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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Red line Beornings questions

    Hello I'm looking to start playing a Beorning soon how are Red lien beorning are they often invited to dungeons and raids and how are they in monster play?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Red line imo is fairly poor in any situation including landscape. I personally prefer blue line for landscape due to the fact I feel i have more aoe damage to burn down that entire camp that I just pulled.
    I'd venture to say the three and 6 mans are pretty open to any line as they aren't that tough. However for raids you will most likely want to heal, the bear is also quite capable of tanking as well

    So to go back to your original point. Can you play red? Yes. Is it optimal? No, are there other classes that bring a lot more to the melee dps table? 1000% yes



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