Hey all, I am looking at returning to the game after a small break from Anor. Before I consider re-subbing, I would like to inquire about a few items.
Let me provide some context, before I ask these questions. I played the game at launch, but left before the first expansion. I was playing with some RL friends, who moved on. At which point I deployed out of country and never really came back to the game upon returning. I decided to pick up playing on the Legendary server and played on Anor until level 50. I took a break and returned after Mines of Moria. I acquired my LI's and decided to go play another game's progression type server. I currently have a couple level 50-ish's and at this point is where I am looking to return, but focus on one class.
1. How is the current population for grouping and questing at the level 50 onto current level cap range?
2. What is the current level cap?
3. What expansion are we on now and what expansions did I miss? (Including Mines of Moria)
4. What and when is the projected next expansion?
5. Is there a guild that is healthy in both numbers and providing guidance and sometimes assistance to returning players (specifically regarding previous content)?
I am just looking to see if I should invest money and time on something I will enjoy or if catching up will be non-enjoyable. I can make that decision on my own, by knowing the above answers.
1. How is the current population for grouping and questing at the level 50 onto current level cap range? Grouping in general is very low at any level, what I notice on LS is that everything right now is in house
2. What is the current level cap? 85
3. What expansion are we on now and what expansions did I miss? (Including Mines of Moria) currently on riders of Rohan I believe. Right now the content is pretty dry so it's a good time to catch up
4. What and when is the projected next expansion? Maybe next month, I haven't seen any news about it
5. Is there a guild that is healthy in both numbers and providing guidance and sometimes assistance to returning players (specifically regarding previous content)? I am sure there are a few. I am with there and back again and we have multiple weekend "raid" groups and several events throughout the week. We typically have around 2 pages of people on average except weekends where it can go up to 4.
Just to give you some honest feedback. If you are looking for a super active community and populated server that has a focus in raiding currently legendary is not that. There are no real raids at this time and even next expac will only offer bigger battles so most of the elite and progressives aren't around. If you are look for progression and raiding I would buy a 120 valar on arkenstone and grind for a month and go that route
Thank you for the feedback and details. To be clear, I am not looking for raiding. Those days are behind me in all MMO's currently on the market. I am looking more for the fellowship and leveling aspect and completing major questlines. If they lead to a required raid, sure im down. I am not opposed to the casual raid night or two, but I am not looking to go Hardcore raiding.
I see folks with There And Back Again a lot when I log in to Anor, and I'm still wandering around in the 50-60 range level. I'm not one of them, but would say they're probably a good choice for what you're looking for in a guild.
Brandy: Cupcakes of Doom.
Landro: Trueheart Companions.
I think you missed the best time on the server.
@50 Angmar was ok and brings me much fun. I played all quest areas without hurry.
@60 Moria with the many nice instances, but partly too easy.
@65 with Mirkwood (BG) and Ost Dunhoth was not long enough and not bad balanced.
Many Groups struggle even in T1 in OD.
@75 Isengard with the greatest Raid in Tower of Orthanc was great and the Time was a bit increased as many asked for. Here we had the greatest Raid and the greatest Time. Even the Storyline was good to play after the many years again.
@85 Erebor and Rohan. The Raids are in core Single boss Fights without gauntlets and ways.
The Loot table of the former time, with the nice Golden Items, that let you play old instances again, were not again implemented.
We get some bad Fixes with the outcome, that good crafted items become useless and scaled cheap drop loot becomes very good. For Raider, that have the former Isengard Raid items in bag/vault the becomes again very shiny pieces.
Looking for Mates to do some Raids, as some have no ID let you look for a longer time as @60 and @65 Isengard had ID, but BG was an option.
Here we are.
I do not see many online, and many of my friends say, that the go back to the common server (some at the end of 75, as the Erebor Raids are not so interesting), as they know what will come and how long we have to wait for Thron and the Grind, that happen on the common server for while.
I am also not much online atm. Switching my Flat and the Raids are all done.
My View is very Raid centered as i like the game to play with others and together. I know and remember the time we called in german "Durststrecke", with each Update since Orthanc we hoped for a new good raid - with forlorn hope.
We know now, that this will come with Throne again. But in the meanwhile we have to grind and play Epic Battles (once per day for Loot).
And Throne (not scaleable) is farmed atm on the common server for Essence, Relict and Empowerment Scrolls.......
I would say, you are late. I read of the tortoise group from Ithil, that will come to Anor - today. They are at 65, as far as i read - maybe that is an option to get the great stuff done with friends.
Thank you for the feedback and details. To be clear, I am not looking for raiding. Those days are behind me in all MMO's currently on the market. I am looking more for the fellowship and leveling aspect and completing major questlines. If they lead to a required raid, sure im down. I am not opposed to the casual raid night or two, but I am not looking to go Hardcore raiding.
Given your clarification here, I am not sure subbing just to do this would be wise considering the uncertain position of both Anor and Ithil are in at the moment.
SSG has been basicallty mute about what they intend to do with the LS and categorically refuses to address any questions about them in a concrete fashion. They have however, gone out of their way to promote the idea that they are actively working on "niche servers" to provide different experiences like PvP. Without of course outlining specifics or a timeline, they are making it clear that they have other priorities which they will be focusing on and investing resources to produce. Couple that with opening transfers one way from Ithil to Anor, no option to transfer off LS to regular worlds, and things look pretty murky...
While that does not in of itself mean the LS would disappear, it doesn't bode well in general - especially in light of the mess they left us with at the now 85 cap. Itemization was never resolved, armour sets we should have access to are still locked in skirmish camp, others are not properly scaled, gold items are worse than dropped items, crafted Class LIs and Bridles are worse than from overland quests... etc. In a nutshell, there were (and still are) a lot of issues. Most people have settled back into just accepting it since they have now invested so much time and care into their kins and their characters.
Yet imho, if you are simply looking to experience completing major quest-lines and having some fellowship fun with a casual raid here there, then there is little reason to sub on LS just to be leveling. You can do that on a regular server and have access to more people, more features and more content period, without feeling like you have to rush since you say hardcore raiding (chasing end game basically) is not what you are after.
Anyway, hope whatever you decide, hope you enjoy yourself. It's always nice to see people return to the game.
SSG isn't required to detail all its plans for the legendary servers. I think it's time for Helm's Deep to drop, but I'm quite confident that LS gets enough attention, and there's no pressing need for an announcement on any of the above subjects. I'm also not nearly enough of a minmax player to notice anything wrong with the loot.
I spend most of my game time on Anor because my kin is there. I really like the slower XP progression, which allows you to experience different landscape areas in more detail before moving on. To me, the XP progression feels more natural, even when I'm basically trying to level fast.
Otherwise... Anor and Ithil are 2/3 of the way through the content. That puts it in a weird place for new players to join in. Endgame is a long way away, and in most respects it's just another server.