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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    LOTRO Best Race For Each Class

    This is one point of view on which classes and races go together the most. https://www.gamersdecide.com/article...for-each-class I'd like to see what fellow LOTROers think.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I have to say it another time: it's good to have such lists, but it would be much better, if they are accurate.
    There are some major flaws here. First and perhaps the biggest one:
    At the moment a dwarf is the worst choice as a champion. They suffer from slower skill animations compared to the other races which leads to DPS that is significantly lower than that of a man/elf/highelf champion.
    I heard of a similar issue with burglars, but not sure if it favors men or hobbits.
    Another mistake appears in the choice for wardens. Nowadays wardens are almost exclusively DPS so in order to optimize that you should use a highelf because of the light-damage buff they get.
    You also mention that same buff as a point for highelf runekeeper except that runekeepers have no skills that inflict light damage. It is either fire, frost or lightning the last one being something different from light.
    The fire runekeeper would profit from the fire- damage-bonus the stoutaxe dwarf offer, but at least in the current state of the game this is insignificant because a fire runekeeper is not even a second class DPS so nobody uses them for anything that is at least a little bit demanding.



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