)... might be able to get online a bit earlier but I know I can guarantee that time. Family have this funny habit of wanting to spend time with me, you know
I’m an alien, an illegal alien: I’m a Gondorian Captain in Rohan...
Team of three stormed the hill yesterday, feeling the breeze! We powered up the hillside without much opposition, and after one wipe at the summit and a rethink of strategy, we took down the bosses on the second attempt. Some nice work from Reaboj distracting the adds and Echo healing meant Tommi could take down the troll.
All with no gear except weapons! 3 players in the 6-player fellowship instance on level or even slightly under.
Thanks for crossing the gulf of space and time to play everyone! Looking forward to hitting Garth Agarwen, next stop!
I’m an alien, an illegal alien: I’m a Gondorian Captain in Rohan...
A hobbit, a dwarf and an elf decided to take a stroll up Weathertop earlier today. It was a beautiful, sunshiny day and Tommi, the dwarf, was so warm he took off his shirt. The elf, Nallamatani, wore the flimsiest of silk dresses that flittered in the slightest breeze. Azaleanna, the hobbit, having more plain ol' good hobbit-sense, kept on her awe-inspiring aluminum overshirt and paper-mâché "helmet" to frighten off any unsavories we might stumble upon. And sure enough, there was a smelly, old Uruk and big, mean troll just waiting for us on top of the hill, if you can believe it! Well, we were having none of that! With blades a'whirlin and sparks a'flyin we gave them their comeuppance and dispatched them and their minions. So, if you decide to hike up that hill, pack a hearty picnic lunch 'cause climbing is hungry work and don't forget to wear your aluminum!
...when in doubt...twirl...
Crickhollow: Wisa/Weesa, Elvisa/Elvysa and many other Elv's, Reaboj, Sunberry, Altheah, Ooma's and some others. Landroval: Sunnberry, Raynbel, Starberry, Burraberry, Sugarree, Magnolia, and a bunch of others too. Anor: Elviska, Wisa, Elvisa, and more. Laurelin: Sunberry, Wisaberry, Elvisa Gwaihir: Sunberry. Belegaer: Sunberry.
Sirannon: Sunberry. Treebeard: Wisa,Moonberry, Sunberry, Wisaberry, Elvisa and more. Brandywine: Raynberry
Wear store bought armor, basic crafted or looted,
Do content four levels higher than you.
We are doing some content 4 levels higher but we're doing it naked.....Boraxxe and I do epic content until it turns red, then level up one to start again.
...when in doubt...twirl...
Crickhollow: Wisa/Weesa, Elvisa/Elvysa and many other Elv's, Reaboj, Sunberry, Altheah, Ooma's and some others. Landroval: Sunnberry, Raynbel, Starberry, Burraberry, Sugarree, Magnolia, and a bunch of others too. Anor: Elviska, Wisa, Elvisa, and more. Laurelin: Sunberry, Wisaberry, Elvisa Gwaihir: Sunberry. Belegaer: Sunberry.
Sirannon: Sunberry. Treebeard: Wisa,Moonberry, Sunberry, Wisaberry, Elvisa and more. Brandywine: Raynberry
Wear store bought armor, basic crafted or looted,
Do content four levels higher than you.
I tried this before we started the naked group. I actually found it hard to stay on red. Since red content grants more experience than on-level content, you end up racing through, which is the opposite of what I want to do. It's possible to tortoise, but I find that clunkier.
Playing naked scales really well, at least where I am. And, as someone else said, it's hard to get simpler than playing naked .
We haven't been posting on this thread, and we should do it again!
Within the last couple of weeks, the Angmar crew got annihilated on the final boss of Hall of Night instance. We're regrouping and strategizing. We've also been doing Perfect Picnic in various combinations and having a blast.
And two more members have leveled into Angmar! Be still my beating heart.
AND!!! Both Boraxxe and Wisa have done the solo mirrors and waterwheels at level 60. Took a run through for both of us and remembering the last fight(s) but totally doable naked! If a yellow line burg and a blue line burg can do it solo naked...…!
...when in doubt...twirl...
