how would you equip an optimal minstrel weapon and book for combat / solo play?
I use 2 Weapons and 4 Books
One Set for Healing, One for Damage and 2 Buff Books.
But you can Save one Book.
One the Damage Book i have: - Light Type Damage [69,6%] *
- Cry of the Chorus Cooldown [120sec]
- Echoes of Battle Resistance [8700]
- Target Resist Rating (Ballads) [8700]
- Anthem of War Tactical Mastery [8700]
- Anthem of War Physical Mastery [8700]
- Will
What you really need, or want is
- Light Type Damage
- Cry of the Chorus Cooldown - that you have on the Healing Book, i hope
The Resistance are nice, but there are few other options.
In Endgame you have values over 200.000 Finesse, so the nice 8700 are.... nice?
The Anthems you can ignore, as you switch to an uninspired Book for these Buffs.
I have it on it, because if the swap does not work, you have a minor buff :-)
But in Gameplay you renew it with the stronger Buff of the uninspired Book as soon as possible.
I use a inspired Buffbook and an uninspired one.
On the Buffbook is
- Anthem of Composure (Resistance) [8700]
- Anthem of Composure (Tactical Mitigation) [8700]
These would i place - if i build up a new one on the Damagebook, as there are slots open.
These buffs are also only nice, but have at least an effect.
If you build up the new one i would take Today: - Light Type Damage [69,6%] *
- Cry of the Chorus Cooldown [120sec]
- Echoes of Battle Resistance [8700]
- Target Resist Rating (Ballads) [8700]
- Anthem of Composure (Resistance) [8700]
- Anthem of Composure (Tactical Mitigation) [8700]
- Vita
- Minor Ballad Damage
- Call to Fate Crit Multi
- Call of Orome
- Piercing Cry Damage
- Call of the 2nd Age
- Target Resist Rating (Call to War Skills) [8700]
- Perfect Ballad Damage
With that iam very fine.
- Perfect Ballad Damage is no need, use it very seldom, but i think there is no better one.
I am a Fan of Devastings with high Crit Value.
Keep in Mind that Heals not devaste, but Damage Skills do.
I use the Devasting Settings
Gems of Vitality (high Value 1657 with Glimmerings)
Damage Rune on the Sword and Tactical + Crit Runes on the Book
With the Devasting Settings you lose the Option of 18k more Crit of the Glimmering one (around 1%)