Originally Posted by
Basically I don't like the skill, if you agree post here and let's hope the Devs will change it.
The duration is too short, the damage is not much and on top of that u still die.
Changes can be many, for example, let's make it like a Champion sprint, with the duration of 30seconds, a minor HoT (Heal over time) and a Damage increase of +30%, rename it, simply, "Rage" and the death should be removed.
Another change can be: the skill restores 30% Morale, so no Heal over time just a burst Health restoration, no sprint added, a simple CC Immunity for 10/15seconds and +30% Damage and +30% Crit chance for 15 seconds.
Note: This is a high rank Reaver's skill and requires even a trait, to slot it, I'm not saying it should be OP but kinda... :P
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