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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Mukor View Post
    Then would be the best solution to make the both melee taunts to aoes crys or at least one.
    But even without the change at the current content with the spawn points and times it would work to pull them with the range taunt, or you can go to the spawn Position.
    Groupspawns we got in glimmerdeep both bosses and anvil id1.
    And in the anvil the range pull if you don't tank at the spawnposition can do your offtank.
    All other fights the dpser just have to wait until All are melee. Pulling with your initial threat with a heal of yours range need some love of the lms raven until they're melee.
    But just adding aoe cry(s) would make beos to op.
    Other solution would be add them an aoe cry and redivmce challenge CD to 30s again.
    Just because Beornings have weaker ranged agro that Guards/Cappies/etc., doesn't mean that we need a buff. I would say that this is good design actually since Beornings have an abundance of taunts to use when things finally get into melee range at different times, but have trouble grabbing them from far away. It promotes a different playstyle, which is healthy. We don't need every class to become a carbon copy of others.

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ColMcStacky View Post
    Just because Beornings have weaker ranged agro that Guards/Cappies/etc., doesn't mean that we need a buff. I would say that this is good design actually since Beornings have an abundance of taunts to use when things finally get into melee range at different times, but have trouble grabbing them from far away. It promotes a different playstyle, which is healthy. We don't need every class to become a carbon copy of others.
    Primary I think blue beos don't need a rework too.
    I just tried to find a miidle way between let him as He is and the just adding aoe aggro cries to the current 3 aoe taunt skills which would make him op.
    Beos are in a really good position now. Best heals and for tanking on one step with guards. In some situations in front in others behind.

  3. #28
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Seems you ALL dont know the diference between picking and holding agro.
    Bear has no problem holding agro/ not matter st or aoe (once you pick it)
    The problem come with no aoe/ ranged/ skills (outside one at 45sec cd- which is also taunt) (pls dont even try mention swipe)
    We dont need more taunts, we need one 15 sec aoe skill similar to chant.
    In aoe fights we are in worse state than cpt tank - speaking about PICKING agro.
    One advice- play guard if you like it and want smooth tanking gameplay.
    Bear is viable, but in some situation you will want to break your keyboard.
    If you play with friends is fine, because instead of runing away when mobs spawn they will run to you and let you swipe pick agro, but i wont sugest bear tanking with randoms.
    Unless you dont mind to strugle and take the blame.

  4. #29
    Beorning nowadays is probably the most reliable class for aggro. By picking In Harm's Way -way up in the blue trait tree- your vigilant roar puts a 14second buff on that causes aggro generation upon any hit in contrast to the malfunctioning reflecting damage shield, which has been replaced. Vigilant Roar should be the first button pressed when entering the fight, followed by thunderous roar or maul in large pulls. Hit it a second time when off cooldown and that's it.

    On top of that ridiculously simple combination, here's
    Beornings' complete aggro arsenal:

    Force Taunts:

    Vigilant Roar
    Thunderous Roar
    Biting Edge

    Aggro generators:

    Claw Swipe

    Come on
    Psorokostaina/Ippokratis/Kervertros/Teucros. Officer & Raid Leader for The Aegean Eagles, Evernight {EU}.
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  5. #30
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Honestly, i agree with my friend above , Beorning don't need more taunts theoretically. But practically when people fail to engage a large mobs pull Beo has a tiny problem , so as long as mobs hit you first you're never losing aggro.
    Just the Reflect thingy and Claw swipe (threat is higher than guardian skills from tests i've done) are enough to keep aggro from mediocre dps and in case you have huge aoe dps it's just easier for you just by using sacrifice and 1 thunderous roar, enough to lock the aggro for ever.
    If you want to ask something for Beo better ask for another defensive CD because 1 thickened hide is not enough to place you into main tank roles.
    ~~Thanasis - Captain (Evernight)~~

  6. #31
    Join Date
    May 2017
    I definitely agree with the other posters replies about keeping agro and the multiple options of forced taunts, threat leeching, and threat copying. As a Blue Beorning I had the opposite threat problem in the Moria instance Filikul, where it was very hard to dump threat after I got it from the boss. This is crucial for the instance as you need two tanks to play ping-pong with threat in order to work off an increasing damage DoT.

    When I used all but the two Roars to hold threat, it wasn't a problem, even in a 12 man raid with some significant DPS going on. The problem started after using Thunderous Roar and Vigilant Roar. The reflect effect leeched so much threat that the other tank could not pull the boss off me even when I stopped attacking. On subsequent visits to the instance I had to not use either Roar for us two tanks to play a proper game of agro ping-pong. I don't recall if it was a Warden or a Guard who was acting as the other tank.

    So the lesson learned was don't try to play a Bear tank like a Guard or Warden tank. Try to rely less on forced taunts and more on threat copying/leeching like the Champions do when they Chank.


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