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  1. #1
    Erionor's Avatar
    Erionor is offline Captain of Gondor, showed quality
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    Suggestion for legendary servers

    There have been a few threads recently about a) merging the servers and b) when Riders of Rohan will be released. However not everyone is happy with either idea - some feel the time between releases is too short and some are attached to their server communities so wouldn’t want to move. So... with that in mind, here’s my suggestion:

    a) Keep one server locked at 75 cap e.g. Anor
    b) Release RoR on the other server only e.g. Ithil
    c) Allow free transfers between the two legendary servers at any time (level permitting of course), or allow character copies similar to Bullroarer to enable players to stay in touch with their kin mates etc on each server and run different cap level content on either. These transfers would be another perk of VIP and a partial incentive to stay subbed on legendary. You would of course need to be restricted to only one copy per character ...

    I am sure there will be plenty of folks who have issues with this, but it’s just an idea

    I’m an alien, an illegal alien: I’m a Gondorian Captain in Rohan...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by TheArtilleryman View Post
    There have been a few threads recently about a) merging the servers and b) when Riders of Rohan will be released. However not everyone is happy with either idea - some feel the time between releases is too short and some are attached to their server communities so wouldn’t want to move. So... with that in mind, here’s my suggestion:

    a) Keep one server locked at 75 cap e.g. Anor
    b) Release RoR on the other server only e.g. Ithil
    c) Allow free transfers between the two legendary servers at any time (level permitting of course), or allow character copies similar to Bullroarer to enable players to stay in touch with their kin mates etc on each server and run different cap level content on either. These transfers would be another perk of VIP and a partial incentive to stay subbed on legendary. You would of course need to be restricted to only one copy per character ...

    I am sure there will be plenty of folks who have issues with this, but it’s just an idea
    For the most part, I like this idea a lot; however the problem with it is that the populations are too low to sustain either server. One server will take a hit (most likely the RoR server) and then will be shut down. If there were still 400 people playing on Anor and 200-300 playing on Ithil (I was always under the impression Ithil is smaller) than this would be a great idea. However splitting the 200-300 people that play on BOTH servers would not be very smart IMO.

    Mirage | Fathom | Situational Awareness | Reformed
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I think this is too convoluted for SSG to pull off. Maybe it's just my impression based on what we've seen as newer releases... Honestly, I hope they don't go thru with something like what's suggested here.

    Edit: and let's not forget Transfers aren't back up yet and there's not ETA on that either. We really know very little about what's going on with the company.
    Last edited by Laurelinarien; Jan 04 2020 at 01:35 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    They come back at 9th Jan. As written in the Becon.

    Splitting is not a good idea, even if i think many will stay @75.
    (and Switch if Osgiliath is near)
    I like Orthanc, as i wrote often. With the original RoR release we lost many Players*.
    There are Rumors about the comming of RoR in March, or next week.

    We - Friends and German Raid Community of Arnor - had to gamble.
    I hope we stay @75 for while.
    I think this Attribut Scrollcase offer (75%) this week had brought SSG more Money in 2 weeks as in the last 2 years.
    If we stay at 75, it was a good "invest".... better spending - else.....

    * I took also a break.

    There were, and still creating more and more threads about merging and closing. (participated and created ever by the same few guys.)
    We have Xmas holidays.
    On Monday at least the Majority of the German players are back at home.

    The Idea with the Savepoint for Level 75 is nice, but as the Server Tranfers were exploited so often this is a bit complicated.
    For me it looks ok. So we can play at 75 for a much longer time and join later to the Level advanced server.

    For me it would also an alternative, to transfer from LS to Common one.
    (before i have to shop some points again - i am very empty)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2019
    Obviously they should merge legendary server. It's a nonsense to play on empty mmorpg game. Players need socials interactions and fullfiled world.

  6. #6
    Erionor's Avatar
    Erionor is offline Captain of Gondor, showed quality
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    Quote Originally Posted by jokor View Post
    Obviously they should merge legendary server. It's a nonsense to play on empty mmorpg game. Players need socials interactions and fullfiled world.
    But a lot of people strongly oppose this, which is why I made the suggestion. Keep both servers but with different caps - please the folks who want to take their time as well as those who want to move on.

    I’m an alien, an illegal alien: I’m a Gondorian Captain in Rohan...

  7. #7
    I do not like the idea of it being released in March. This would essentially be a death sentence for Ithil as it is already sparsely populated. The feeling I get from many players on Ithil is that they have been MORE than ready for the expansion to hit and are preparing for it for next week. As far as splitting the servers to different levels. I am not sure how I feel about this as I see positives and negatives on both sides. One server will be invaded by another depending on which one they chose to raise the caps to. I think they should just raise them both. People who want to keep enjoying lvl 75 content can perfectly chose to stay lvl 75 and do lvl 75 content.

  8. #8
    Erionor's Avatar
    Erionor is offline Captain of Gondor, showed quality
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeautifulFatality View Post
    People who want to keep enjoying lvl 75 content can perfectly chose to stay lvl 75 and do lvl 75 content.
    You say that... but people can do that now on the regular servers with the tortoise stone and for the most part they don’t. Yes, there are some nice kinships like Those Who Wander on Laurelin that do this (currently capped at 60) but for some reason, most people want to play to server level cap. Within a day of the cap lifting to 75 people had hit cap.

