another hidden nerf i guess.....they took the red line sacrifice from row 2 to row 4 in the trait line for....reasons?
another hidden nerf i guess.....they took the red line sacrifice from row 2 to row 4 in the trait line for....reasons?
Ew, yeah, I kinda liked red sacrifice while healing. Not a particularly expensive get since you're 5 in anyway for crit. Oh well, more points to pick up goodies in blue. Unless they rejiggered that line too.
Argendauss, Captain
Rechart, Warden
Hrodgart, Beorning
Gunnart, Guardian
Hahaha speaking of nerfs, how long to you think they are going to let today's changes to the Bee Swarm stay up? The DOTs on that skill right now are pretty respectable. Considering you can have it up in a fight indefinitely due to the skill time matching the cooldown...I can''t imagine they will let us keep it.
It was an intentional change to buff blue/red bears (compensation for the hearten/composure nerf, presumably). Even with the increased damage a Red bear is hardly capably of 60% the damage of a real DPS class. Blue bears getting some bonus damage is nice, but not like we'll have a problem of tanking bears taking over the game when captains still exist. So I doubt they'll see any reason to nerf it.
I admire your optimism. I seem to recall a nice dps increase back around Mordor...and since then, every other class was increased in dps to put Bear dps right back where it was before. 60k and 70k DOT's along with skill induction, attack duration, crit defense and movement debuffs on the bee swarm skill is too much like a present. It won't last long.
PS: I'm a cynic...albeit a realistic one.
Oof. If what I said was optimistic then that's not good at all. I was just trying to sugarcoat saying "Red bears still suck even with a 10k dps increase on bee damage and blue bears can't get used in content anyway because Captains are so poorly balanced that they overshadow all other tanks in just about every way."
Seems we overreacted, but the patch notes did neglect to mention that Hearten's base healing would be buffed in compensation for the increased cooldown and decreased # of pulses. Plus the LI cap increase helps. The endgame bear healer is still alive and well.
No one ever said (at least not that I have read) that end game healer bear will die cause they will nerf hearten. For sure, there will be some wrath issues, so beornings without Rem 4 healing set may have some problems. What everybody said though, is that the change was unnecessary, unjustified, wrongly based on low level pvp sever whinny feedback. And that is still the case.
Now on the other hand, the same cannot be said by the Flash of Light nerf for Guardians. Which is a shame.
Guys you are a bit wrong - nothing for beo was really buffed, all these dps and heals increase is going only because of huge impact of new x4 LI levels, so it effected all classes and nothing really special for us
Member of:
Syndicate of the Silent Tower, Laurelin (Hunfrid, Steifan, Tunor, Yorgun)
Company of the Tortoise, Laurelin (Hunfri, Eiken)
Those Who Wander, Laurelin (Refkell)
This heal nerf has been pretty bad for me in blue line bear. I just came back from a couple months break. I solo in tank line and right now leveling up at 118, I was hit hard. I notice it a lot. Before I was doing alright. Nothing amazing. I could take on a few people easily. Now, just taking on 1 person its hard to keep my health up. I have level equivalent purple gear but, it doesn't help. I have to use all cooldowns if I pull more than 1 and hit relentless asap. Heaven forbid I take on a signature or better, I am struggling to stay alive and do damage at the same time. I feel A LOT squishier on top of the heal nerf. I still win but, its a challenge. In red, its even worse. I have to throw everything in and the kitchen sink to come out alive.
I picked beorning because I was told it was great for me and it wasn't OP or anything when I played it. It was just right but, now, the champion plays a lot better and is way more survivable in red than the bear in blue line, because I don't get as wrecked and I do way more damage. I just have this feeling of not wanting to play him now. It's that bad to me. Then again, I will never understand the mentality of nerfing things, instead of buffing.
Last edited by Thentix; Jul 08 2020 at 07:40 PM.
It brings dissapointment beyond measure that such a severe nerf is SSG's conclusion.
My 0.02$ is that Beornings should have been banned from Bombadil since planning. Beorning as a class suffers greatly from being front-loaded, a competitive event with a focus on low-to-mid levels would inevitably lead to a Beorning nerf in some form.
If you check my date you will see i have been around since launch. And with that I can say that beorning is by far one the easiest classes to play. You either have some crazy gear on or you have absolutely zero idea of how the class is played. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume the latter, my advice would be to look through the beorning forums, wiki and take a moment to look at your tooltips in game and understand how the skills work and interact with each other. If at that point you are still having that much trouble but I'm sorry to say all hope is lost and you should uninstall
Why, that is exactly what *I* did... and took my sub money and all the cash I spent on points and in the store each month with me as well. Too many decisions made by developers are made without any customer relationship considerations. They may be great developers, but business savvy they are not. They will only learn this when it hits their pockets.
Adios folks, off to give my money to WoW instead![]()