High Elf/Stout-axe unique story elements while leveling?
I've got a 105 Aria of the Valar burning a hole in my shared storage from way back in the Mordor pre-order and I was considering using it to boost either my High Elf Minstrel or Stout-Axe Runekeeper, crafting alts that have been treading water in the 35-45 zone for quite a while now. They will probably continue to be a crafting alt (albeit with better abilities to gather mats themselves) with the added bonus of a real chance at being level capped to run dailies and such.
The real question I have is for anyone who leveled a High Elf or Stout-Axe the old-fashioned way, were there any special quests unique to those races along the way that I would be missing out on?
When I leveled my Beorning I was really surprised and delighted about the run-ins with Langhar, Sterkist, and Grimbeorn along the way to cap and I would hate to miss out on similar story moments for my HE/SA characters if there are any. But it seems like most of those encounters were stand-ins for class quests as opposed to racial ones and I haven't seen anything in the lotro wiki to suggest Hatharlin or the SA's we escaped(?) with reappear prior to Mordor.
As far as the high elf is concerned, you won't really see any unique elements or dialog until you hit Mordor. There's a couple of times there that you will when running into elves that you met in the Last Alliance starter area. It would have been a great idea, and very cool, to add things like this, but I don't think they were quite that invested. Especially considering that the Captain quests for high elves remain totally unchanged, and just give titles and dialog that assume you are a man. Really takes you out of the moment. Even when you arrive later in Imladris, Elrond and Glorfindel will already have forgotten who you are.
Can't speak for the Stout-Axe since mine is still a low level, but I assume it will be similar in that you won't start to get any unique dialog until the content they were released in and later, and even then it will be sparse.
As far as the high elf is concerned, you won't really see any unique elements or dialog until you hit Mordor. There's a couple of times there that you will when running into elves that you met in the Last Alliance starter area. It would have been a great idea, and very cool, to add things like this, but I don't think they were quite that invested. Especially considering that the Captain quests for high elves remain totally unchanged, and just give titles and dialog that assume you are a man. Really takes you out of the moment. Even when you arrive later in Imladris, Elrond and Glorfindel will already have forgotten who you are.
Sounds like I can earmark the High Elf as someone whose story actually benefits from skipping chapters. I was hoping for something special related to Eregion, Lothlorien, and Dol Amroth but seems it's not to be at present. Sad but not unexpected. Thanks for sharing!
I feel 90% sure Stout-Axes are the same boat, would love confirmation from someone that's done it!