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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Question Champion Runes Legacy

    Currently leveling my champion (3rd char) after a long break in playing him and seeking some advice regarding the legacies to select for Champion rune so have a couple of questions...

    1. Planning on having a single target and AOE build and wondering would I get away with just leveling a single rune that will cover both builds. I dont plan on attempting anything above T3 on him.

    2. Are champions a viable option for tanking using the Martial line? I have ignored this line completly but wondering if I need to give it a closer look. Would this require a set of tank specific weapons/runes?

    3. For a single target build what are the must have legacies for the rune?

    4. For a AOE build what are the must have legacies for the rune?

    5. For a hybrid rune what would you recommend?

    Appreciate any thoughts/comments.
    Wisdom of the Valor on Evernight:
    Blister: Lvl 11X Champion Blostor: Lvl 130 Hunter Blistress: Lvl 75 Loremaster
    Trandir: Lvl 130 Runekeeper Handlebar: Lvl 75 Burg Blisty: Lvl 65 Minstrel
    Litter: Lvl 3? Warden Jedweird: Lvl 3? Captain

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    My two cents:

    Tanking - Blue line is quite broken. Has been for a long time. Chanks can tank stuff, but they are the worst tank class in the game.

    Red line / single target legacies:
    - Devastating Strike Damage Multiplier
    - Merciful Strike Damage
    - Fury of Blades Damage from Fervour (affects Merciful Strike)
    - Swift Strike/Swift Blade Power Cost and Swift Strike Damage

    Yellow line / AoE legacies:
    - Blade Line AoE Power Cost and AoE Skill Critical Damage
    - Blade Wall Damage
    - Exchange of Blows Melee Damage
    - Fury of Blades Damage from Fervour
    - Raging Blade Damage
    - Swift Strike/Swift Blade Power Cost and Swift Strike Damage

    When going for a mixed red/yellow rune, I'd choose:
    - Blade Line AoE Power Cost and AoE Skill Critical Damage
    - Blade Wall Damage
    - Devastating Strike Damage Multiplier
    - Exchange of Blows Melee Damage
    - Fury of Blades Damage from Fervour
    - Raging Blade Damage
    - Champion's Horn Stun Duration and Horn of Gondor Physical Mitigation Debuff

    Of course you'd miss a few legacies here (Merciful Strike, Swift Strike).

    Full list of available legacies:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Many thanks for the response Gorikon. I'm going o go with a mixed rune most likely based on what you suggested.
    Wisdom of the Valor on Evernight:
    Blister: Lvl 11X Champion Blostor: Lvl 130 Hunter Blistress: Lvl 75 Loremaster
    Trandir: Lvl 130 Runekeeper Handlebar: Lvl 75 Burg Blisty: Lvl 65 Minstrel
    Litter: Lvl 3? Warden Jedweird: Lvl 3? Captain



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