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Thread: Advanced class

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Advanced class

    According to this article


    Beornings are an advanced class..

    Other advanced classes are Burglar, loremaster and Warden,
    While Captain, minstrell and rune keeper are moderate difficulty..

    Now i started playing a Beorning, but seems quite straightforward to me
    So what makes the Beorning an davanced class?

  2. #2
    Erionor's Avatar
    Erionor is offline Captain of Gondor, showed quality
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    I think it has something to do with the various combination of roles, as well as having unusual mechanics.

    “Simpler” classes have only one role to play:

    Champion/hunter = DPS (technically champion can tank but nobody ever does)
    Guardian = always the tank

    They also don’t have any complicated mechanics. Wardens have the gambit system, for example, and burglars have to rely on stealth, strategy and random chance.

    Others can be adapted to a number of play styles, like the captain who can tank, heal or buff a group. Similarly, a bear can tank, DPS or heal. He also has the rage system which is different from everyone else as he doesn’t use power, plus you have the shape-changing aspect which adds another dimension to your play.

    A cynic would also say that being a premium class, a tag of “advanced” might make it a more attractive purchase...

    I’m an alien, an illegal alien: I’m a Gondorian Captain in Rohan...

  3. #3
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    But so far the actuall gameplay of all 3 builds feels rather straightforward to me..
    Sure the builds are different.. but its allways build and burn..

  4. #4
    Erionor's Avatar
    Erionor is offline Captain of Gondor, showed quality
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    Hence my last comment...

    I’m an alien, an illegal alien: I’m a Gondorian Captain in Rohan...

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheArtilleryman View Post
    Hence my last comment...

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord.Bachus View Post
    According to this article


    Beornings are an advanced class..

    Other advanced classes are Burglar, loremaster and Warden,
    While Captain, minstrell and rune keeper are moderate difficulty..

    Now i started playing a Beorning, but seems quite straightforward to me
    So what makes the Beorning an davanced class?
    to my perspective is the beorn a pure easymode class.

    I can give you some insight to the cappy on a quick sidenote tho, the class is highly advanced, prob warden difficulty, but the basics are managing buffs which should be manageable for most captains who did not valar the sht out of it and at least played it a couple 100 hours already. Because most valar captains mostly don't have a single clue what they're doing and press 4 buff buttons.

  7. #7
    Erionor's Avatar
    Erionor is offline Captain of Gondor, showed quality
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaheer View Post
    to my perspective is the beorn a pure easymode class.

    I can give you some insight to the cappy on a quick sidenote tho, the class is highly advanced, prob warden difficulty, but the basics are managing buffs which should be manageable for most captains who did not valar the sht out of it and at least played it a couple 100 hours already. Because most valar captains mostly don't have a single clue what they're doing and press 4 buff buttons.
    Hehe - proud to be a built-from-the-ground-up-without-Valar-help captain with about 1400 hours. Doesn’t necessarily mean I always know what I’m doing, but I think I’m doing OK...

    I’m an alien, an illegal alien: I’m a Gondorian Captain in Rohan...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaheer View Post
    to my perspective is the beorn a pure easymode class.

    I can give you some insight to the cappy on a quick sidenote tho, the class is highly advanced, prob warden difficulty, but the basics are managing buffs which should be manageable for most captains who did not valar the sht out of it and at least played it a couple 100 hours already. Because most valar captains mostly don't have a single clue what they're doing and press 4 buff buttons.
    Thats actually the kind of advice i was looking at..
    Thank you, for posting this..

    This turned my mainlist of choice.. to a table of two..
    Captain or minstrell..

    All i need to figure out which is more fun soloing..
    And if i can live with being a support calss in groups instead of a main healer..

  9. #9
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    Jun 2011
    Can I ask what level your Beorning is Lord.Bachus? If it's still quite low then you maybe miss out on a lot of the toolkit available to the Blue and Yellow lines. The rework of the class left Red in a state that makes for a really boring experience but I think there is still quite a lot of potential for Blue and Yellow Beornings to differentiate themselves with their play. I was a huge fan of the Warden before the trait tree changes and to me the Blue Beorning recaptures some of that feeling in solo play in particular. YMMV however.

