Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?
MOB or MOBS - Used to describe any animal or race or creature in the game who will attack you. Often used specifically to describe certain types of bad guys who will come at you in multiples.
This was the most helpful. I was reading through the guardian forum and I was interpreting MOBs as groups of enemies thinking that I should be able to handle a few different groups of enemies at once (6-9 individuals).
I thought that I must really be a sad guardian (a little sad maybe, but learning) as this line of thinking did not work out so well for me.
Guenther - 50 Guardian, R5; Guenthir - 50 Captain, R3, Therguen - 34 Lore-Master
Tenderpaw - warg, R4