Both old and new skill animation have their own + and - sides
Both old and new skill animation have their own + and - sides
I'll throw my hat into the ring on this one as well. Really struggling to see the new animation and keep on having to check that they have actually fired rather than trust that they have.
"The internet is a bubble dominated by the loudest, most unrepresentative voices; an infinitesimally small minority of a minority which, deaf to reason and the opinions of others, deludes itself that somehow it is the voice of the majority. An infinite echo chamber of shrieking, witless banality."
"Everyone draws the moral line of what's acceptable just slightly below what they're actually doing."
"Er gwaetha pawb a phopeth. Ry'n ni yma o hyd."
We intend to create a toggle in the future that will let people swap between the new and old skill animation UI, but we currently can't promise an ETA until we get further down the road with it.
Just Turn It Off, Like You Do with Everything Else
BTW, while i have you here, please remember that without the players (you consistently ignore) EVEN THE ONES THAT DO NOT POST, you have no game.
10 Million Reasons Why You're Still Here, dot dot dot
That Is All
Last edited by Fluffy; Mar 19 2021 at 12:17 PM.
If you have to say you're sorry for doing it, you prolly shouldn't have done it in the first place
Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.
I appreciate the answer, thank you.
I'm with the others here, can we please just roll it back until this mysterious ETA happens? It's made playing my LM and Cappy impossible in a group. I have stopped playing them. I don't want to just shelve 2 fantastic characters for raiding because I'm unable to play, and that's what I've had to do. I adore those characters, please don't make this a thing.
Why wasn't the consistent feedback on BR about this issue listened to? Or even responded to? Why was it pushed ahead anyways, and now so detested that you have to make a whole new solution for us?
Head scratcher. Please for future, test random changes on ALL characters, since this heavily handicaps LMs and Cappies and is almost no issue at all on dps classes.
P.S. Edited to tone down my response, as after listening to Cordstream today I feel more assured, and know it is now being handled. Thank you!
Last edited by Oddessia; Mar 19 2021 at 01:53 PM.
I'm going to chime in on this. The flaming border that happens when you fire off a skill is like not at all helpful. It's distracting. I fire off a skill and then wait for the flame to go around it. It makes my game experience so much less fun.
"I never feed trolls and I don't read spam" - Weird Al Yankovic
Home base: Gladden• LI Reward Track Season 5 •
A toggle. I dare say newcomers to the game might more easily get used to the animation but I'd hazard a guess it would put a few off playing, as it has a few of us old timers who are clickers. I hope it defaults to the old rather than new style when implemented. If you wanted to make an improvement just making the old border a tiny bit wider would have suited me. I wonder if it's a Texas hold'em "all in" mentality rather than measured calculated betting approach. Blink in Morse Code if the art department holds you hostage... can't figure out any other reason right now.
Why is it so hard to make a toggle feature? You have all the assests, they've been in the game for years. And if it is a really complex and time consuming thing to do, just turn the new animations off, roll back to the previous build, as many people have suggested here. I'm sure it won't take more then an hour to bring servers down and copy several files.
The game is literally unplayable in the current state. It is a very ugrent matter and must be solved immediately!
Nightmare on LM - pet skills are on auto-fire so it's like having a set of flashing lights at the bottom of the screen.
I agree! Please put this back to the old animation or at least let us toggle it. Thank you!
Lifetime Member!!!
Thanks for listening to feedback on the skill activation animation changes and deciding to put resources toward a toggle.
I compleyely agree with others that if it's not a significant hurdle that reverting the change (to old animations) and then releasing the updated animations with the toggle when it's ready would be much better for many players.
Thank you for checking and replying to this thread. Unfortunately it does me no good for them to say "we are going to fix it at some future date" -- this has been said about many things, including, e.g., the guardian class. This is a MEDICAL issue for a number of people, it needs to be addressed.
Your players don't care particularly whether it gets a toggle, or if it gets rolled back completely (i.e., turned off). But something must be done, or you are going to lose people you would have otherwise kept. And all over something that didn't need to be done in the first place. Not an excellent piece of judgment by whoever decided to roll it out.
I love the new animations.![]()
Arda Shrugged : Elendilmir (RIP) -> Arkenstone -> Anor (RIP) -> Landroval -> Treebeard
Yep. Devs finally gave us an option not to use it, which I quickly added to my saved ui layouts.
As others have stated, this isn't just an "I don't care for this change" issue for some of us. I got physically ill with headache and nausea after playing just a couple hours with this new 'feature'. It took me awhile to realize it's the new skill animations causing it.
And I totally agree that not only is the skill on/off graphic extremely difficult to see, which it never was before!, the swirly "hey, this thing is being activated!" animation is just unnecessary and actually distracting. It was easy enough to tell when a skill was firing before, and it didn't make me so sick I have to stop playing.
But the biggest question of all is: With all the actual bugs, balance issues, and other broken things, why is ANYONE wasting time changing something that isn't broken? Many of us actually put a lot of money into the game not just for play enhancements, but to help ensure that the game continues. It's disheartening to see where some of that money is being spent.
Agreed. Appreciate you responding Cord, but this is not a small thing for some number of us. It's a game stopper. Roll this change back if you can't deliver an option to revert to the old style in the next few days. Re-release it when you have the toggle implemented.
Please put this at top of priority list. This effects the gameplay of every single one of my characters. I don't mind a patch and downtime if it makes my classes and my performance back to how it was.
I urge you to make this a top priority ASAP.