  10. #10
    Erionor's Avatar
    Erionor is offline Captain of Gondor, showed quality
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord.Bachus View Post
    Thats actually the kind of advice i was looking at..
    Thank you, for posting this..

    This turned my mainlist of choice.. to a table of two..
    Captain or minstrell..

    All i need to figure out which is more fun soloing..
    And if i can live with being a support calss in groups instead of a main healer..
    Nice. You’ll find a lot of love for the captain in this thread from Zaheer and I!

    Here is a run-down for each as I take it:


    Challenging class to play, as your damage, while respectable, is not as strong as most other classes. You have to pay attention to your skill rotations and keep your buffs up, as well as thinking about your heals. You can’t just spam one or two skills.

    Solo: fairly slow compared to other classes, but much faster than it used to be since the recent DOS update.

    Group: highly sought after. In red line you don’t do a lot of damage yourself but massively boost everyone else. In yellow line you can play the role of main tank as the yellow builds are really strong - your morale can go through the roof as a captain and you are very tough in this role. In blue, you’ll never be a raid healer, but for most 3-man instances and many six-man instances you can do a main healer’s job. So yes, you are often a support class, but there are plenty of situations where you will be really active and pivotal to the action. I stuck to captain as my main because I don’t know how many classes I’ll get to cap, so I wanted to have as many options as possible for joining content, and the captain provides this versatility.


    Also complex and challenging, as you have three different stances which give different benefits in each trait line. You need to learn your rotations, and which skills to use to provide which buffs at what time.

    Solo: Much faster killing things in landscape than captain, especially as most attacks are ranged. Lower levels especially you will chew through mobs, while the captain takes it much slower. Downside is you are vey squishy so need to keep moving and avoid taking much damage.

    Group: very much in demand as a main healer, but blue line healer is pretty much all any group will want you to be. Therefore, you are not as versatile in a group situation as the captain, but the trade-off is that you are a very good healer who can take the main spot in any content.

    I’m an alien, an illegal alien: I’m a Gondorian Captain in Rohan...

  11. #11
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    I guess the discription of ther difficulty is for the gruopendcontent. In Landscape no class has ever a problem.
    The only class which is harder to master is the warden with its gambits. All other are straigthforward. In landscape just press some buttoms, kill and go further.
    #For the groupcontent it depends how important you are for the group, while a dps can be draged alonfg or even spared. Fails of the other roles can lead easely to a wipe for this the classes are advanced or moderate.

  12. #12
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    May 2011
    There is no advanced classes/ not the way you look at it.
    Its a simple rotation, right skills in the right moment. Thats all. Cpt is not harder than LM, neither LM is harder than burg.
    The only "advanced" class imo is warden / to the point you memorize gambits. Then it become even more simplier than others to play.
    Stil skil input and game lag/ + the fact wrd tank is miles behind others, make him "advanced" class to play. And every mistake you do on warden /no matter the role/ feels more punishable than other classes.

    Also for yellow beor you need to think like 4 moves ahead.
    Guess after last updates is simplier than before. Wont #### mysef to heal on my bear outside pvmp atleast.
    Pick and play what you like

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2017
    One way to think of it is Beorning and Lore-Master, as advanced classes, have an "Easy Mode" that Wardens and Burgs can't pull off as easily. With LM you can simply run pet DPS in Blue, ranged DPS in Red, or heal/battery/debuff in Yellow. Beornings can simply tank in Blue, ST DPS in Red, and heal in Yellow. But if you run Beorning or LM in Easy Mode, you're missing out on the nuance that makes Beorning an advanced class and LM in the same league as advanced as Warden.

    For example, a fully traited but pure Yellow Beorning can force taunt, knock down, fear, increase miss chance, debuff damage, debuff physical mitigation, and fellowship speed buff, on top of a strong set of healing skills. When Mark of Beorn/Grimbeorn are used correctly the bees are AoE damage, damage debuff is doubled, fear has an AoE effect, another raid member can share your damage bubble and leech extra healing from your healing skills. There are similar nuances in the Beorning Blue and Red trees.

    With Yellow LM and Yellow Beorning, outside of Easy Mode there really is no hard and fast rotation. You should be acutely aware of what the mobs are doing, what the players are doing, what each is going to do in the future, and then act accordingly not only in the now but in the "and then".



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