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Reaver has a class trait that can change all orc-craft damage to fire, which changes them to tactical damage right? But they also class as melee, and each damage "class" has their own crit chance according to the critical rating (my melee having a 23.2% chance to crit, and my tactical attacks having a 22.4% critical chance to crit).
What I'm trying to ask is since my melee attacks ALSO do fire damage, does the game recognize it as tactical damage & melee when calculating a critical hit? Would I essentially get "two chances" to crit with burning blades if it did take that into account? Or does it simply just focus on melee?
Reaver (and every other creep class) has a trait that changes damage type to fire damage. It's skills still deal melee damage, but with the fire damage type. This means instead of damage being calculated off of orc-craft mitigation it now goes through fire mitigation.
To answer the question, criticals are rolled on melee critical chance since it is still a melee attack and not a tactical attack, it just has the tactical damage type.
You can compare it to a hunter using a fire/light oil. It's still a ranged attack, but with the fire/light damage type.
Overlord Urundus
Cohorts of the Red Legion