Crickhollow: Wisa/Weesa, Elvisa/Elvysa and many other Elv's, Reaboj, Sunberry, Altheah, Ooma's and some others. Landroval: Sunnberry, Raynbel, Starberry, Burraberry, Sugarree, Magnolia, and a bunch of others too. Anor: Elviska, Wisa, Elvisa, and more. Laurelin: Sunberry, Wisaberry, Elvisa Gwaihir: Sunberry. Belegaer: Sunberry.
Sirannon: Sunberry. Treebeard: Wisa,Moonberry, Sunberry, Wisaberry, Elvisa and more. Brandywine: Raynberry
So, just how hard is it to play naked (without gear) on the LS?
It's not hard at all.
In fact it's quite easy.
The thing that is important to remember is to pay attention.
Pay attention to what level your opponent is.
Pay attention to how fast you are losing Morale.
Pay attention to your consumable supply (food, food and more food), (Healing Pots), (Athelas).
Pay attention to your soldier's/pet's condition.
Paying attention comes with some responsibility.
If you are paying close attention, and you find you are getting your ### kicked, it is your responsibility to run that ### off and get outta there!
If you don't want to pay that much attention to running through Middle-earth, then don't play naked.
But, if you want some adventure, by all means, give it a try.
If you have trouble completing a goal/quest, wait a level and go for it.
Or find another Naked soul and team up. A naked-Duo is as capable as a geared solo adventurer.
Awesome! So you got another good run in, this time without my buggy yellow guard !
I’m not VIP right now, which is why you haven’t seen me on Anor for while. Might have to roll a breezy character on Crick instead...
Hey, you can always strip an existing toon. Look me up! (Wenslydale or Leolwyn)
We have a group between lvls 60 and 70 from the bones of the old Casual Wanderers level-cap kin, some of whom are interested in some nude adventuring. The channel is casualwand. They're a good group.
I admit that the Anor group has been so much fun that I can go a week without logging into Crick. I want to be able to keep up with both groups, but dude I work 40 hrs/week.
We've expanded into a nicely active, if small kin on Anor. If you wanna return to VIP, we'd be thrilled.
Hey, you can always strip an existing toon. Look me up! (Wenslydale or Leolwyn)
We have a group between lvls 60 and 70 from the bones of the old Casual Wanderers level-cap kin, some of whom are interested in some nude adventuring. The channel is casualwand. They're a good group.
I admit that the Anor group has been so much fun that I can go a week without logging into Crick. I want to be able to keep up with both groups, but dude I work 40 hrs/week.
We've expanded into a nicely active, if small kin on Anor. If you wanna return to VIP, we'd be thrilled.
Thanks! You’re very kind.
I now have all of the quest packs up until Legacy of the the Necromancer and am only 107 on my highest level character, so finding reasons to go VIP is getting harder. I’m sure I will join up again at some point, but right now I’m right in the thick of the Gondor quest lines so it’s a pretty big draw.
With the elf heralds incoming soon, I might roll a high elf captain on Crick sometime and look you up there
I’m an alien, an illegal alien: I’m a Gondorian Captain in Rohan...
I now have all of the quest packs up until Legacy of the the Necromancer and am only 107 on my highest level character, so finding reasons to go VIP is getting harder. I’m sure I will join up again at some point, but right now I’m right in the thick of the Gondor quest lines so it’s a pretty big draw.
With the elf heralds incoming soon, I might roll a high elf captain on Crick sometime and look you up there
This is definitely a problem.
My progress through the content is so sad that my Anor toon could actually pass my highest toon on Crick that I've had for 6 years.
I avoided going VIP and joining Anor for quite a while because, seriously, why do I need to replay the stuff I already know?
But it's a great group, so I'm still here. If I ever get to friggin level cap on Anor, I'll be back on Crick double-time.
We knew that naked adventuring on landscape wasn't going to work by Mordor.
For me, I crossed the fun/annoying threshold as I approached level 70. I reached a point where I could be 1 or 2-shotted too frequently. I was completely dependent on my Herald to function as a tank.
I have donned my gear.
I do think I'd prefer landscape to be more threatening than it is with full gear. There are intermediate things to try. I'm pondering 2 items of armor and 2 items of jewelry. I did this on my Burg on Crick in Moria, but then nakedness worked fine in Moria.