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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Smile Some old Folk songs for LOTRO in ABC format

    I have turned these following folk songs into ABC format for use in LOTRO:

    Boneys Lamentation
    Bonnie Dundee
    Chevy Chace
    Flowers of the Heath
    Men of Harlech
    Over the Hills and Far Away
    The Gallant Hussar
    The Mermaid
    The Minstrel Boy

    They are all three part pieces with the exception of The Minstrel Boy which is a two part song.

    Link: https://theramblingroses.uk/media.php

    That's my band's page "The Rambling Roses" - you can also watch a few videos there of songs I have made using Maestro.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Well Done

    Well Done M'Lady, and Happy New Year to you and your group!



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