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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Bee Swarm AoE disappear?

    I have an L130 yellow/red Beorning, and noticed that the AoE from Bee Swarm no longer works. Yellow is my primary and Greater Swarm is enabled. I tested it with and without Mark of Grimborn, and on multiple MOB levels. I'm not sure when it stopped working. It does still work for mounted combat, but the mounted combat version now has a fear component that I don't think was there a couple of months ago, but I could be wrong on that. I don't do a lot of mounted combat; I just wanted to test the mounted version of Bee Swarm to see if it still had the AoE component.

    Has anyone else noticed the AoE being missing? I was going to /bug it, but thought I'd check here first in case someone has some insight.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    It's been working fine for me. I often will tag a signature with my mark and bees and then kite them into a bunch of regular mobs. It's a lot of fun if the group is dead/near by the time I actually bother to do a non-bee based attack.

    Out of curiosity, do you have bee traits from 2 lines traited at the same time (ie Crippling Stings & Debilitating Bees)? I ask because I recall that being problematic ages ago (and actually start a thread a few days ago to see if that problem had been fixed or not https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...ultiple-traits ) but never got a response.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Tieros View Post
    I have an L130 yellow/red Beorning, and noticed that the AoE from Bee Swarm no longer works. Yellow is my primary and Greater Swarm is enabled. I tested it with and without Mark of Grimborn, and on multiple MOB levels. I'm not sure when it stopped working. It does still work for mounted combat, but the mounted combat version now has a fear component that I don't think was there a couple of months ago, but I could be wrong on that. I don't do a lot of mounted combat; I just wanted to test the mounted version of Bee Swarm to see if it still had the AoE component.

    Has anyone else noticed the AoE being missing? I was going to /bug it, but thought I'd check here first in case someone has some insight.

    It has nothing to do with the Mark of Grimbeorn (the healing mark) but the Mark of Beorn (the offensive mark)

    Put the Mark of Beorn on the enemy and then use Bee Swarm, should still be AoE

    Also if you plan to use your beorn in instances I suggest switching from yellow/red to yellow/blue with just 5 point in red for 5% crit chance
    Blue offers another damage support tool in armour crush that you should have as a yellow bear healer

  4. Nov 17 2019, 05:26 AM

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Thanks for both of your responses!

    I mentioned the wrong Mark in my original post. I am using the Mark of Beorn on the primary target, and then using Bee Swarm.
    I did have both Bee Swarm traits trained, so I re-speced to remove the one from the red line, but it didn't make any difference.

    I tested a bunch of times tonight by putting Mark of Beorn then Bee Swarm on a signature in a group of 2 or 3 mobs, and then selecting one of the non-sig mobs and kiting while watching their morale. Their morale doesn't drop, and I don't see the Bee Swarm icon on them.

    Unfortunately, I don't remember when it stopped working for me, so I'm not sure what else I can test. I'm glad it's working for other people. That gives me hope that's it's something fixable on my char :-)

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    After some testing I did, it seems that the bee swarm aoe works, BUT the icon is only shown on the mob with the mark of beorn and NOT to nearby mobs that are affected. The aoe damage works though. I don't exactly know what this bug is, my effect options are the same as before when you could see the icon of bee swarm in nearby mobs too. So, the aoe damage is there, it is shown in combat log too, you cannot see the bee swarm icon in nearby mobs though. Ofc I have no idea if the - physical mitigation debuff is affecting the neearby mobs though. Since there is no icon and since you cannot see that though combat log, no one can be sure if the - physical mit debuff is affecting the nearby mobs.

    It seems that this is one of some bugs that beorning got after MM expansion. Another thing I have noticed (and I have made a separate thread for that) is that beorning does not get finesse from any raw stat, either fate (as it should) or will (the will classes get finesse from will instead of fate). I have bugged it in game, SSG sent me a mail that they are looking into it. I don't know if it is a bug or wai, it seems like a bug to me.

    If anyone has seen another bug in beornings after MM, can add his/her experience too. Unfortunately, it seems more things than we know are rushed in this expansion.
    Last edited by Zahu; Nov 17 2019 at 07:17 AM.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Out of curiosity, what's your combat log showing? You can see here that a tick of my bees critically hit both the orc sentry and orc guard.

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    If you ask me and not the op, my combat log shows exactly the sameas you. As I said, the bees aoe damage is working and the combat log shows that too. It is the icon of the bee damage and the debuff that is not shown on nearby enemies' vitals.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    I'm seeing AoE damage now, testing on the combat dummies in Galtrev. I'm wondering if relogging after re-traiting to get rid of Debilitating Stings from the red line made the difference. I'm going to swap between the two trait profiles (with and without Debilitating Sting) to see if I can reproduce the problem.

    Thanks for the suggestions everyone!

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I decided to go ahead and test a few things myself:
    I tried yellow line with Debilitating Bees & Sluggish Stings. With mark, AoE bees worked. Only main mob showed debuffs and it was missing the 15% Debilitating Bees debuff (so cross traiting this way appears to override and prevent the yellow debuff from applying).

    I tried yellow line with Debilitating Bees & Crippling Stings. With mark AoE was working and all the debuffs appeared on the main mob.

    In both cases, I never saw any debuffs on the mobs hit by the AoE. Not sure if that's working as intended or if the AoE debuffs is broken (either visually or or the actual debuffs aren't applying, I'd need to test that more away from dummies - or ideally a dev could test it since they've got way better tools for these kinds of things). Also not sure what all caused your AoE to not work bug, but maybe you'll have better luck recreating it.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    May 2017
    One of the gotchas I found with Greater Swarm (Yellow, AoE bees) is the radius of effect is not terribly great. So I wait until the tank has rounded up the mobs, or wait until approaching mobs start converging into a herd before casting it. Rather than relying on status indicators for success, I look at the visuals of individual clouds of bees around each affected mob. Secondarily I can tell when a mob has a chunk taken out of him before switching targets.



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