    Folks are worried about level 75 content dying on the LS when RoR gets released. I personally think the progression of the LS has been way too fast as it is kind of defeating the object of the project. They probably should delay RoR as long as possible and focus on other stuff e.g. MM instances/raids, champ updates, doing something with the Ettenmoors, then maybe raise the cap. But when they do, they should think about just raising on one, to allow players as many options as possible.

    I’m an alien, an illegal alien: I’m a Gondorian Captain in Rohan...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    just roll out rohan and let's get this over with, the servers are on their last breath anyway

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by TheArtilleryman View Post
    There have been a few threads recently about a) merging the servers and b) when Riders of Rohan will be released. However not everyone is happy with either idea - some feel the time between releases is too short and some are attached to their server communities so wouldn’t want to move. So... with that in mind, here’s my suggestion:

    From what I've found across most of Anor has more to do with the lack of information prior to release.

    There's been players whom logged in during Mirkwood who lamented that they fell behind because the expansion dropped earlier than expected* As there was no information provided by Standing Stone greater than a "maybe next week" and the four-month cycle that was part of the original FAQ.

    And recently, there's been kinmates that login to check if Rohan has released yet, as Twitter/Facebook/Forums are irregular sources of information when it comes to announcing new rounds of content.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheArtilleryman View Post
    You say that... but people can do that now on the regular servers with the tortoise stone and for the most part they don’t. Yes, there are some nice kinships like Those Who Wander on Laurelin that do this (currently capped at 60) but for some reason, most people want to play to server level cap. Within a day of the cap lifting to 75 people had hit cap.

    Folks are worried about level 75 content dying on the LS when RoR gets released. I personally think the progression of the LS has been way too fast as it is kind of defeating the object of the project. They probably should delay RoR as long as possible and focus on other stuff e.g. MM instances/raids, champ updates, doing something with the Ettenmoors, then maybe raise the cap. But when they do, they should think about just raising on one, to allow players as many options as possible.
    75 content won't die as it doesn't scale, there's no special legendary title that disappears, challenge can still be attempted at 75 and still retains raid locks. Just like in 2012, where Tower of Orthanc was still popular on servers as a form of additional content whilst working on Hytbold/Wildermore.

    I'm sorry to say, but using a Tortoise Stone rather defeats the point. Since the exact same thing can be achieved on the regular servers.
    As others have pointed out.

    Concern about rising level caps, from the large number of players I've had the pleasure (and sometimes displeasure) of interacting with, has more to do with the pre-conceived judgements over the quality of upcoming content and what that entails. One such displeasurable encounter was a player whom misunderstood the point of Anor/Ithil (that are NOT a vanilla version of LOTRO) and were seeking a Tortoise stone kin to retain some roleplay fantasy that the server does not extend beyond 50.

    Frankly, with my experience during the 2011-2014 period of LOTROs decline, what drove players away during the level 85 cap had more to do with the god-awful communication methods, favouritism towards certain community members shown by particular staff member at Turbine at the time and the delayed release of group content included in the price of Riders of Rohan.

    Considering this, that many systems considered 'Pay-to-Win' during the introduction of Eastenment are already retained features of the Legendary Server, keeping either server at 75 is moot.

    The "project" was advertised as a progression server, which it has pretty much stayed true to. The issue has been the lack of refinement of outdated segments of content. With this I mean, when Angmar and Moria released, the raids and group content had not received any sufficient difficulty adjustments and the faster players sped through the clusters and then quit finding this initial state a great letdown. Even after these raids were given difficulty adjustments and the introduction of additional tiers (and a special Legendary Server Title)- The sheer lack of "Hey Everyone we've made changes" outside of the dense livestream and poorly worded release notes led to the larger population giving up.
    And then, on the complete opposite side of things- Mirkwood was released with the difficulty and boss fights in-tact; However, any rewards, loot or worthwhile incentives to keep running beyond the initial In Their Absence questline and t2c deeds were missing thanks to mess of scaled loot (Something that is guaranteed to sink Rohan if not addressed). Even with the 'When run at 65' changes, the problem wasn't really addresed.

    Communication, Community Interaction and Misinformation are evident reasons for the Anor/Ithil slowdown. Showing no critical reflection to the same problems that plagued the same content in 2012.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    I am the member of the only Russian raid-kinship on the Anor server. On behalf of the community, I want to say that we are against freezing content at level 75. Many who expressed their love for Izengard content - but what do you actually do in the game? World chat is almost silent, auction is almost empty. In many other kinships, there are barely enough people for ToO t1, almost everyone already lacks people on t2 and I haven't any words about t2c - only 2-3 kinships done this during whole Isengard update. What do you want to do at your favorite level 75, which you want to freeze, languidly farming Thorog and festivals?

    We are waiting for updates and Erebor raids at level 85, a large number of at least Russian-speaking people will return to the server.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Release RoR! The server is dying! Cordovan slacker-go to work!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    The server dies and will die with this attitude of developers. it is necessary to add obvious advantages for legendary servers, such as PVP, events, etc.
    At the moment it is necessary to at least release a rohan.



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