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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Returning player

    I am planning on subsriping to be able to access a legendary server.
    I want to re-experience this game from the very beginning.
    Are there anyone running low level instances, groups etc ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Slayerwins View Post
    I am planning on subsriping to be able to access a legendary server.
    I want to re-experience this game from the very beginning.
    Are there anyone running low level instances, groups etc ?
    I myself just recently started. There are not many people, but in the chat they sometimes get somewhere, including 20+

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Welcome back!

    Yes there are new players and new characters made by old players. Joining a kinship is another way of finding people to run early instances. Often if the kin isn't too focused on end-game raiding they will put together groups for low-level content as a special event- or you can always just ask for help from your online kinmates.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Slayerwins View Post
    I am planning on subsriping to be able to access a legendary server.
    I want to re-experience this game from the very beginning.
    Are there anyone running low level instances, groups etc ?
    I have compared Evernight vs Anor, and there is way more players level 1-50 on Evenight than Anor(the legendary server). If you want to find ppl doing low level content, there are more players on the non-legendary worlds. Just a heads up!

  5. #5
    Echoweaver's Avatar
    Echoweaver is offline Meddler in the Affairs of Wizards
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Did you intend this question to be just about Ithil?

    I can't speak to Ithil because my account is on Anor, but I do know that there are kins on Anor that regularly run end-game and low-level instances. I'm having a great time in The Mithril League, and There and Back Again is the huge kin running all sorts of content. I know there is at least one large raiding-specific kin.

    I don't want to steal Ithil's thunder, but I didn't want to give the impression that there are no options .
    Anor veteran on Landroval: Ardith and Wensleydale
    Learning to raid on Landroval https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...League-Kinship

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Both Anor and Ithil have all-in-one kins that service characters high, low, and in-between. Ithil has a SLOTRO kin (capped at 60 atm) if you don't want to be outpaced by expansion releases. Ithil is regarded as the quieter server (which is both good and bad), but it's still very much active (both servers have substantial dips in population depending on when you play).

    While I prefer Ithil, if you're just starting it's important you consider that Ithil was created AFTER Anor. This is important as there is always the possibility of a future merge between the Legendary Servers (where Ithil is most likely to be merged into Anor).

  7. #7
    Echoweaver's Avatar
    Echoweaver is offline Meddler in the Affairs of Wizards
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    I'm envious of the SLOTRO kin on Ithil, I gotta admit. I don't know of one on Anor.

    I'm part of the one on Crickhollow, Casual Wanderers, but it's dormant. We need more SLOTRO .
    Anor veteran on Landroval: Ardith and Wensleydale
    Learning to raid on Landroval https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...League-Kinship

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Echoweaver View Post
    I'm envious of the SLOTRO kin on Ithil, I gotta admit. I don't know of one on Anor.

    I'm part of the one on Crickhollow, Casual Wanderers, but it's dormant. We need more SLOTRO .
    I don't belong to Ithil's SLOTRO kin (Way of the Tortoise) but they're really active!

    On my part, I enjoy the smaller community, it can get depressing if you're a World Chat person coz most of us don't talk there much. We do have a small raiding community that we're trying to augment, bringing players together cross-kin. So, I'd say we cater to everyone, just like the other servers.. tho I have been noticing that we do have a high percentage of players who are totally kinless... and I don't know if that's by choice or not.



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