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May as well keep tailoring an entire raid to the whims of 1 hardcore kinship--it's not like the raiding community is going to recover from doing so for the last 2 expansions, anyway.
OD had reasonably difficult raids but weren't impossible for people who know what they are doing to complete. Especially if you factor in the one kin to do it streamed their raids daily, you can easily learn mechanics.
Currently, 4 or 5 kins have completed ToO t2c 4/5. That's pretty major, and I was on a clear the other day with a German kin attempting some fights, and the overall skill of the server has increased now that more kins are attempting stuff. A simple balance pass to make sure Erebor is on this level is good, because we all know what happens when people who dont care about raiding gets their gear. They leave, bringing the population even lower.
A healthy raiding community is just as needed as a healthy casual community. With that being said, I think if the devs stay on this path of actually difficult content, then they could nerf it some towards the end to allow everyone to enjoy it. Maybe bring it down to BG t2c level, where its not faceroll for most groups, but still requires time.
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