Some issues i like to be fixed or implemented or turned back to make burg wanted for new players
T&G need to be back to 50% evade
FF back to original skill
RW back at least pre last nerf or stackable 2-3 times
Heals from Crit ...make it not joke
SS more damage from stealth behind opponent
More potent bleeds not to look so week compared to other classes
Throw knife skill make it no joke or add root to it
Clever devices no one us it except maybe marbles couse damage is like at for level 20 at 130
I would personaly like to see introducing poisons applying to weapon like hunters oil... somehow it goes with class
FM what to it abandoned original purpose using only for stun or interupt?
no related to burgs but Strenght of Morale...make it scalable please couse 6k heal at level130 ???