The Bounders of the Shire kinship hosts Classy Discussion on the first Sunday of each month.

We do this to help folks who are are trying to learn how to play their characters who would like a bit of help to fend off confusion and frustration.

At 7:00 PM on February 2nd, we will be discussing how to adventure as or with minstrels.

Classy Discussions are held at the Bounder Museum of Antiquities in the far (southwest) corner of the very first Shire homestead. It is very easy to find. Just go to the very first Shire homestead (Addernotch) and go to the southwest corner.

Whether you have questions, or you are an experienced player who would like to answer others' questions, we invite you to show up to either acquire or to share your knowledge.

Future discussions scheduled are . . . .

March: Hunter
April: Burglar
May: Warden
June: Rune Keeper
July: Champions
August: Captains
September: Lore Masters
October: Bearfolk

(We already covered Guardians in January).

We go through this list every other year and, between cycles, we discuss such topics as legendary items, crafting, important states, virtues, cosmetics, and other topics of popular interest and concern.