I"d have to go back to see the actual name. but when doing the Deep Barrows instance, Skargoth's (sp?) chest is now labelled, The (something) KIng's chest.
So far so good with me for the new update, the only issue I've had (apologies if this has been mentioned elsewhere)...
It's reset my progress on Lost Lore of the Great Alliance, I only had about 5 pages left and now it totally started me off again.
~Commander Zaddoc the Undying
The Lost Alliance, Evernight
Having major issues with the new area fog/mist causing massive frame-rate drops, there's no way to turn it off in the Graphics Options that I can see (Precipitation OFF, Post Processing OFF do nothing, fog/mist remains) it just churns down in to a slide-show, many crashes. Every other area of the game gives almost constant 100fps. It's like my RX480 just doesn't like something about the fog/mist, the parts of the map without the fog/mist are fine! Latest drivers did not fix the issues.
I have not ran into any issues outside of the resource trackers not working but here are a few things that are annoying:
Mounted goblins. Why even bring them back?
Langflood mats and currency are a copy/paste of Vales, just worded differently.
Other than that, I think the new area looks good. Not great, just good.
PS - I am happy that they added the LI stuff for Motes of Enchantment.
PSS - there doesn't seem to be anything new with the anniversary event.
Spam Egg Sausage And Spam of Gladden (formerly Silverlode)
Brau Steinmeister dwarf guardian 140 | Theozor Viazald human captain 140 |Bindore Breakwind dwarf hunter 140
Crunchy Frogs of Brandywine
Oxandrium dwarf champion 140 | Bufflekil stout-axe hunter 129 | Randagnofus Ridiculous human loremaster 123
Morgul dailies the purple relics are not stacking until a timer has ended. They should stack no matter if they have a timer or not. And should they really have a timer in solo?
Hogrid, Landroval
The Gift Giver Brands are still showing the individual total instead of the account wide total.
The new update is gorgeous and awesome!!!
1. As a Historian I was a little surprised to be able to track Skarn
2. Metal and wood have new names but for Scholar mats the Ithil description remains
3. Goblin warg riders. Ignoring the "for the love of Eru why?" option their movement rate seems very much higher than previous mounted enemies and the distnace they tarvel is a bit large for comfort, looked like it would run off and go out of aggro! Given that MC is basically a dead mechanic these things will be a nuisance for melee classes and are most likely to cause frustration and annoyance, breaking immersion. Perhpas apply the mechanic used in Moria where the movement speed dropped away as they took damage.
Mithithil Ithryndi
Quick travel at stable masters did not work even after discovering the tracks twice. There is either a hidden quest requirement (which should be stated) or it is buggy.
i have not tested it, but before you had to log in every char for their currency being changed from char-bound to account-bound and thus showing up for the total. Did you do that? (The reason for this seems to be a technical limitation as the conversion happens once a char logs in to lower the load for the database)
The Beornings new movement is terrible. It looks like he broke all of his bones. Is that correct?
The worst thing is that healing has been drastically reduced. All healing classes are reduced, but nerfing bear heals with 40%-50% is away to much.
The highest crit on Minstrels is now around 300k. A Beorninger does not get over 140k. I don't think that's right.![]()
Hello everyone,
I don't do really ever this, replying to threads. But now is the last drop. Even if I wanted to play this game I couldn't. NPCs refusing to show up for both the Epic and the new regional quest arc (Léothred in Avabarg, Reithvald in Erebor), so I cannot pursue either (and don't tell me it's my computer or my internet connection). This is so badly put out, so badly designed I'm not even sure the people who find it appealing have their eyes open. It's just a rehash of whatever tripe we've been fed before, of which the reuse of icons isn't even the worst part. Then what with so many issues reported during the beta and SSG not even acknowledging them, none of these should be surprising (on that note: why not spend a few more weeks polishing things up, in an unstressed atmosphere rather than rush yet another patch in a few days while stressing out your team?). Then again, I shouldn't facepalm every other minute at the blatant inefficiency of the SSG team, with their imbecility crowned in the Moors. Their idea of rebalancing is not even laughable because it is actually harmful to the current raid and instances on higher tiers. Their trying to reduce the lag is laudable, but failed completely. Last but more cherished in my eyes is regarding the lore. SSG has done such a botched job at this that I need to -- not "have to" -- leave. Frumgar, Marhwine as Rohirric names? Really? Then you speak to this Frumgar because you want to learn more about Rohirric history and it says only "I am honoured to meet you." (Not to mention the fact that as the clickable "place of history" didn't appear I had to relog, quite the immersion-breaker). This has to be a belated April Fool's joke, right?
This game hasn't aged well, that's a fact. But what you're doing right now, SSG, is actually straining the lore, and the patience of your players, to such extremities as to be damageable to teh entire community. We came for the lore, for the movies, for the MMO aspect of the game. Whichever it is, you failed miserably to satisfy many of us, even moderately, because your greed knows no bounds, and you wanted to milk the cow to the very last drop.
Good luck to everyone sticking around, and I do hope the game remains for those with lower standards or who choose to turn a blind eye... To those staying: I admire your pugnacity if you do, or pity your stubbornness in equal measure.
Im guessing your main is a RK, and the long overdue nerf done there have made you dislike eveything as a default?
If you ask me, raiding is much better, since it finally allow room for all class, than 8 RK sitting there spamming massive overpowered DPS!
SSG have many faults, you will find no arguments there, but I never have felt they are straining the lore (how much do you know about the rohan history, lore and culture?)
And this is just a small expansion, preparing us for Gundabad and adding more connected terrain, which I think is great.
I happen to be a longstanding and contributing member of the Tolkien Society and the Mythopoeic Society, I participate frequently on several linguistic, philosophical and historical forums related to LotR, on three different languages. It's a fact that I know more than the average person regarding Tolkienology. I have studied its lore, languages and spinoffs for nigh on two decades, and taught some aspects of it at Uni level for ten years. Don't try to downplay people who could easily lecture you about, say, accents in Adûnaic. So the fact that *you* never felt the strain doesn't mean that there isn't any.
Regarding my main, you are right. But that's nothing to do with the nerf (which is real), which I didn't mention in my post. Adapting one's rotation is always beneficial, but I'm guessing you don't do raids at all, for you wouldn't think that the best way to give other classes a chance is to NOT have a certain class. And inasmuch as it's true that some people will still abuse some OP element of their class, some of us actually care about balance, whether it be within the class they play the most, or with other classes.
As I wrote supra, this was the last drop...nothing to do with hating "everything as a default". Please, next time you try to be smart, be smarter.