Originally Posted by
Want pay attention, our respected developers, that on Legendary servers already 75 levels, and reduced experience on 40% so and hangs. This causes great inconvenience in pumping the character. Please pay attention to this. As well as almost the entire population of the Server Anor raises the question about the introduction Pvmp on the server. From the management there is no, at least approximate, information on it when can enter Pvmp. Because of this, the server loses popularity and gradually empties. Think about it, what we pay you money for.
1) I have no idea what "pumping" a character means but most people I play with consider the 40% XP penalty fine.
2) I haven't heard anybody ask for PvMP in ages. Maybe because I have blocked the most obnoxious characters in /world chat - not because of PvMP requests but for general lack of civility and mental fortitude. Draw your own conclusions from that. I get the impression that the most PvMP eager players left a while ago (stomping their feet) when it became clear that PvMP was not in the near future of the Legendary servers.
3) Population seems fairly stable at a level very near what it was a month ago.
4) I don't pay for PvMP, I pay for the experience available.
85 Warden - Leader of The Last Alliance - Anor
Challenger of the Rift - Challenger of Helegrod