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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Unhappy R.i.p. Captobvious

    Dear Capto,

    I was wondering what happened to you. Dwarrowdelfs hobbits have ran freely without being /follow /tickled /hug /kiss /fishslap'd for a while. I hope you found out if hobbits go to heaven too...We all miss you dearly. I just found out about you this morning and for you to have died on june 9th...I feel awful. Watch over us and may you still have that pink outfit you and I use to run around in. You were widely known and loved throughout our server and it won't be the same without the hope of you ever logging back in. You'll always be in my thoughts.

    R.I.P. Capto...

    Beeyoutifull, Dwarf in Rose.

    To any GM(or to whom it may concern), please hear my plea. I wish to request a little monument in his memory. South Bree was where he leveled his afking. Is there any way possible to have something put there in his memory? Whether it be his toon cowering as a hobbit runs by, or a couple lanterns that always burn as bright as his personality with a pile of gifts, or anything we can do to always have a piece of him with us and remember he was our favorite contradiction of a male elf hunter named captain.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I was very sad to hear about Capto's passing. I have been wondering for a while where he has been and I am so shocked to know that he was gone back in June. I remember him always being pretty nice and silly. He would run Barad Guldur everyday and loved to raid. I imagine he is in Middle Earth heaven right now, long leaving the shores of the Grey Havens. having parties with the hobbits. RIP my friend. You will be missed.
    "Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." -Marilyn Monroe
    LvL 100 Hunter [color=#00FA9A][b]Authiel[/color][/b] - Rank 12 Warg [color=#9370DB][b]Roly[/color][/b]
    [color=#87CEFA]Dwarrowdelf to Arkenstone[/color]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    This is such a shock, I literally cried when I first read this. He was such an amazing guy and I can't believe this has happened. It's a shame we didn't know about this sooner and I hope his family is doing well. This is truly a tragedy and I wish I had known about this sooner.

    PS Bee can you please send me an in-game mail
    [Jonp - Rank 11 Hunter] [Garaluk - Rank 9 Reaver]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    RIP Capto, im gonna miss you. Even though you got on my nerves sometimes you were still an awesome guy. I would love to see some sort of monument in south bree as bee mentioned, id probably re-install just to see it in person. Turbine pls
    Chocla 95 Minstrel (Fail Ezmoder) ~ Kraurshak R7 Warg (GTA 1v1 Ganker) ~ Qqmoarpls 41 Hunter
    "if i wanted i could go and actually become a lawyer " -belv

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    RIP Capto

    he was an awesome guy and a great person. and I agree with Bee's suggestion of a monument;
    a statue of captos character(s) all surrounded by hobbit children playing with him. i think that would be a great monument of a great person.
    Avdic: Guardian - Griminsborith: Champion - Knurlagn: Runekeeper - Vreal: Warden - Thelolnir: Hunter
    Orearry: Burglar - Iollethryth: Captain - Raga: Minstrel - Sharkbewer: Loremaster - Togria: Minstrel

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    1) SS or it didn't happen.

    2) Kb credit go to natural causes, homicide, or general lack of personal care?

    3) It's k... was terrible anyway.

    4) Lolrekt
    Last edited by Thaelon; Dec 03 2014 at 02:24 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Capto was certain we didn't all love him. He joked about it a lot. But I think he was wrong, it was impossible to not love something about Capto. I am tired of losing dear friends, even though I "only" knew them via the Internet. We can never take anyone for granted and we should show our appreciation of them while we can.

    Capto, I wish I had shown you how special you were and how much you meant to me! But it doesn't matter, because if you're still out there somewhere, you must see the tears in my eyes are blinding.

    @Turbine: I join those requesting a memorial for Capto that will serve to preserve remembrance of him. No, it is not necessary. I'm sure no one who knew him will ever forget him. However, it would be nice to have something to remind us of this good friend and kind-hearted person whenever we walked by. He was as old in Lotro as the game itself and I don't know of anyone who was so well-known and well-loved on Dwarrowdelf as he was. So yeah, if anyone, he deserves a memorial.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Can we get a source on that?

    Regardless, if it's really true, then it's really sad. I knew capto since 75 cap and the guy was funny as hell, even if sometimes he was playing like he didn't care or just being a #######, I never really got mad at him, funny though I used to rage a lot in raids but never raged about capto.
    Still remember when he got his first FA out of lightning t2 at 75, making most of the server mad. Hell, he was actually one of the best at running from the shocks.

    But it's really sad to hear he passed away. RIP capto, you were a really cool dude which I respected and vice versa, and I'll miss you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by KrauserJoestar View Post
    Hell, he was actually one of the best at running from the shocks.
    cuz drunk

    i remember first pugs wwith him...
    7-8hours maratons in lightt1 ftw.

    capto even i didnt know u in rl, its sad to hear that.
    Overlord Jasiak Pokurw, Farmer of Froobz
    r7 BA
    r6 Champ

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Still hoping for a memorial . Please let this happen Turbine.
    Glorgnorbor, A Rock And A Hard Place, Stop by our Friday music shows! 4PM EST at the Bree West Gate on Dwarrowdelf!
    If a Malledhrim Soldier dies alone in the forest because of canceled quest, will it make a sound? ~Leixy
    Took me a few years, but I renewed my signature :)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by robbie1435
    Still hoping for a memorial . Please let this happen Turbine.
    I second this. I miss Capto a lot more than it is "reasonable" to miss someone you only knew on screen. I wan't closer to him than most people in Lotro. He was very open-minded and he liked everyone. He was one of us and he really stood out in a way.

    I know about Gler and Octavaine as well. I didn't know them personally, but I feel the same sadness. Tbh, it doesn't feel right to have a memorial for Capto and not for the others. But I still want something to happen.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Ian Holm's tragic passing reminded me of Capto, today. We miss you, my friend. I think of all the fun times we had and the light and humour you brought into the game and the kin. I remember the L95 days when the first FAs came out and we farmed them hardcore in Moria skraids. You were winning all of them! People ended up with 1-2 symbols while you had 14 in your bags. The funny thing is I'm pretty sure you never used them, you never sold them, you just kept them to remind you of that evening. That's who Capto was. 100% in it for the company and the fun.
    “ädvëntürës ärë nöt äll pönÿ-rïdës ïn mäÿ-sünshïnë.”



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